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WIOA’s Impact on CTE and Adult Education

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1 WIOA’s Impact on CTE and Adult Education
Jennifer K. Foster Deputy Director for Adult Education and Workforce Dr. Brian Durham Deputy Director for Academic Affairs For The Forum for Excellence Conference September 29, 2016

2 What is WIOA President Obama signed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) into law on July 22, 2014 WIOA was a bipartisan, bicameral effort WIOA revised and reauthorized the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA), thus amending the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, the Wagner-Peyser Act and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 WIOA is authorized until 2020

3 Core Programs WIOA promotes the integration of the core programs into the workforce development system. Core programs consist of: DCEO: Title I: The Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth formula programs; ICCB: Title II: The Adult Education and Literacy program; IDES: Title III: The Wagner-Peyser Act employment services program; and VR: Title IV: The programs under Title I of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act

4 AEL and CTE Summary in WIOA
Perkins Title II of WIOA Separate Legislation One of Four Core Partners Required Partner Reauthorized Under WIOA Currently in process of Reauthorization ICCB Lead State Agency ISBE Lead State Agency; ICCB leads postsecondary Perkins Mandated Seat on State WIB and Local WIB No Mandated Seats 84 Programs, including community colleges 48 community Colleges Basic Skills Education, English as a Second Language, High School Equivalency Preparation College Credit, Technical Education; Training Provider in WIOA

5 AEL and CTE Requirements in WIOA
Perkins Core Partner Required Partner Required to Participate in the One Stops Required to Provide Career Services Required to Pay Infrastructure Costs and Shared Systems Costs Required to Negotiate MOUs

6 AEL and CTE State Implementation of WIOA
Members of the WIOA Interagency Team Participating in Regional, Local, and MOU Review Providing Technical Assistance to the Field (Partners) Providing Policy Input and Advice to the IWIB and the Governor’s Office Working to build an integrated workforce system

7 AEL and CTE Programmatic Efforts
Perkins Implementing Career Pathways Programs of Study as career pathways Implementing Integrated Education and Training Programs High Quality Credentials Workgroup Not required to be on the Eligible Training Provider List Eligible Training Provider List

8 Where are We Now? Feedback is being disseminated for WIOA by September 30th. Regional, Local and MOUs Two types of feedback: Correct now Correct for next fiscal year Career Services Matrix is under discussion Direct linkage versus on-site staff Governor’s Guidelines being revised based upon Final Regulations (esp., career services)

9 Questions? Jennifer Brian Jamil Lavon Whitney

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