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Competitive Allied Health Programs

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1 Competitive Allied Health Programs
application Process for fall 2017 admission Updated

2 Application process overview
View this Program Guide – General Information Submit General Application for Admission to A-B Tech Complete New Student Orientation and SmarterMeasure Assessment Submit College Transcripts, if applicable Specific Program Documents, if applicable Demonstrate College Readiness (English/Math) Complete FOCUS 2 – Career Assessments Complete Selection Form with Advisor Take ATI Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS ®) Receive Notification Letters

3 1a. General Information Associate degree Nursing (A.D.N.)
Dental Hygiene Dental Assisting Medical Laboratory Technology Medical Sonography Occupational Therapy Assistant Radiography Veterinary Medical Technology Thank you for joining us to learn more about the admission process for Competitive Allied Health programs for fall semester This brief presentation will help you prepare for admission to one of the programs listed to the right. Be sure to complete the brief assessment at the end before meeting with your advisor.

4 1b. General Information Application Period For Fall 2017 Admission
February 1 – March 3, 2017 All requirements must be met by the 5 p.m. deadline on March 3, 2017, in order to qualify to take the ATI TEAS®. Applicants must meet with a Student Services advisor to apply.

5 1c. General Information All of the following must be completed by 5 p.m. on March 3, 2017 General Application for Admission New Student Orientation and Smarter Measure Assessment FOCUS 2 Documentation of Program Specific Requirements Documentation of College Readiness in English and Math Completion of Selection Form with Advisor The following must be completed by 5 p.m. on March 10, 2017 Take or submit official scores for the ATI TEAS ®

6 1d. General Information Citizenship Status and Admission to Competitive Programs Admission to competitive programs is open only to individuals with legal status or lawful presence. Some clinical sites may have additional immigration/citizenship requirements. Successful completion of clinical rotations is required for program completion. Non-citizens are encouraged to contact the appropriate licensing/certifying agency to determine if they are eligible for licensure/certification upon graduation – decisions regarding licensure/certification are solely the responsibility of the licensing/certifying agency. For additional information, please contact

7 1e. General Information Criminal Backgrounds and Drug Use
Criminal background checks and drug screenings are required by off campus clinical sites. These are conducted by an outside vendor at the student’s expense. Successful completion of clinical rotations is required for program completion. Some program licensing or certification bodies may require criminal background checks at the time of application for licensure. Be sure to review the criteria for your program of interest to determine what rules apply and whom to contact. A-B Tech advisors and faculty cannot provide answers to questions in this area as they are not the final deciding organization.

8 2. General Application to A-B Tech
All individuals interested in admission to a competitive program MUST Submit a general application for admission: A-B Tech Application Link Graduation from High School or completion of the High School Equivalency (HSE) or Adult High School is required. Students currently enrolled in High School or a High School Equivalency (HSE) program must finish no later than class start in August 2017. Already a current student? Check this step off your list!

9 3. Complete NsO and Smarter Measure
New Student Orientation (NSO) and Smarter Measure are offered in the classroom and online: New Student Orientation Link Smarter Measure is an assessment of a student’s readiness for online classes and is included as part of the NSO. Some programs require fully online courses – your assessment scores may impact your ability to successfully complete the program Already a current student? Check this step off your list!

10 4. College transcripts Students interested in receiving transfer credit for college level courses taken elsewhere must submit official transcripts Important points to remember College must be regionally accredited Grade earned must be a “C” or higher Course title and credit hours must be similar Transcript must be from college at which the course was taken Taken classes at A-B Tech? You don’t need to request an A-B Tech transcript What is Official? Sent directly from institution to A-B Tech Sealed copy in official college envelope If hand-delivered, do NOT open the envelope Send transcripts to: A-B Tech Community College Records Office 340 Victoria Road Asheville, NC 28801

11 5a. Program Specific Requirements
Some programs have additional requirements that must be met by the March 3rd deadline Associate Degree Nursing Dental Hygiene Medical Laboratory Technology Medical Sonography Occupational Therapy Assistant Veterinary Medical Technology Please review the next five slides for details

12 5b. Program Specific Requirements
Associate Degree Nursing (A.D.N.) Nurse aide I Current NA I certification documented on the North Carolina Nurse Aide Registry AND Documentation (official transcript or completion certificate) of a North Carolina state approved NA I course OR Approved NA I Work Experience. “Effective 12/17/15, students who are not yet listed on the registry are not eligible to challenge the NA I exam. They must first complete the NA I course.” Exceptions Current NC NA II certification Current NC P.N. licensure ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY REQUIREMENT Successful completion of Anatomy and Physiology I and II (BIO 168 and BIO 169 or acceptable substitutes) with a grade of “C” or higher in each course prior to class start in August 2017. MINIMUM SCORE REQUIRED FOR THE ATI TEAS EXAM Students will be required to score a minimum composite/total adjusted ATI TEAS score of 65.

13 5c. Program Specific Requirements
Dental Hygiene CHEMISTRY Documentation (official high school or college transcript) showing completion of a chemistry course with a grade of “C” or higher prior to applying to the program. BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY REQUIREMENT Successful completion of Basic Anatomy and Physiology (BIO 163 or acceptable substitute) with a grade of “C” or higher and successful completion of General, Organic and Biochemistry (CHM 130/130A Lab or acceptable substitute) is required prior to fall 2017 term start.

14 5d. Program Specific Requirements
Occupational Therapy Assistant Successful completion of ACA 115 and MED 120 (or acceptable substitutes), with a grade of “C” or higher in each, is required prior to fall 2017 term start. Students who have completed an associate degree or higher or who have 24 credit hours or more of college-level transfer credit will have satisfied the ACA 115 requirement. Official transcripts required. Academic Success and Medical Terms REQUIREMENT

15 5e. Program Specific Requirements
Radiography ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY REQUIREMENT Successful completion of Basic Anatomy and Physiology (BIO 163 or acceptable substitute) with a grade of “C” or higher is required prior to fall 2017 term start.

16 5f. Program Specific Requirements
Sonography Medical Laboratory Technology OR Veterinary Medical Technology Successful completion of BIO 163, ENG 111, MAT 152 and PHY 125 (or acceptable substitutes), with a grade of “C” or higher in each, is required prior to fall term start. Documentation (official high school or college transcript) showing completion of a chemistry course with a grade of “C” or higher prior to applying to the program.

17 6a. Demonstrate College Readiness
Individuals must document college readiness in both English and math Applicants must qualify for ENG 111 – Expository Writing Applicants must place above the College’s DMA 050 course Requirements may be met in several ways The College’s retesting procedures apply to competitive program applicants College readiness options Transfer credit for college level English and math Placement assessment scores Completion of required developmental courses High school placement eligibility requirements

18 6b. Demonstrate College Readiness
English Readiness (Students must meet one of the following) High school graduation since 2011 with an unweighted GPA of 2.6 or higher plus completion of an approved fourth level math above Algebra II – please speak with an advisor for details Successful completion of ENG 111 or transfer credit equivalent Successful completion of A-B Tech quarter courses (ENG 0102, 102, 150, or 153) Successful completion of DRE 098 or RED 090 plus ENG 090/090A Placement Assessment Scores (5 years old or less) NC DAP Scores: Composite 151+ (available 2/1/15 – score subject to change) Accuplacer Scores: Reading Comprehension (80+) and Sentence Skills (86+) SAT: Writing (500+) OR Critical Reading (500+) OR March 2016 Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (480+) ACT: English (18+) OR Reading (22+) COMPASS/ASSET scores – please speak with an advisor for details

19 6. Demonstrate College Readiness
Math Readiness (Students must meet one of the following) High school graduation since 2011 with an unweighted GPA of 2.6 or higher plus completion of an approved fourth level math above Algebra II – please speak with an advisor for details Successful completion of or transfer credit for MAT 115, 143, 161, 151, 152, or 171 higher Successful completion of A-B Tech quarter courses (MAT 096, 097, 101, 102, 150, or 151) Successful completion of DMA 050 or MAT 070 Placement/Assessment Scores (5 years old or less) NC DAP: Score of “7” on each module (010, 020, 030, 040, and 050) Accuplacer Scores: Arithmetic (55+) and Elementary Algebra (55+) SAT: Math (500+) OR March 2016 Mathematics (530+) OR ACT: Math (22+) COMPASS/ASSET scores – please speak with an advisor for details

20 7. FOCUS 2 – Career assessments
All applicants must complete the FOCUS 2 Career Assessment Available to all applicants who have submitted an online application for general admission and have completed NSO Complete the full assessment prior to meeting with an advisor FOCUS 2 may be accessed at

21 8. Selection Form with Advisor
Students who meet all eligibility requirements will complete a Selection Form with a Student Services Advisor This form is the official application to the competitive program – both sides must be complete for the student to apply Students will receive a “ticket” to take the ATI TEAS ® by the March 10 deadline Students will meet with a staff member in Admissions to finalize the Selection Form Didn’t meet the requirements? Applicants have until March 3rd at 5 PM to document any missing items Students not eligible for admission are encouraged to speak with an advisor about career alternatives

22 9. Test of Essential Academic Skills
Qualified applicants who complete the Selection Form will receive a “ticket” for ATI TEAS®. Students should not schedule the exam until they have received a “ticket.” The exam must be completed by March 10th at the A-B Tech Testing Center on the Victoria Road Campus. It is only offered on specific dates and times – please plan ahead! Students may use their TEAS (Version V) composite score from a previous test session if the score is five years or newer and already on file at the College. Individuals wishing to submit a TEAS score instead of testing during the application period must request authorization at the time of completion of the Verification/Selection Form. If a TEAS® score is already on file at A-B Tech, an applicant may not submit new outside scores during the application period unless approved for distance student testing. Qualified distance students will be permitted to test off site during the application period. Applicants must request approval and indicate the location of the testing site at time of completion of the Verification/Selection Form. 1 Schedule and pay for the ATI TEAS ® 2 Study and prepare for the ATI TEAS ® 3 Take the ATI TEAS ® on the date and time scheduled

23 10. Notification Letter Notification Letter – April
One of three options will be listed: Admitted Alternate List Not Admitted *Applicants will be ranked based on the ATI TEAS® exam composite score only.*

24 FINAL STEPS Now that you have completed your competitive program guide overview Complete the assessment Make an appointment and take the completed assessment to a Student Services advisor Services for true distance students (those who live outside Buncombe/Madison counties or a contiguous county) for assistance. Please use the Subject: Competitive Program Admission

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