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Hitler Youth He alone, who owns the youth, gains the Future!

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1 Hitler Youth He alone, who owns the youth, gains the Future!
-- Adolf Hitler, speech at the Reichsparteitag, 1935

2 Hitler Youth: The Hitler Youth was a Nazi youth paramilitary group established in It expanded during the Third Reich under Hitler’s rule. Membership was open to boys years old and became compulsory in There was also a division of Hitler youth open for boys years old (it also became compulsory at the outbreak of WWII). The Hitler Youth were viewed as future Aryan supermen and were indoctrinated in anti-Semitism.

3 Aims of the Hitler Youth: The main purpose of the Hitler Youth Movement was to give Hitler an opportunity to spread his ideas throughout the nation, and to create a new generation that would be loyal and unified. The Hitler Youth Movement succeeded in mesmerizing an entire generation of idealistic German boys with the NAZI ideology of racial and national superiority. These boys were the ones who carried out without question the barbarities of aggressive war and the Holocaust.

4 How does the Hitler Youth relate to changes in society?
The NAZIs by 1935 had enrolled 60 percent of Germany's youth into their youth movement. This reflects the growing strength of the nazi movement in society and also NAZI consolidation of power. By 1935 civil servants were to be dismissed if their children did not belong to Hitler Youth. This reflects the growing role of fear and repression in Nazi Germany. The “Donate a child to the Fuhrer” program symbolised the strengthening totalitarian nature of the society and the increasing prevalance of the fuhrer myth. How does the Hitler Youth relate to changes in society?

5 How does the Hitler Youth reflect Nazi Ideology?
Anti Semitism How does the Hitler Youth reflect Nazi Ideology? Rejection of Democracy Social Darwinism- Belief in superiority of the Aryan race Nationalism Anti-Communism Führerprinzip (Leader Principle) /belief in the leader Defense of blood and soil

6 A deeper explanation into the reflection Hitler Youth shone on Nazi Ideology
Rejection of Democracy- An important part of the Hitler Youth system was authority given to the members. The Hitler Youth made a point that "youth must be led by youth". This was an important part of the Hitler Youth ethos, meant to cultivate the image of unsullied German youth rejecting the failed old leaders and their failed policies and principles. Belief in the fuhrer- Boys were taught to obey Hitler regardless of personal belief or emotion and Heil Hitler tirelessly. The two major principles the NAZIs constantly preached at the Hitler Youth boys was the superority of the German nation and Aryan race and the need of the Germand people for Lebensraum ("living space") in the east. There were other principles such as the recovery of territory lost in Wold War I and of Germany's overseas colonies. Nationalism- The boys were encouraged in love for their country, and punished severely for anything otherwise. Anti Semitism- the boys of Hitler youth were brainwashed into hatred of the Jew. Members of the Hitlerjugend were encouraged to consolidate ideas into action. Defense of blood and soil- the entire program was geared toward building healthy young bodies and manipulating minds into future soldiers.

7 Hitler Youth as a reflection of the Totalitarian state
Hitler Youth members were required to accept NAZI principles without question. Hitler Youth leaders did not represent an autonomous youth culture, but were in effect functionaries of the NAZI Party bureaucracy. They were tighty regimented by rules and regulations. [Noakes and Pridham, p. 422.] Hitler Youth as a reflection of the Totalitarian state The Hitler Youth program was based on Hitler's anti-intellectualism. It was not okay to freely speak your mind in the Hitler Youth thus reflecting the totalitarian ‘fuhrer myth’. You were to blindly obey your leading, believing he knows what's best for the nation.

8 Interesting thing to comment upon to finish up
Although Hitler Youth was seen to be predominantly a reflection of the totalitarian state, to some extent it displayed quite left wing/communist attributes. On excursions Hitler Youth would pool their personally bought sandwiches and food would then be distributed equally amoung the children. Any individual effort was always attributed to the entire group and individuals were rarely singled out for their achievements in athletic activities. For example it would be declared that division 4 of the hitler youth has achieved 60metres in 12 seconds rather than specifically William Pratt.

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