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The world of sports Unit 4 Main Page Previous Next.

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Presentation on theme: "The world of sports Unit 4 Main Page Previous Next."— Presentation transcript:

1 The world of sports Unit 4 Main Page Previous Next

2 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
4 The world of sports Lesson 1 Your View Lesson 2 The Business View Lesson 3 The Career View Lesson 4 Saudi Arabia and the World Main Page Previous Next

3 4 The world of sports Lesson 1 Main Page Previous Next

4 4 The world of sports Lesson 1 Boxing Main Page Previous Next

5 4 The world of sports Lesson 1 Main Page Previous Next

6 4 The world of sports Lesson 1 Next Main Page Previous 7 6 3 8 12 10 1
11 2 5 9 4 Main Page Previous Next

7 4 The world of sports Lesson 1 Next Main Page Previous
break: ankle, jaw, neck, rib, toe, wrist; twist sprain: ankle, knee, wrist; dislocate: elbow, jaw, shoulder, toe, wrist bruise: ankle, calf, elbow, jaw, knee, rib, shoulder, thigh, toe, wrist Main Page Previous Next

8 4 The world of sports Lesson 1 Next Main Page Previous
catch: hands, fingers, arms dribble: feet (football), hands (basketball) hit: hands, arms, fingers hold: hands, arms, fingers; jump: feet, legs kick: feet row: arms, hands, legs throw: hands, arms Main Page Previous Next

9 4 The world of sports Lesson 1 Main Page Previous Next

10 4 The world of sports Lesson 2 Next Main Page Previous
The moves of sports stars from one team to another. basketball, football, and baseball New York Real Madrid basketball Main Page Previous Next

11 4 The world of sports Lesson 2 Main Page Previous Next

12 4 The world of sports Lesson 2 Next Main Page Previous
Yes, because they make money for their team in increased ticket sales. He is very tall and heavy, but extremely agile. Yes, it is expanding fast and across the world. Because they know what their costs are likely to be. 48% goes to their players and there is a maximum of $35.5 million. Main Page Previous Next

13 4 The world of sports Lesson 2 Next Main Page Previous
put a ball through a hoop get a bigger piece of the pie salary cap supply and demand stars labour costs Main Page Previous Next

14 4 The world of sports Lesson 2 Next Main Page Previous
who is wearing, dressed in, in, wearing causing, responsible for, that cause Main Page Previous Next

15 4 The world of sports Lesson 2 Main Page Previous Next

16 4 The world of sports Lesson 2 Next Main Page Previous ordered
in the photograph intended manager of Rangers Main Page Previous Next

17 4 The world of sports Lesson 2 Main Page Previous Next

18 4 The world of sports Lesson 2 Main Page Previous Next

19 4 The world of sports Lesson 3 Main Page Previous Next

20 4 The world of sports Lesson 3 Main Page Previous Next

21 4 The world of sports Lesson 3 Next Main Page Previous
No, because the pronoun who refers to the subject of the sentence (Shaquille O’Neal). Who, whom and that can be added. Adding them makes the sentence a little more formal. Sentence 3 is more formal. To which has been replaced by the preposition to at the end of the sentence. Main Page Previous Next

22 4 The world of sports Lesson 3 Main Page Previous Next

23 4 The world of sports Lesson 3 Next Main Page Previous
1- that Nashak Akram comes from 2- who the Rangers paid $252 million for 3- who I always cheer most for 4- which people all over the world love to watch 5- who led the team to the championships 6- that Michael Jordan signed with, with which Michael Jordan signed Main Page Previous Next

24 4 The world of sports Lesson 3 Next Main Page Previous
In sentence 1, the relative clause who can be omitted because it is a non-defining clause. If it is omitted the meaning of the sentence doesn’t change. In sentence 2, the relative clause that cannot be omitted because it is a defining relative clause and defines the subject of the sentence (the players). Main Page Previous Next

25 4 The world of sports Lesson 3 Next Main Page Previous
I play football, which is my favourite sport, whenever I can. This is the boy who is my partner in tennis. The team that is at the bottom of the league beat us last week. The Spartans, who practise a lot, won the game. Refereeing is a profession that can bring in enough money. Main Page Previous Next

26 4 The world of sports Lesson 3 Next Main Page Previous
Sudden wealth has affected him, probably for the worse. The interviewer disapproves. Main Page Previous Next

27 4 The world of sports Lesson 4 Next Main Page Previous
people working out on running machine, cycling machine and rowing machine. At a gym in a local sports centre / fitness centre. You might find weights, exercise classes, showers, running machines, cycling machines, cross trainers, rowing machines, etc. Main Page Previous Next

28 4 The world of sports Lesson 4 Main Page Previous Next

29 4 The world of sports Lesson 4 Main Page Previous Next

30 4 The world of sports Lesson 4 Main Page Previous Next

31 4 The world of sports Lesson 4 Next Main Page Previous
Mustafa hurts all over after going to the gym. Waseem wants to get fit. Mustafa wants to lose weight. Mustafa thinks the gym is really good because they give you a free health check when you join and you can have a personal trainer if you like. He wants to get fit and he has heard that cycling is one of the best ways to strengthen your heart and burn calories. They arrange to go to the gym together and Mustafa will text or with information about the cycle class. Main Page Previous Next

32 4 The world of sports Lesson 4 Main Page Previous Next

33 THE END OF THE UNIT with my best wishes Main Page Previous

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