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1 1

2 Focus Question 11.1 Distinguish between weather and climate. 2

3 Focus on the Atmosphere
Weather Occurs over a short period of time Constantly changing Climate Averaged over a long period of time Generalized, composite of weather 3

4 Focus on the Atmosphere
Elements of weather and climate Properties that are measured regularly: Temperature Humidity Cloudiness Precipitation Air pressure Wind speed and direction

5 Focus on the Atmosphere

6 Focus Question 11.1 Distinguish between weather and climate. Weather
Occurs over a short period of time Constantly changing Climate Averaged over a long period of time Composite of weather 6

7 Focus Question 11.2 What is ozone? Why is ozone important to life on Earth? 7

8 Composition of the Atmosphere
Air is a mixture of discrete gases Major components of clean, dry air 78% Nitrogen (N) 21% Oxygen (O2) Argon and other gases 0.036% Carbon dioxide (CO2)

9 Composition of the Atmosphere

10 Composition of the Atmosphere
Variable components of air Water vapor Up to 4% of air’s volume Forms clouds and precipitation Greenhouse gas Aerosols Tiny solid and liquid particles Water vapor can condense on solids Reflect sunlight Color sunrise and sunset

11 Composition of the Atmosphere

12 Composition of the Atmosphere
Variable components of air Ozone Three atoms of oxygen (O3) Distribution not uniform Concentrated between 10 and 50 km above the surface Absorbs harmful UV radiation Human activity is depleting ozone by adding Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

13 Composition of the Atmosphere

14 Focus Question 11.2 What is ozone? Why is ozone important to life on Earth? Three atoms of oxygen (O3) Absorbs harmful UV radiation that negatively impacts life on Earth 14

15 Focus Question 11.3 What is the environmental lapse rate, and how is it determined? 15

16 Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere
Atmospheric pressure is the weight of the air above. Average sea level pressure is 1000 millibars or psi Pressure decreases with altitude Half of atmosphere is below 3.5 mi (5.6 km) 90% of atmosphere is below 10 mi (16 km)

17 Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere

18 Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere
Atmospheric layers based on temperature Troposphere Bottom layer Temperature decreases with altitude Environmental lapse rate Average 6.5˚C per km or 3.5˚F per 1000 feet Thickness varies Average height is about 12 km Outer boundary is the tropopause

19 Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere

20 Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere
The environmental lapse rate is variable Actual environmental lapse rate for any particular time and place Measured with a radiosonde Attached to a balloon and transmits data by radio

21 Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere

22 Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere
Stratosphere 12 to 50 km Temperature increases at top Outer boundary is the stratopause Mesosphere 50 to 80 km Temperature decreases Outer boundary is the mesopause Thermosphere No well-defined upper limit Fraction of atmosphere’s mass Gases moving at high speeds

23 Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere

24 Focus Question 11.3 What is the environmental lapse rate, and how is it determined? The environmental lapse rate is the temperature decrease in the troposphere It is determined by measurement with a radiosonde 24

25 Focus Question 11.4 Briefly explain the primary cause of the seasons.

26 Earth–Sun Relationships
Earth motions Rotates on its axis Revolves around the Sun Seasons Result of: Changing Sun angle Changing length of daylight

27 Earth–Sun Relationships

28 Earth–Sun Relationships
Seasons Caused by Earth’s changing orientation to the Sun Axis is inclined 23.5º Axis is always pointed in the same direction

29 Earth–Sun Relationships
Special days (Northern Hemisphere) Summer solstice: June 21–22 Sun’s vertical rays located at Tropic of Cancer 23.5º N latitude Winter solstice: December 21–22 Sun’s vertical rays located at Tropic of Capricorn 23.5º S latitude Autumnal equinox: September 22–23 Sun’s vertical rays located at equator (0º latitude) Spring equinox: March 21–22

30 Earth–Sun Relationships

31 Focus Question 11.4 Briefly explain the primary cause of the seasons.
Earth’s changing orientation to the Sun Changing Sun angle Changing length of daylight 31

32 Focus Question 11.5 Distinguish between heat and temperature. 32

33 Energy, Heat, and Temperature
Heat is synonymous with thermal energy Temperature refers to the intensity, or degree of "hotness" Heat is always transferred from warmer to cooler objects Mechanisms of heat transfer Conduction Molecular activity Convection Mass movement within a substance Radiation (electromagnetic radiation) Gamma waves, X-rays Ultraviolet,visible, infrared Microwaves and radio waves

34 Energy, Heat, and Temperature

35 Energy, Heat, and Temperature
Laws of Radiation All objects emit radiant energy Hotter objects radiate more total energy per unit area than colder objects Hotter objects radiate more short-wavelength radiation than cooler objects Good absorbers of radiation are good emitters as well

36 Energy, Heat, and Temperature

37 Focus Question 11.5 Distinguish between heat and temperature.
Heat refers to the quantity of energy present Temperature is the degree of “hotness” 37

38 Focus Question 11.6 What factors cause albedo to vary from time to time and from place to place? 38

39 Heating the Atmosphere
Incoming solar radiation Atmosphere is largely transparent to incoming solar radiation Atmospheric effects Reflection Albedo (percent reflected) Scattering Absorption Most visible radiation reaches the surface About 50% absorbed at Earth’s surface

40 Heating the Atmosphere

41 Heating the Atmosphere

42 Heating the Atmosphere

43 Heating the Atmosphere
Radiation from Earth’s surface Earth re-radiates longer wavelengths Terrestrial radiation Terrestrial radiation is absorbed by Carbon dioxide and water vapor Lower atmosphere is heated from Earth’s surface Heating of the atmosphere is termed the greenhouse effect

44 Heating the Atmosphere

45 Focus Question 11.6 What factors cause albedo to vary from time to time and from place to place? Amount of cloud cover and particulate matter Angle of the Sun’s rays Nature of Earth’s surface 45

46 Focus Question 11.7 Why has the CO2 level of the atmosphere been increasing for the past 200 years? 46

47 Human Impact on Global Climate
CO2 levels are rising Industrialization of the past 200 years Burning fossil fuels coal, natural gas, and petroleum Deforestation Present CO2 level is 30% higher than its highest level over the past 650,000 years

48 Human Impact on Global Climate

49 Human Impact on Global Climate

50 Human Impact on Global Climate

51 Focus Question 11.7 Why has the CO2 level of the atmosphere been increasing for the past 200 years? Industrialization Burning fossil fuels coal, natural gas, and petroleum Deforestation 51

52 Human Impact? How might the current climate change situation be different if humans had developed the steam engine instead of the gasoline engine? 52

53 For the Record: Air Temperature Data
Temperature measurement Daily maximum and minimum Other measurements Daily mean temperature Daily range Monthly mean Annual mean Annual temperature range

54 For the Record: Air Temperature Data
Isotherms used to examine distribution of air temperatures over large areas Line that connects points of the same temperature iso = equal, therm = temperature

55 For the Record: Air Temperature Data

56 Focus Question 11.9 How can cloud cover influence the maximum temperature on an overcast day? 56

57 Why Temperatures Vary: The Controls of Temperature
Receipt of solar radiation Other important controls Differential heating of land and water Land heats more rapidly than water Land gets hotter than water Land cools faster than water Land gets cooler than water

58 Why Temperatures Vary: The Controls of Temperature

59 Why Temperatures Vary: The Controls of Temperature
Other important controls Altitude Geographic position Cloud cover Albedo

60 Why Temperatures Vary: The Controls of Temperature

61 Focus Question 11.9 How can cloud cover influence the maximum temperature on an overcast day? Clouds reflect a significant portion of sunlight Reducing amount of incoming solar radiation Daytime temperatures will be lower 61

62 World Distribution of Temperature
Temperature maps Temperatures are adjusted to sea level January and July used for analysis Represent temperature extremes

63 World Distribution of Temperature
Global temperature patterns Temperature decreases poleward from tropics Isotherms exhibit latitudinal shift with seasons Warmest and coldest over land

64 World Distribution of Temperature

65 World Distribution of Temperature
Global temperature patterns Southern Hemisphere Isotherms are straighter Isotherms are more stable Isotherms show ocean currents Annual temperature range Small near equator Increases with an increase in latitude Greatest over continental locations

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