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Discussion of The Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Networks in Small Family Businesses by Wale-Oshinowo & Lebura Discussant: Cameron M Weber St. John’s University.

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Presentation on theme: "Discussion of The Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Networks in Small Family Businesses by Wale-Oshinowo & Lebura Discussant: Cameron M Weber St. John’s University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discussion of The Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Networks in Small Family Businesses by Wale-Oshinowo & Lebura Discussant: Cameron M Weber St. John’s University New York GBRS, University College Cork, July 27, 2017

2 Discussion of Dynamics of Family Business Entrepreneurial Networks
Summary of goals for paper and results: Research in family business (FBR) is “an emerging field of study,” intersecting with the study of entrepreneurship and small business management. Contribution of paper is to apply research program as under- researched in Africa, specifically Nigeria. Paper addresses “context specific issues relating to the engagement and deployment of strong and weak ties in a deeply relational society” surrounding family businesses in Nigeria.

3 Discussion of Dynamics of Family Business Entrepreneurial Networks
Summary of goals of paper and results (cont.): 2) A second goal of the paper is to explore “how families seek, engage and deploy the network resources most available to them in growing their businesses.” Questions: what is motivation for research? To help family businesses grow? To encourage and facilitate entrepreneurship? Is family business entrepreneurship as a sector more necessary in Nigeria for economic growth than in the “West”, why or why not? If yes, what are comparative institutional factors behind necessity for family businesses in Nigeria?

4 Discussion of Dynamics of Family Business Entrepreneurial Networks
Summary of goals of paper and results (cont.): 3) Relatedly, a major finding: “This study shows that family businesses engage their informal network resources beyond the start-up phase but also during their growth and expansion phases.” Is this finding unique to the literature? In other words have previous researches found that informal networks are only important during the start-up phase? If so, this should be highlighted more in the paper.

5 Discussion of Dynamics of Family Business Entrepreneurial Networks
Summary of goals of paper and results (cont.): 4) Authors state agreement on a definition of “family business” is lacking in the FBR research program. Author’s use Chua etal 1999 definition as, a business governed and/or managed with the intention to shape and pursue the vision of the business held by a ‘dominant coalition’ controlled by members of the same family or a small number of families in a manner that is potentially sustainable across generations of the family or families. Are the authors satisfied with this definition? Did research uncover a better definition? If so, what is it? Is the authors’ intent to add to research program by better defining a family business? Are definition(s) of small business different in context in Nigeria than in the “West”?

6 Discussion of Dynamics of Family Business Entrepreneurial Networks
Summary of goals of paper and results (cont.): 4) Authors find that family businesses gain competitive advantage due to the values of “loyalty, trust, commitment and interdependency”. Don’t all well-managed organizations seek these values? Why are family businesses different in this regard? Authors should make more explicit why these values may be deeper (and/or are more necessary)in family businesses.

7 Discussion of The Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Networks in Small Family Businesses by Wale-Oshinowo & Lebura GBRS, University College Cork, July 27, Thank you.

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