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P. Bartalini (University of Florida)

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1 P. Bartalini (University of Florida)
The LCG Generator Project Supporting Monte Carlo Generators in the LHC era P. Bartalini (University of Florida) LHCC Meeting November

2 LCG Simulation Project Organization
Experiment Validation Geant4 Project Fluka Project Generator Services P.Bartalini MC4LHC WP Simulation Project G.Cosmo Framework V. Pokorski Geant4 J.Apostolakis Fluka A.Ferrari Physics Validation A.Ribon Garfield R.Veenhof WP WP WP WP WP WP WP WP WP WP WP WP WP P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

3 LCG Generator Services
GOAL: to guarantee the generator support for LHC WP1: GENERATOR SERVICES LIBRARY (GENSER) WP2: EVENT FORMATS AND EVENT INTERFACES WP3: SHARED EVENT FILES: FRAMEWORK & DATA BASE (MCDB) WP4: TUNING AND VALIDATION Florida (Coordination) ~0.30 FTE (+Activity on LHAPDF/LHAGLUE) CERN (Library, Event Interfaces) ~0.50 FTE (+1 Research associate on Pythia 8) LCG-Russia (Library, Data Base) ~1.75 FTE LCG-Spain (Framework) ~0.50 FTE INFN (Validation) ~0.50 FTE Collaboration with independent projects:UK-GRID (Validation, New MCs) Contact persons/Collaborators in MC Projects and LHC Experiments New Started May 2003 Long Term Project Here mostly concentrating on WP1 & WP2 Further details in Backup Slides and Links P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

4 Between Two Different Worlds
Small Theoretical groups Huge fortran packages still in development Need help with the new OO packages Need to share user support duties LCG Generator Large Experimental Collaborations Complex OO Simulation Frameworks Need easy access to many generators, responsive user support, bug fixes etc. P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

5 Organisational Issues
WEB page  Links to relevant documentation, CVS repository, release.notes etc. CDS Agenda Home > Projects > LHC Computing Grid > Physics Generators  Minutes of meetings, slides of presentations Meetings:  Last Thursday of the month at 5 PM in CERN-32-1-A24 & VRVS Simulation project mailing list: Permanent Forum on Physics and Software Issues related to Monte Carlo development & usage P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

6 WP1. The LCG Generator Library
GOAL: to provide Monte Carlo Generator LHC replacing the obsolete CERN Library Mandate: To collaborate with MC authors to prepare LCG Compliant Code To maintain older MC packages on the LCG supported platforms Clients: Addressed to LHC experimentalists and theorists both at CERN and in external laboratories (Other users welcome!) GENSER CVS Repository, AFS Distribution MC Packages & Example/Test Code Shared and Archive Libraries Tested by all the LHC experiments Quarterly Release Scheme ATLAS & LHCb PRODUCTIONS RELY ON GENSER CMS Joining… Documentation: Savannah Portal: AFS: /afs/ P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

7 WP1. The Generator Library Team
Liaisons with authors and LHC experiments A. Ribon (CERN) based at CERN ~.25 FTE P. Bartalini (University of Florida) based at CERN ~.30 FTE Coordinator of GENSER Releases A. Pfeiffer (CERN) based at CERN ~.25 FTE GENSER Integrators in 2005 ~1FTE S.Makarychev ITEP (Moscow) from fall 2004 to 31/01/2005 (at 30%) I. Katchaev IHEP (Protvino) from 11/01/2005 to 11/03/2005 S. Slabospitsky IHEP (Protvino) from 14/02/2005 to 28/02/2005 A. Sherstnev SINP MSU (Moscow) from 28/03/2005 to 28/04/2005 M. Kirsanov INR RAS (Troitsk) from 10/05/2005 to 31/07/2005 A. Toropin INR RAS (Troitsk) from 25/08/2005 to 25/10/2005 M. Kirsanov INR RAS (Troitsk) from 15/11/2005 to 15/12/2005 + Torbjorn Sjöstrand, Department of Theoretical Physics, Lund University Research associate in PH/SFT for the development of Pythia 8 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

8 WP1. GENSER_1_2_0: 20 Generators 1 PDF Package ~ 65 Versions
GENSER_0_1_0: Mid Apr (rh73_gcc32) GENSER_0_2_0: Mid Sep (+ rh73_gcc323) GENSER_1_0_0: End Mar (+ Scientific Linux) GENSER_1_1_0: Mid Jul. 2005; GENSER_1_2_0: Mid Oct. 2005 GENSER_1_3_0: early 2006 (to be anticipated to end 2005) HERWIG: 6.500, 6.503, 6.504, 6.504b1, 6.505, 6.506, 6.507, 6.508, 6.510 PYTHIA: 6.205, 6.217, 6.220, 6.221, 6.222, 6.223, 6.224, 6.227 PYTHIA: 6.304, 6.319, 6.320, 6.321, 6.324 HIJING (Heavy Ions): 1.36, 1.37, 1.383, 1.383b ISAJET: 7.67, 7.69, 7.71 ALPGEN: 1.3.2, 2.0, 2.01, 2.03, 2.05 PHOTOS: 2.02, 2.07, 2.14, 2.15 STAGEN: 1.07 (TRUENOIR) FEYNHIGGS: 2.2.9, MCATNLO 2.3.1, 3.1.0 TAUOLA 2.07, EVTGENLHC: 1.0, 1.2 CHARIBDYS: 1.001 CASCADE: MADGRAPH 3.2 JIMMY: 4.1, 4.2 PHOJET: 1.10 TOPREX 4.09 LHAPDF: 1.1, 2.0, 3.0 (LHAGLUE), 4.0, 4.1b, 4.1.1, 5.0 LCG EXT: SHERPA 1.05, 1.06; CompHEP 4.4.0; EVTGEN alpha GENSER_1_2_0: 20 Generators 1 PDF Package ~ 65 Versions Archive and Shared Libraries P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

9 WP1. GENSER Repository Structure
|--- doc/ |--- tools/ |--- tests/ |--- … |--- herwig/data/ doc/ dummy/ pdfdummy/ examples/ includes/ src/ MC Package version provided as CVS Tag P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

10 WP1. Procedure of GENSER Releases
Quarterly official releases (second digit incremented) Pre-releases targeted for mid of the quarter Requests from LHC experiments collected in LCG Generator Monthly Meetings Additional MC sub-packages pursued for inclusion Update of already integrated Sub-package versions Interactions with Monte Carlo authors Authors are contacted by group leader and/or liaison person (version verification) Integrator takes care of validation and technical interaction/collaboration with authors GENSER Pre-releases (performed by the LCG Librarian) Integrator provides tags to be used for building and installing GENSER pre-releases In average three weekly pre-releases before official releases Access guaranteed to beta testers (contact persons in LHC experiments) GENSER releases (performed by the LCG Librarian) Final debug through Mandatory Post-installation Checks Checking existence of libraries; Running tests Advertised in LCG-AA, LCG-SIMU, and MC4LHC mailing lists Feedbacks submitted through Mail and/or Savannah and/or Monthly Meetings Bug fixes (third digit incremented)  Recently improved through partial releases Further special releases can be arranged under request P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

11 WP1. Recent GENSER Achievements
Independent release of GENSER sub-packages [A.Pfeiffer] Recommendation of the Spring AA Review Partial releases of GENSER are needed to accommodate updates in individual generator packages, bug fixes etc. Ease of upgrade for users (no need to download all GENSER) Introduction of Test sub-package with GENSER Use Cases and Validation Tests Mandatory GENSER post-installation checks Test of Fortran Packages on new platforms [M.Kirsanov] Collaboration with Pythia & Herwig to perform the transition Co-operation with other official initiatives (R.Yaari et al.) Specific milestone for Q3 2006 Further details in back-up slides P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

12 WP2. Event Formats and Event Interfaces
GOAL: standardize interfaces, support the new OO MCs The modularization Basic idea in new OO Monte Carlo generators From April 2004 LCG Generator participates to the development of ThePEG (used in Herwig++)  We started with improving the doxygen documentation (A.Ribon)  Activity coordinated with Phenogrid (N.Glover et al.)  Relevant for the Herwig++ development The MC truth Interface HepML proposal (XML - Les Houches Agreement I compliant)  Meta-data format facilitating automated documentation HepMC  Used for both generator level and MC truth in particle transport  Proliferation of branches  LCG Generator is currently taking on coordination for future development and maintenance in the LHC era (Internal AA Review of Spring 2005) P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

13 WP2. Migration of HepMC to LCG
Outcome and Follow-ups of a recent LHC meeting/survey on HepMC organised by W. Pokorsky (CERN PH/SFT) HepMC is regarded as a general MC truth record, not only related to Monte Carlo generators HepMC should be installed centrally within the LCG external area, as an independent package The LCG Generator project should coordinate the requirements from the LHC experiments, the changes to the code and the installation of the package in the external area. Current actions First iteration/verification with M.Dobbs and other people/institutions currently involved in HepMC development/maintenance (OK) Informal survey with LHC experiments (ONGOING) In the future, the main forum to discuss HepMC, HepPDT developments & maintenance issues would be the LCG-Generators meeting. Tentative date for first working meeting: December 1st Installation in LCG-ext performed by the LCG librarian. Separation in two libraries: the C++ part; connection with fortran code. P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

14 WP1&WP2. Collaborations with Monte Carlo projects
Pythia 8 (Thanks to T. Sjöstrand) Herwig++ (Thanks to P. Richardson) EvtGen (Thanks to D. Lange) OO MCs Further Details in Back-up Slides, including collaborations with CEDAR (Thanks to M.Whalley and B.Waugh) P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

15 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
Pythia 8: A fresh start Problem: PYTHIA7 stalled, no other manpower Solution: Let’s Sjöstrand take a sabbatical (associate to CERN PH/SFT) and work “full-time”! (S. Mrenna & P. Skands will join later ?) Objectives: clean up, keep the most recent models Les Houches Accord style input central independent of ThePEG (or anything else), but interface to ThePEG later written by L. Lonnblad (?) PYTHIA released on 20 July 2005 Available on Pythia webpage clicking on the “Future” link in the index Presented to the LCG Generator Meeting of July 2005 Tentative schedule: time date processes final states 1 Sept. 2004 1 1 Sept. 2005 LHA-style input incomplete draft 2 1 Sept. 2006 a few processes complete, buggy(?) 3 1 Sept. 2007 more processes stable, debugged Feedbacks would be welcome NOW LCG Generator Should coordinate Pythia 8 Validation P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November [T.Sjöstrand]

16 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
Herwig++ Status S.Gieseke, D.Grellscheid, K.Hamilton, A.Ribon, P.Richardson, M.H.Seymour, P.Stephens and B.Webber (+2 students) Progress has been slower than foreseen due to the need to train New members of the collaboration in event generator physics More experienced members in C++ and the structure of ThePEG Large collaboration but ~ less than 4 FTE due to other commitments (teaching) Preliminary release for e+e- collisions in November 03 Since then most effort has been devoted to extending the code for hadron-hadron collisions  beta version for LHC physics by the end of the year 2005 Only minimal functionality for testing. Recent developments include Initial-state shower, S. Gieseke. Underlying Event model, P. Stephens Improved structure and install procedure, D. Grellscheid. Better modelling of hadronic decays, P. Richardson. Improved storage of particle properties, P. Richardson. QED Radiation in decays, K. Hamilton. P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November [P.Richardson]

17 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
Herwig++ Status A full release will follow end 2006 with A better, multiple scattering model for the underlying event. Better treatment of hard radiation CKKW and approaches Additional production/decay processes BSM Physics The collaboration has made changes to make the most of the resources to provide the best possible service for the LHC HERWIG++/ThePEG Collaboration Meeting August 27 Open session dedicated to Herwig++ users / beta testers However with the existing resources “it will be impossible to meet the demands of the LHC experiments” P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November [P.Richardson]

18 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
EvtGen Monte Carlo Generator developed by D.Lange (LLNL) & A.Ryd (Cornell) Designed for the Y(4S) Large collection of B/D decay models Based on spin density matrices and decay amplitudes New version released May 2005 More details at Significant new work from CDF in next version Widely used in the HEP Babar, Belle, Cleo, CDF, D0, ATLAS, LHCb, etc. Problems with maintenance / proliferation of branches reported to CHEP04 LCG Generator maintains a common LHC version in GENSER EvtGenLHC Provided by LHCb (contact person P.Robbe) Now authors joining CMS Support to the LHC experiments should improve P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

19 EvtGen Mini-Workshop CERN, January 20th 2005
General Presentations Introduction to EvtGen (A.Ryd) The LCG Generator Project (P.Bartalini) Particle Properties in Herwig++ (P.Richardson) Status of EvtGen in running experiments Babar (D.Lange) Cleo-c (A.Ryd) Belle (I.Akimassa) D0 (A.Sanchez) Status of EvtGen in LHC experiments and new developments Lhcb (P.Robbe)  EvtGenLHC provider Atlas (M.Smizanska) Implementation of Bs J/Ψ φ (J.Catmore) Λb polarization & decays (M.Biglietti) Common effort on EvtGen development & maintenance Interest for a common effort on EvtGen Tuning in the framework of LCG Generator  Essential for the LHC Atlas presentations at Beauty 2005 Models will be contributed to EvtGenLHC P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

20 WP3: Production of Shared Event Files
GOAL: to produce certified generator level events Use them for benchmarks, comparisons & combinations in LHC W.G. Improve the quality of shared samples with respect to LEP W.G. era !!! Production framework Proposal June 2004 Design Available. Prototype Stage Active institutions: CERN, Oviedo Production centre Configuration & Book-keeping Resources from LCG Russia (MSU, ITEP, JINR) LCG-MCDB: Deployed on In collaboration with CMS Tested At Fermilab Tested By CMS P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

21 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
WP3. The MCDB Team MCDB developers in 2005 ~ 0.75 FTE S.Makarychev (ITEP Moscow) from 2004 to 31/01/2005 (at 70%) S. Belov (JINR Dubna) from 06/03/2005 to 09/05/2005 L. Dudko (SINP MSU Moscow) from 10/05/2005 to 10/06/2005 A. Gusev (IHEP Protvino) and S. Belov (JINR Dubna) from 25/07/2005 to 25/09/2005 L. Dudko (SINP MSU Moscow) from 15/11/2005 to 15/12/2005 Other contributors (previous shifters, software designers) A. Kryukov, I. Seluzhenkov, A. Sherstnev, A. Vologdin (SINP MSU Moscow) P. Bartalini (Florida U.) P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

22 WP3. Monte Carlo Data Base (MCDB)
Motivations To Provide Configuration, Book-keeping, Documentation, Storage for the Shared Event Files To keep track of the full generation chain, Exploiting the Competences of Monte Carlo Experts and Monte Carlo Authors CMS MCDB Only parton level files; AFS storage; No Searchable; No SQL LCG MCDB [hep-ph/ ] Same authors + Additional human resources and technical support Core software supported by LCG Software Project Infrastructure MySQL; POOL; CASTOR (RFIO); CGI; Perl; Apache Web Interface, Dedicated Web Server Expression of interest from CMS and ALICE Currently advertising the LCG MCDB to LHC collaborations October 24th 2005  Presentation to the ATLAS Generator Meeting (A.Sherstnev) November 24th 2005  Presentation to the LHCb Production Meeting (L.Doudko) Currently negotiating end-of-the-year presentations to CMS and ALICE P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

23 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
WP3. MCDB Web Interface Screen-shot Upload & document your sample P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

24 WP4. Monte Carlo Validation and Tuning
GOAL: to cross-check MCs and compare with data Basic Sanity Checks Reference distributions (multiplicities, PT Spectra etc.) Promoting common LHC activity on MC Validation LCG Generator Meeting of October 2005 Standalone Studies Work on GENSER subpackages Integrator, Beta Testers in Experiments HIJING Validation (JINR, Dubna)  Encouraged to contribute to JetWeb Validation Framework UK-GRID project (CEDAR) JetWeb: in production [Comp. Phys. Comm. vol 153/ (2003)] Database of Data, MC & Comparisons Web interface, Job submission Interest in integrating to GENSER & MCDB P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

25 WP4. Validation of NRQCD models for prompt quarkonia production
Proposal Presented to the March LCG Generator Meeting by V.M. Vagnoni (LHCb / INFN Bologna) ~ 0.2 FTE Agreement with T.Sjöstrand (models were recently implemented in Pythia 6.3) Additional resources: Marianne Bargiotti (LHCb / INFN Fellow) ~ 0.3 FTE  Progress report to the October LCG Generator Meeting P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

26 LCG Generator Milestones
Enphasis on the Collaboration with New Object Oriented MC Projects (Q1, Q2 2005) WP1: Production quality release of GENSER (1_0_0) by March (OK)  From Q the GENSER release is a specific milestone which is set for each quarter: second increased WP1: First C++ Monte Carlo (SHERPA) fully integrated in LCG by March (OK)  Available in LCG-Ext WP1/WP2: First test of ThePEG integration in Herwig++ by June (OK) WP3: Generator level production framework beta version by June (Delayed) (*) Project conducted in collaboration with PHENOGRID (**) Project conducted in collaboration with CMS P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

27 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
LCG Generator MILESTONES (Q3, Q4 2005) WP3: MCDB user document with definition of procedures to gain access through GRID certificates by September (OK) WP1: Procedure for light GENSER releases. By September (OK) WP1: Pythia 8. Release of alpha version by September (OK) WP1: First introduction of NRQCD Prompt Quarkonia Production models in Pythia 6.3 By September (OK) WP1: Agreement on responsibilities for EvtGen development in GENSER. Definition of EvtGen development plans & policy. By September (Delayed) WP3: Proposal for a LCG Generator production centre integrated in the GRID middleware by December (Delayed) WP1: Integration of GENSER in JetWeb by December (****) WP1/WP2: Evaluation of possible migration of HEPMC to LCG by December WP3: Generator level production framework: production quality release by December (Delayed) (***) Project conducted in collaboration with LHCb (****) Project conducted in collaboration with CEDAR (**) Project conducted in collaboration with CMS P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

28 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
LCG Generator MILESTONES ( ) WP1: Porting of most GENSER Fortran packages to gcc4 by March WP3: MCDB Integration, experiment specific APIs and management of large files by March WP1: Pythia 8. Release of beta version by September WP4: Generator level validation framework beta version by June WP4: Validation of NRQCD Prompt Quarkonia Production models in Pythia 6.3. By March (***) WP3: Fully operational LCG Generator production centre integrated in the GRID middleware by December WP4: Generator level validation framework production version by June WP1: Pythia 8. Release of production version by September (***) Project conducted in collaboration with LHCb P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

29 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
Backup P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

30 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
Backup GENERAL P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

31 Relevant Events before 2005
Workshop on MC’s for the LHC (MC4LHC) CERN, July 7 - August GENSER Internal Review CERN, March CHEP04 Interlaken, September 27 – October LCG Generator Monthly meetings P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

32 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
Events in Q1 & Q2 2005 EvtGen Mini-Workshop on January 21 Contributions from authors + ATLAS, BABAR, BELLE, CDF, CLEO, CMS, D0, LHCb LCG Generator Monthly Meeting of February 24 GENSER, the Generator Library: Release of GENSER_1_0_0 LCG Generator Monthly Meeting of March 24 MCDB, the Monte Carlo Data Base NRQCD models for prompt quarkonia production in Pythia 6.3 Internal Review of LCG AA on March 30-31 My presentation: Current Status, Plans & MILESTONES of LCG Generator Some general information included also in the presentation of G.Cosmo LCG Generator Monthly Meeting of April 28 Generator Level Production Framework: Status & Plans Application Area Meeting of June 1 Dedicated to Monte Carlo Generators Tools Status of GENSER, MCDB, Pythia 8, Herwig++, contributions/feedbacks from the LHC Experiments Beauty 2005 (June 20 – 24) Review of LCG Generator Activities P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

33 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
Events in Q3 & Q4 2005 LCG Generator Monthly Meeting of July 28 Release of GENSER_1_1_0 Status of Pythia 8 HERWIG++/ThePEG Collaboration Meeting August 27 Open session dedicated to Herwig++ users / beta testers LCG Generator Monthly Meeting of September 28 Release of GENSER_1_2_0 Status of MCDB LCG Generator Monthly Meeting of October 20 Dedicated to Monte Carlo Validation Contributions from LCG, ATLAS, CMS, LHCb, RHIC LCG Generator Monthly Meeting of November 24 Dedicated to MCDB End of the year LCG Generator Meeting Dedicated to HepMC P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

34 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
Backup Slides WP1 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

35 WP1. MC Packages: Inside or Outside GENSER ?
Three possibilities: To develop the MC package in GENSER: MCDB, EVTGENLHC EVTGENLHC derives from EVTGEN Provided (Adapted) by LHCb  Contact person P.Robbe LHCb has full access to the package in the GENSER repository Other contributors have a limited access (development of new decay models, decay files etc.) 2) To fully export the MC generator code in GENSER defining the corresponding sub-package: MOST OF THE INSTALLED MCs 3) To install the MC generator as external software packages in the LCG environment and to store in GENSER just tests suites and other related code COMPHEP, EVTGEN Just a technical issue! For each MC package an ad-hoc solution is found taking into account the user requirements P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

36 R.Yaari (IT) B. Bloch (NA48) M.Kirsanov (GENSER)

37 GENSER TESTS by M.Kirsanov
During the period from May to July 2005 (M. Kirsanov shift) the GENSER team collaborated with the authors of Pythia and Herwig in order to be prepared to the possible future migration to new compilers like gcc4 and in order to improve the reliability of the code. The initial situation: G95 on the Linux platforms slc3 and Fedora Core 3 gfortran (gcc4) on the Linux platform Fedora Core 3 only 32 bit computers used in the tests Pythia fully compatible with gfortran, a few incompatibilities with G95. Herwig fully compatible with G95, many incompatibilities with gfortran The problem of loading of Block Data, in particular with shared libraries and several such statements: in some situations is not loaded, the case of partial loading registered. After: Pythia since fully compatible with G95 and gfortran (checked with a few physical tests) The routine for the diagnostics of Block Data not loading or partial loading implemented. The intermediate variant of the Herwig code, compatible with G95 and gfortran is prepared (checked with a few physical tests). The routine for the diagnostics of Block Data not loading or partial loading implemented (preliminary version). This routine is included in GENSER and GENSER with Herwig and (special GENSER bugfix version). The case of its activation is known. Also, the fix allowing to use Jimmy 4.1 with Herwig compiled without "no-automatic" flag is implemented in the Herwig code included in these GENSER releases. The problem with Block Data loading exists also in gcc4-gfortran. The substitution of Block Data by data file reading is recommended to the authors (and is planned by the Herwig team). Starting from this intermediate Herwig version, the authors worked afterwards on the preparation of the version 6.510, released (not yet tested by the GENSER team). P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

38 Communications & Recommendations from R.Yaari (IT)
5 months ago ,I was asked by the IT/LCG group to check few Fortran compilers ,as candidates to replace the g77 compiler, which it's support was about to be dropped by it's developers. The way I went ,was by testing 3 compilers, which were most recommended by experienced Fortran users around Cern. The code which was tested ,were the CERN-libraries (CERNLIB). As you all know, it contains lots of "old" code , Geant3, Pawlib, Packlib and a bunch of M.C Generators plus lots of numerical packages. The 3 compilers ,which were checked are : G95 ,Gfortran and Lahey-Fujitsu. The first 2 came out to be our candidates. The 3-rd failed at very preliminary phase, (while pre-processing some "include" files). The company, was notified 3 month ago, and we haven't received any promising reply ! The first compiler ,comes out with our highest grades , both in general behavior and proper support (90% and 100% ), the 2-nd compiler , is slightly behind, (80% and 85%) for general behavior and for proper support. That is ,my humble recommendation. It has't yet been approved by the IT/LCG management. There is no "official" support at CERN for any of these, but we have shown that the CERNLIBS could be built (not without pain and agony) and the results are consistent with the g77 runs. I guess, that the experiments, should at some point, test their own codes, and inform us or the LCG management, about problems or issues which came up. Both compilers could be pulled in from the Web (search for g95 or Gfortran) or wait until Cern IT/LCG will make them "official" to the users community. More information about the work ,the problems which were encountered,and the compiler's options we have been using , could be found in my Afs-public subdirectory: /afs/ : 1) compilations.issues 2) options.used 3) to.all (A general description of the work done) P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

39 Optimization: suggestions from B.Bloch (NA48)
To help, could I suggest to check the following : copy 3 files (courtesy of D.Madigozhin) from /afs/ : check.f   fdkcovcal6.f Execute (which reproduces two different compilation options and compares the printouts from the two options). One will get no difference in RedHat environment and a complete discrepancy in SLC3. It reproduces in a simplified and autonomous way the kind of code (3 loop levels on i,j,k) which gave crazy results in our reconstruction program chain.... when we migrated from RedHat7.3 to SLC3. We solved the problem at that time by recompiling all our codes with no optimization option P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

40 Follow up from R.Yaari (IT)
I checked the example you were referring to, using 3 compilers :    1)  gcc version (Red Hat Linux )    2)  g95 (The version pulled from the web 23/8/05 (gcc 4.0.1)    3)  gfortran  , updated by Redhat from beg of October,                      gcc version (Red Hat ) All 3 compilers gave identical results , for  each of the runs. (The "diff" didn't show diffrencies ) , but there were minute differences between the g77 and the others ,due to the " print * "  different length of default choice (8 digits vs 14 after the decimal point). It looks as , this particular problem isn't an issue anymore ! But it doesn't mean that ,we can ignore the fact that some codes will behave differently ,with higher optimization levels ! The Geant3 code , until today, has some parts of it ,compiled with lowest level -O0 I thing the point is well taken , and shouldn't be overlooked when comparing results.                           P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

41 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
Backup Slides WP2 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

42 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
WP2. HEPML Proposal [COMPHEP Collaboration] All data in event file are divided in two parts Header - describe the general information Author, the file itself (creation date etc.), supported specifications, collider description etc. Generator specific info, cuts, physical parameters etc. Info for parser (format of event records etc.) Event Records - variable data of events written in some compact format to one string (particle momenta, color chains etc.) Header is stored in a txt file with XML Syntax Event Records are (zip) compressed and attached to the Header file [A.Sherstnev] P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

43 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
Backup Slides WP3 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

44 WP3. Generator Level Production Framework
Collaboration with CMS Under the responsibility of Oviedo (0.5 FTE) Based on GENSER, HEPMC, ROOT/POOL Project recently restarted Alpha stage Prototype available ... P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

45 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
WP3. MCDB Scheme Web site Authors management Article Search in DB Comment articles Download Author registration Administrator Metadata DB: SQL database Event samples storage: local disks, CASTOR, etc API Moderator Upload Application software Author End-user P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November [S.Belov, A. Gusev]

46 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
WP3. MCDB-SEN (search engine) schema XML-query constructor (throw web) User's input XML-wrapper XSLT processing XSLT-schema XML-query MCDB, data-access module SQL query MCDB articles ID's P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November [S.Belov, A. Gusev]

47 WP3. MCDB Documentation and user support
Developers documentation – 80% done End-users documentation – 50% done Mailing system: based on CERN Listbox Services (Simba 2) – for users – for developers and user support [S.Belov, A. Gusev] P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

48 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
WP3. MCDB Summary Articles Management (done) Event Files management (done) Authors management (done) Users comments management (done) Authorization block (done) Search engine (done 90%) Documentation (done 60%) [S.Belov, A. Gusev] P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

49 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
MCDB is ready to use We have a working version of MCDB - Web functionality is supported - Flexible search engine - Event files stored on Castor - Authentication via both LCG certificates and CERN AFS accounts - Deployed on [S.Belov, A. Gusev] P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

50 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
Backup Slides WP4 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

51 WP4. MC validation of NRQCD models for prompt quarkonia production
Introduction of NRQCD in Pythia 6.3 series Having the possibility to switch on all the relevant heavy quarkonia processes at once without hooks and workarounds With “reliable” total cross sections and “realistic” differential PT dependence Independent/“private” non-official implementations exists Should find an agreement between ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb on a common implementation, then provide the implementation, validate the results and tune the NRQCD free parameters All (except implementation) can be made with the help of theorists/ phenomenologists in the sector, which should be happy to give such a help Why not making this job via Les Houches Accord instead of hard-typing into Pythia? Feasible solution, but maybe considering that Pythia implementations already exist and that Pythia already foresees heavy quarkonia processes, it is simpler to complete Pythia This depends also on the strategies of Pythia for its future beyond the LHA P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November [V.M.Vagnoni, LHCb]

52 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
Backup Slides Collaborating Projects – Pythia 8 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

53 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
Pythia 8: The First Release [Presented to the LCG Generator Services Monthly meeting of July 2005] Torbjorn Sjöstrand CERN/PH and Department of Theoretical Physics, Lund University PYTHIA released on 20 July 2005 Available on Pythia webpage clicking on the “Future” link in the index What is in it? P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November [T.Sjöstrand]

54 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
Pythia 8: On To C++ Currently HERWIG and PYTHIA are successfully being used, also in new LHC environments, using C++ wrappers Need to clean up! Fortran 77 is limiting, Fortran 90 is discarded (?) Young experimentalists will expect C++ PYTHIA7 project  ThePEG Toolkit for High Energy Physics Event Generation (L. Lönnblad; S. Gieseke, A. Ribon, P. Richardson) HERWIG++: complete reimplementation (B.R. Webber; S. Gieseke, A. Ribon, P. Richardson, M. Seymour, P. Stephens, 3 new) ARIADNE/LDC: to do ISR/FSR showers, multiple interactions (L. Lönnblad; N. Lavesson) SHERPA: in C++ from start, partly wrappers to PYTHIA Fortran (F. Krauss; T. Gleisberg, S. Hoeche, A. Schaelicke, S. Schumann, J. Winter) Why Rewrite ? P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November [T.Sjöstrand]

55 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
Pythia 8: A fresh start Problem: PYTHIA7 stalled, no other manpower Solution?: take a sabbatical and work “full-time”! (S. Mrenna & P. Skands join later ?) . . . but don’t forget Murphy’s law Objectives: clean up, keep the most recent models Les Houches Accord style input central independent of ThePEG (or anything else), but interface to ThePEG later written by L. Lonnblad (?) Tentative schedule: time date processes final states 0 = 1 Sept. 2004 1 = 1 Sept. 2005 LHA-style input incomplete draft 2 = 1 Sept. 2006 a few processes complete, buggy(?) 3 = 1 Sept. 2007 more processes stable, debugged P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November [T.Sjöstrand]

56 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005

57 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005

58 Contents of Pythia 8.040 distribution (1 MB)
No Description size 1 Introduction (.pdf) 20 pp 24 Header files (.h) 3,850 lines 22 Code files (.cc) 14,750 lines PYTHIA 6.3 file (.f) 71,500 lines 25 Documentation files (.man) 4,700 lines 5 Sample main programs (.cc) 870 lines 3 Input to above 1,380 lines Makefile 150 lines To get going: download  gunzip  tar xvf  make  run test programs Self-contained, but hooks to external programs for hard processes, Les Houches Accord style parton distribution functions decays (of some particles, e.g. t , B0 , B+) random number generators (shared with other programs) P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November [T.Sjöstrand]

59 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
PYTHIA 8: P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November [T.Sjöstrand]

60 Pythia 8: Example of a main program
// Test program main06: study pTZ spectrum at the Tevatron. #include "Pythia.h" using namespace Pythia8; int main() { // Generator. Process selection. Tevatron initialization. Histogram. Pythia pythia; pythia.readString("Pythia6:msel = 11"); pythia.readString("Pythia6:ckin(1) = 80."); pythia.readString("PartonLevel:MI = off"); pythia.readString("Beams:primordialKTwidth = 2."); pythia.init( 2212, -2212, 1960.); Hist pTZ("dN/dpTZ",100,0.,100.); // Begin event loop. Generate event. Skip if error. List first few. for (int iEvent = 0; iEvent < 10000; ++iEvent) { if (! continue; if (iEvent < 2) pythia.event.list(); // Loop over particles in event. Find last Z0 copy. Fill its pT. int iZ = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pythia.event.size(); ++i) if (pythia.event[i].id() == 23) iZ = i; pTZ.fill( pythia.event[iZ].pT() ); } // End of event loop. Statistics. Histogram. Done. pythia.statistics(); cout << pTZ; return 0; } P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November [T.Sjöstrand]

61 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
Pythia8: Outlook C++ PYTHIA 8 is coming along Roughly according to three-year plan so far! 1 sub-subversion per working week (backup) Slowdown during autumn, then pick up again early 2006 Release latest sub-subversion every 2–3 months First useful — but incomplete — version in a year’s time (?) First production-quality release, 8.100, early 2007 (??) Debugged and tuned by LHC startup (??) Overtaking Fortran version usage by 2008–2009 (???) Early feedback is most welcome Now is the time for any major course changes In a year’s time the structure will be frozen (?) P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November [T.Sjöstrand]

62 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
Backup Slides Collaborating Projects – Phenogrid/Herwig++ P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

63 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
Herwig++ Status S. Gieseke, D. Grellscheid, K. Hamilton, A. Ribon, P. Richardson, M. Seymour, P. Stephens and B. Webber (+2 students) Progress has been slower than foreseen due to the need to train new members of the collaboration in event generator physics more experienced members in C++ and the structure of ThePEG. Although this is a large collaboration there is less than 4 FTE worth of effort due to other commitments (e.g. teaching.) There was a preliminary release for e+e- collisions in November 03. P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November [P.Richardson]

64 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
Herwig++ Status Since then most effort has been devoted to extending the code for hadron-hadron collisions. Recent developments include Initial-state shower, S. Gieseke. Underlying Event model, P. Stephens Improved structure and install procedure, D. Grellscheid. Better modelling of hadronic decays, P. Richardson. Improved storage of particle properties, P. Richardson. QED Radiation in decays, K. Hamilton. [P.Richardson] P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

65 Herwig++ Initial State Shower
PT of the Z boson at the Tevatron and LHC from Herwig++ P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November [P.Richardson]

66 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
Herwig++ Decays mass spectrum in tr n decay versus CLEO data Photon spectrum in Z decay to e+e- [P.Richardson] P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

67 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
Herwig++ Status A full release will follow a year later with A better, multiple scattering model for the underlying event. Better treatment of hard radiation using the CKKW and approaches Additional production/decay processes BSM Physics. The collaboration has made changes to make the most of our resources to provide the best possible service for the LHC. However with the existing resources it will be impossible to meet the demands of the LHC experiments. P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November [P.Richardson]

68 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
Herwig++ Status We have moved the code repository to the HepFORGE project to provide bug tracking, a Wiki and the CVS repository. This is part of a move to better code and project management in the long term. In the last year significant progress has been made and we are now on track to deliver a beta version for LHC physics by the end of the year. This will only have minimal functionality for testing. [P.Richardson] P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

69 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
Backup Slides Collaborating Projects – CEDAR & LHAPDF P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

70 CEDAR: plans and status
Data/MC comparison toolkits HZTool established, little further development planned Rivet OO replacement of HZTool; basic design done; implementation in progress JetWeb database and web front end for HZTool/Rivet; new release expected soon XML schema describe models, generators, parameters; should be able to relate model in JetWeb to files in MCDB HEPDATA converted to relational database; work underway on front end HepForge development environment for HEP software includes code repository, Wiki, issue tracker used by Herwig(++), ThePEG, Jimmy… [B.Waugh] P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

71 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
CEDAR: resources Funded by PPARC e-Science programme from 1 July 2004 to 31 March 2008 Collaboration between University College London and the University of Durham One (soon to be two) full-time postdocs: Andy Buckley (Durham) James Monk (UCL) due to start soon Core CEDAR team also includes Durham: James Stirling, Mike Whalley UCL: Jon Butterworth, Ben Waugh Also contributions from many others [B.Waugh] P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

72 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
LHAPDF – current status and future plans LHAPDF comprises two parts: The core LHAPDF – maintained by M R Whalley (Durham) – originally W Giele (Fermilab) An add-on LHAGLUE – maintained by D Bourilkov & R C Group (Florida) + MRW – this gives the PDFLIB look-alike interface. Both are distributed, to be used together, under the same version numbers. LHAPDF is now maintained and distributed under the hepforge project (part of CEDAR) see it is included in GENSER Current Latest Released Version(s) lhapdf-4.1  main new feature is inclusion of photon and pion pdfs (as in PDFLIB) lhapdf  patched 4.1 fixes some small problems. lhapdf-4.2  includes new CTEQ (different alpha(mz)) pdf fits Future … Durham will continue to maintain LHAPDF with up-to-date PDFs and develop new features. Coming (very) soon…… lhapdf-5.0  allows multi-initialization of PDF sets – needed to increase speed when there is a need to change sets/members in a program (eg proton and photon together). LHAPDF is a replacement for PDFLIB and will continue to be maintained P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November [M.Whalley]

73 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
Backup Slides Collaborating Projects – EvtGen P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

74 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
Status of EvtGen (I) Authors: David Lange (LLNL) Anders Ryd (Cornell) Most recent public version from May, 2005 Newer snapshots of repository made on request. Future support Anders and David joining CMS. To continue core code support as needed. Specific physics channel development driven by users. [D.Lange] P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

75 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
Status of EvtGen (II) Significant new work from CDF: Incoherent mixing / CP violation in incoherently produced B hadrons/baryons Decay table development Bs / LB (etc) Development close to completion. Working to combine with development within BABAR/CLEO for coherent version. Hope to be more proactive in incorporating developments from LHC experiments. Further work on mesons other than Bd required to validate CP violation / mixing in all scenarios. [D.Lange] P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

76 Program of EvtGen Mini-Workshop (January 2005)
Physics issues Implementation of CP violation and mixing for coherently produced B mesons Baryon decays Special decay models New interfaces, e.g. to create particles with known polarizations How to handle FSR ? Tuning of decay tables Software issues EvtGen Repository Where is the main version of EvtGen maintained ? How do we share code updates among experiments ? EvtGen code branchings (problem mentioned in CHEP2004 conclusions) Supported platforms Interfacing other generators for decays of resonances EvtGen particle properties (Current evt.pdl is not ideal) P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

77 developed/maintained P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
WP1. EvtGenLHC: EvtGen for the LHC environment [P.Robbe, LHCb] Because of incoherent B meson production: Modification of mixing description Modification of CP violation implementation Adaptation of decay models to Bs0 decays Addition of new decay models BD K* Updates with new measurements Strong phases in D Dalitz plots (D0K0 K+ K-) Technical changes: Interface with Pythia and Photos from GENSER library Supported Platforms: Windows, RedHat Linux 7.3, Scientific Linux EvtGenLHC now developed/maintained in GENSER P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

78 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
WP1. EvtGenLHC: Bs→J/ψφ interference between mixing and decay amplitudes has been introduced Spin configuration have been validated against independent direct Monte Carlo generations Scalar → vector + vector (Bs→J/ψφ) These new contributions will be added to the LHC EvtGen release [J.Catmore, ATLAS - EvtGen miniworkshop] P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

79 P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November 14 2005
WP1. EvtGenLHC: LbJ/y L The software written for this channel has introduced tools previously missing from EvtGen Assigning production polarization to non-zero spin particles Introducing new decay model into the EvtGen suite A complicated spin configuration has been validated against independent direct Monte Carlo generations Spin ½ →vector + spin ½ (LbJ/y L ) These new contributions will be added to the LHC EvtGen release M.Biglietti, ATLAS - EvtGen miniworkshop P.Bartalini, LHCC Meeting, November

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