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The Cold War Takes to the Skies

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1 The Cold War Takes to the Skies

2 Bell ringer If you were living during the Cold War era, what subjects do you think people thought were important to learn in school and why?

3 U-2 Incident Occurred in 1960
CIA decides to fly over into Soviet Territory Planes were meant to fly higher than the Soviet Planes People were nervous about the program Eisenhower wanted out, but Dulles wanted one more flight The U-2 plane was shot down about 1,300 miles into Soviet territory U.S. said the plane was being used for weather purposes

4 U-2 Effects Eisenhower took fault for the mission
Khrushchev denounced Eisenhower The person who was in the U-2 was Francis Gary Powers He was tried and sentenced for ten years in prison for espionage Shortly after he was exchanged for a Soviet spy Tension rose even more between the two powers

5 Sputnik The first _______________________
Launched by the ______________ in 1957 It shocked the United States Resulted in a change in the American education system. Meant to improve _________________________________ _________________________________ 1958

6 NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Created in the 1960s after the Soviet Union announced they sent the first man into space. Kennedy’s goal Cape Canaveral, Florida Early rocket failures: Early Rocket Failures


8 First man in the United States to orbit Earth in 1962
John Glenn First man in the United States to orbit Earth in 1962 He orbited in a space capsule on the Mercury Seven Orbited the Earth three times

9 Telstar An experimental communications satellite
Relayed live television pictures from Maine to Europe It is important because it helped restore America’s pride and prestige.

10 The Apollo program/ Goals
To make it to the moon. To establish technology to meet other national interests in space. To achieve superiority in space for the United States. To carry out a program of scientific exploration of the Moon. To develop man's capability to work in the lunar environment.

11 APOLLO I Tragedy Occurred in 1967 This was a preflight test
A fire swept through the command module of the rocket Virgil Grissom, Edward White, and Roger Chaffee were killed.

12 The First moon Landing July 20th, 1969
The first man on the moon:_______________ Buzz Aldrin accompanied him On moon they explored and collected moon samples

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