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Writing an Essay What you need to know to get you through your first year of High School to your Doctoral Dissertation…

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Presentation on theme: "Writing an Essay What you need to know to get you through your first year of High School to your Doctoral Dissertation…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing an Essay What you need to know to get you through your first year of High School to your Doctoral Dissertation…

2 The Formula Tell me what you’re going to tell me… … Then tell me…
… Then tell me what you just told me.

3 The Audience Presume your audience knows nothing about the subject of your essay … and you’ll usually be right!

4 Opening Paragraph: what you’re going to tell me:
Grabber: to get reader’s attention Transition: “There are several reasons…” Topical Sentence #1 Topical Sentence #2 Topical Sentence #3 Thesis Statement: the purpose of your essay

5 Response to Literature: Jack and Jill
Went up the hill To fetch a pail of water Jack fell down And broke his crown Then Jill came tumbling after

6 The Grabber: Jack and Jill
In one sentence, make a statement! Go straight for the throat! Avoid “… in this essay I’m going to…” “… let me tell you…” “Why…?” In fact, avoid asking questions entirely.

7 The Grabber: Jack and Jill
Perhaps no story is sadder than the one of Jack and the love of his life, Jill.

8 Transition “There are several reasons…”
There are several reasons why this tragedy is so sad.

9 Transition “There are several reasons…”
There are several reasons why this tragedy is so sad. These are training wheels… use them until you don’t need them any more.

10 Topical Sentence #1 One sentence in which you tell the reader one of the main ideas you plan on introducing… and nothing else. Begin with “First,” First, there was no water in the house.

11 Topical Sentence #2 A sentence in which you tell the reader another idea you plan on introducing… and nothing else. Begin with “Next,” Next, the only water available was up a hill.

12 Topical Sentence #3 A sentence in which you tell the reader the last idea you plan on introducing… and nothing else. Begin with “Finally,” Finally, tragedy struck as both Jack and Jill fell and hurt themselves.

13 Thesis Statement The main idea in your essay- the reason you are writing… What you want to prove in an Expository essay or Research paper What you want to sell in a Persuasive essay The focus of your topic in a Response to Literature The purpose of a Business letter

14 Thesis Statement It is important to understand the risks involved so that the same fate does not happen to someone else.

15 Topical Paragraphs: Tell Me
Transition Evidence Analysis Conclusion

16 Topical Paragraph #1 This paragraph will discuss only Topical Sentence #1: There was no water in the house

17 Transition Sentence For example:
Apparently the house did not have any water or plumbing.

18 Evidence: Give me the Facts!
Some examples of facts you could use: They had to use a pail. There was a well. The well was at the top of a hill.

19 Analysis: Using Evidence to create an Informed Opinion.
“If… Then…”

20 Analysis: Using Evidence to create an Informed Opinion.
“If… Then…” If there had been plumbing, then they wouldn’t have had to use a pail to fetch their water.

21 Analysis: Using Evidence to create an Informed Opinion.
“If… Then…” If there had been plumbing, then they wouldn’t have had to use a pail to fetch their water. “Because…”

22 Analysis: Using Evidence to create an Informed Opinion.
“If… Then…” If there had been plumbing, then they wouldn’t have had to use a pail to fetch their water. “Because…” Because they had to go up a hill to fetch their water in a pail, there probably wasn’t any plumbing in their house

23 Analysis: Using Evidence to create an Informed Opinion.
“If… Then…” If there had been plumbing, then they wouldn’t have had to use a pail to fetch their water. “Because…” Because they had to go up a hill to fetch their water in a pail, there probably wasn’t any plumbing in their house “While…”

24 Analysis: Using Evidence to create an Informed Opinion.
“If… Then…” If there had been plumbing, then they wouldn’t have had to use a pail to fetch their water. “Because…” Because they had to go up a hill to fetch their water in a pail, there probably wasn’t any plumbing in their house “While…” While there was well water nearby, they had to fetch it, so there was probably no plumbing

25 Conclusion: An Opinion based on Facts and Consistent with your Thesis

26 Conclusion: An Opinion based on Facts and Consistent with your Thesis
For example: The only reason Jack and Jill had to risk going up a hill for their water was because they didn’t have any indoor plumbing in their house.

27 Topical Paragraph #2: Tell Me
Same format as Topical Paragraph #1

28 Transition: Restate Topical Sentence #2

29 Evidence: The Facts

30 Analysis: Using Evidence to create an Informed Opinion.

31 Conclusion: An Opinion based on Facts and Consistent with your Thesis

32 Assignment Take a minute to look over the steps in writing a Topical Paragraph

33 Assignment Take a minute to look over the steps in writing a Topical Paragraph Write a Transitional Sentence for Topical Paragraph #2

34 Assignment Take a minute to look over the steps in writing a Topical Paragraph Write a Transitional Sentence for Topical Paragraph #2 Provide some evidence

35 Assignment Take a minute to look over the steps in writing a Topical Paragraph Write a Transitional Sentence for Topical Paragraph #2 Provide some evidence Analyze your evidence

36 Assignment Take a minute to look over the steps in writing a Topical Paragraph Write a Transitional Sentence for Topical Paragraph #2 Provide some evidence Analyze your evidence Make a Conclusion consistent with the Thesis

37 Topical Paragraph #3: Tell Me
Same format as Topical Paragraph #1 and #2

38 Assignment Write the final Topical Paragraph in your own words. When you are done, turn in your assignment for proofreading and editing. The next lesson will be about the Concluding Paragraph- tell me what you just told me.

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