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Andrea Fraser DIAC PhD student Supervised by Prof. H ApSimon

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Presentation on theme: "Andrea Fraser DIAC PhD student Supervised by Prof. H ApSimon"— Presentation transcript:

1 Applying CMAQ tools for analysis of chemical processes in air over London
Andrea Fraser DIAC PhD student Supervised by Prof. H ApSimon Prof. R Derwent © Imperial College London

2 UK Research Groups using Models-3/CMAQ
University of Hertfordshire Prof. Ranjeet Sokhi, Dr. Ye Yu University of Manchester Dr. G McFiggans, Dr. Michael Bane Centre for Ecology and Hydrology / University of Edinburgh Researchers in the Power Industry Imperial College © Imperial College London

3 Brief summary of CMAQ including process analysis
Outline Brief summary of CMAQ including process analysis Application of process analysis for London 11th-15th July 2003 ozone episode Including ozone and radical budgets Vertical analyses © Imperial College London

4 CMAQ version 4.5 Chemistry-transport module (CCTM)
Data files require by CCTM Emissions Meteorology Land use Default data files written by CCTM CONC species mixing ratios ACONC averages of defined species AEROVIS aerosol visibility WETDEP wet deposition DRYDEP dry deposition © Imperial College London

5 IPR Integrated Process Rate IRR Integrated Reaction Rate
Process Analysis Additional Process Analysis can be included by activating the PROCAN module IPR Integrated Process Rate IRR Integrated Reaction Rate © Imperial College London

6 CMAQ v4.5 run with two Process Analyses Using Carbon Bond 4 chemistry
London 11th-15th July 2003 CMAQ v4.5 run with two Process Analyses Using Carbon Bond 4 chemistry 3x3 km grid, 48x48 cells, 23 layers Run time using a single processor 1hr for 1 day without IRR up to 2hr for 1 day with full IRR © Imperial College London

7 Model run using files provided by
London 11th-15th July 2003 Model run using files provided by Dr. Ye Yu University of Hertfordshire MCIP v2.3 generated using MM and USGS land use Emissions nested from 9X9 km grid © Imperial College London

8 Ozone measured (AURN) and simulated N. Kensington 11th-15th July 2003
© Imperial College London

9 15th July :00 © Imperial College London

10 15th July :00 © Imperial College London

11 15th July :00 © Imperial College London

12 IPR Integrated Process Rate
Hourly net contributions for individual species or groups Includes: Advection and Diffusion - Vertical and Horizontal Emissions Dry Deposition Chemistry Aerosols Cloud processes and Aqueous chemistry Plume-in grid © Imperial College London

13 Integrated Process Rates
© Imperial College London

14 Integrated Process Rates
© Imperial College London

15 Integrated Process Rates
© Imperial College London

16 IRR Integrated Reaction Rate
IRR file can be a full analysis including all reactions or a partial analysis controlled via the command file There are a number of pre-programmed terms that can be used for species or a defined family of species PROD[species] LOSS[species] NET[species] Or a new term can be defined specifying the reactions to be included PA is controlled by the command file (~/data/procan/pacp.inp) © Imperial College London

17 Integrated Reaction Rates Budget Analysis
Ozone Budgets hv Nitrogen Oxides Budget NO2 NO OH RO HO2 RO2 Free Radical Budget © Imperial College London

18 Recycled RO2T Production
Free Radical Analysis New RO2T Production New OH Production Recycled RO2T Production OH HO2 RO2 Recycled RO2T Loss New OH Loss New RO2T Loss © Imperial College London

19 Production of RO2 Radicals
OH RO2T 15/07/ :00 © Imperial College London

20 Relative flux through radical inter-conversion reactions producing RO2
OH RO2T 15/07/ :00 Reaction Flux ppb/hr © Imperial College London

21 Production - Loss of RO2 Radicals
OH RO2T 15/07/ :00 © Imperial College London

22 Vertical Profiles Heathrow Col 9 N. Kensington Col 14 15/07/2003 14:00
Row 28 Ozone Row 28 Net Ozone © Imperial College London

23 Budgets Vertical Profile
N. Kensington 15/07/ :00 Budgets Vertical Profile Ozone Ozone © Imperial College London

24 Free Radical Budgets: radical inter-conversion Vertical Profile
OH RO2T N. Kensington 15/07/ :00 © Imperial College London

25 Production - Loss of RO2 Radicals
15/07/ :00 OH RO2T Row 28 15/07/ :00 © Imperial College London

26 Production of OH Radicals
RO2T N. Kensington 15/07/ :00 Layer Pn(OH) 1 13 Total flux ppb/hr 0.35 1.09 % O1D + H2O = 2*OH 66.4 73.1 HONO + hv = OH + NO 22.2 0.05 H2O2 + hv = 2*OH 10.9 26.8 © Imperial College London

27 O1D + H2O = 2*OH Row 28 15/07/2003 14:00 H2O2 + hv = 2*OH
RO2T O1D + H2O = 2*OH Row 28 15/07/ :00 H2O2 + hv = 2*OH HONO + hv = OH + NO © Imperial College London

28 Row 28 15/07/2003 14:00 Row 28 H2O2 H2O2 + hv = 2*OH OH RO2T
© Imperial College London

29 Row 28 15/07/2003 14:00 Row 28 HONO HONO + hv = OH + NO OH RO2T
© Imperial College London

30 NOx and VOC sensitivity
Two methods were used to study NOx and VOC sensitivity. Brute force method – reduce the emissions by 30% and monitor the change in ozone Use Indicator species © Imperial College London

31 Use of Indicators Indicators of measurable species can be used to test if the model represents the chemical process correctly. NOx sensitivity O3/NOy O3/NOx VOC sensitivity H2O2/HNO3 Sillman (1995) J. of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres © Imperial College London

32 O3/NOx - NOx sensitivity
15/07/ :00 Scenario 1 Basecase + 15 % VOC or NOx emissions Scenario 2 Basecase - 15 % VOC or NOx emissions © Imperial College London

33 Ozone (scenario1-scenario2)
NOx sensitivity 15/07/ :00 Scenario 1 Basecase + 15 % NOx emissions Scenario 2 Basecase - 15 % NOx emissions Ozone (scenario1-scenario2) © Imperial College London

34 Ozone (scenario1-scenario2)
NOx sensitivity Ozone (scenario1-scenario2) Scenario 1 Basecase + 15 % NOx emissions Scenario 2 Basecase - 15 % NOx emissions © Imperial College London

35 H2O2/HNO3 - VOC sensitivity
15/07/ :00 Scenario 1 Basecase + 15 % VOC or NOx emissions Scenario 2 Basecase - 15 % VOC or NOx emissions © Imperial College London

36 Ozone (scenario1-scenario2)
VOC sensitivity 15/07/ :00 Scenario 1 Basecase + 15 % VOC emissions Scenario 2 Basecase - 15 % VOC emissions Ozone (scenario1-scenario2) Row 28 Ozone Row 28 Net Ozone © Imperial College London

37 Ozone (scenario1-scenario2)
VOC sensitivity Ozone (scenario1-scenario2) Scenario 1 Basecase + 15 % VOC emissions Scenario 2 Basecase - 15 % VOC emissions © Imperial College London

38 Thank You Acknowledgment Prof. Ranjeet Sokhi and Dr. Ye Yu, University of Hertfordshire for the MCIP, emissions and nesting files Contact © Imperial College London

39 Lambert Conformal Projection
UK National Grid Lambert Conformal Projection © Imperial College London

40 Loss of RO2 Radicals 15/07/2003 14:00 OH RO2T
© Imperial College London

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