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The Solar System and Planetary Motion.

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Presentation on theme: "The Solar System and Planetary Motion."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Solar System and Planetary Motion

2 Aristotle Earth Centered The Geocentric Model

3 The planets periodically seemed to make a loop against the background stars
Lets watch one more time

4 Are the planets really making this strange looping motion?
What is going on here?

5 This looping motion is called retrograde motion
Mars looping near the “teapot” a few years ago This looping motion is called retrograde motion

6 Ptolemy’s Model

7 Ptolemy’s Model

8 Ptolemy had all the known planets of the day on
Epicycle orbits around the earth. The model lasted almost 1500 Years and was adopted by the catholic church

9 The Copernican model was
much simpler than Ptolemy’s and it placed the sun rather than the earth in the center of the solar system

10 Copernican model Heliocentric Model This is where I belong


12 To an observer on the train going faster it appears as if the other train is going backwards
70mph 100mph See Ya


14 Kepler’s 1st Law of Planet Motion
1. The planets go around the sun in an ellipse with the sun at one focus of the ellipse

15 . Calculating Eccentricity Eccentricity = focal distance major axis
Eccentricity ranges between 0 and 1 . focus 1 focus 2 asteroid focal distance major axis Eccentricity = focal distance major axis Notice the units cancel out

16 E = 0 (circle) E = 0.1 E = 0.4 E = 0.9 E = 0.7 The higher the eccentricity the more elongated the orbit

17 Earth Orbit = 0.017 (very slightly elliptical)
Like the earth’s shape, the human eye probably can not distinguish earth’s orbit from a circle

18 Energy of an asteroid in orbit
downhill Low kinetic energy Low potential energy perihelion aphelion High kinetic energy high potential energy uphill KE + PE = constant

19 Watch the comet change speed as it gets further and closer to the sun
Low Velocity High Velocity

20 As this planet orbits the sun, where will it be going fastest? Slowest?

21 Gravity The force of attraction between
any two objects in the universe The MORE MASS the object has, the stronger its force gravity The CLOSER the objects the stronger the attraction between them

22 Gravity Stronger gravitational attraction
Weaker gravitational attraction

23 Gravity Stronger gravitational attraction
Weaker gravitational attraction

24 Would you weigh the most
North Pole Where on earth here equator Would you weigh the most South pole

25 If the sun has so much mass (& strong gravity), why don’t the planets fall into the sun?

26 Because of Inertia An object at rest will tend to remain at rest An object in motion will maintain its direction and speed unless a an opposing force affects is (like gravity)

27 Newton first explained gravity using the moon’s orbit around earth
Solid arrow = Earth’s gravity Dashed arrow = moon’s inertia

28 Inertia + gravity give all objects in the solar system “orbits”
around the sun

29 Apparent Diameter The size an objects appears to
be depends on how far away it is. Objects far away appear small Objects nearby appear big

30 How large something appears in our
What does this suggest about the sun’s distance? How large something appears in our Sky is called the apparent or angular diameter Yes, the sun is almost exactly 400 times further away than the moon The sun is actually 400 times larger than the moon SUN By shear coincidence the sun and moon both appear to have the same apparent diameter as viewed from Earth MOON

31 What could cause the moon to appear slightly
larger than the sun? When the moon does appear larger than the Sun, a total eclipse can occur

32 As a result of the earth’s slightly
elliptical orbit, the sun will appear slightly larger in January compared with July Which Sun appears slightly larger? Photo taken in January Photo taken in July In what season would the sun look larger?

33 Which photo was taken when Venus was closest to Earth?
crescent quarter phase nearly full phase

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