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Organizarea mobilității

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1 Organizarea mobilității
”Tehnologia în sprijinul învățării” Cod proiect: RO01-KA Organizarea mobilității

2 Transportul RO 07AUG IASI OTOPENI 06.00 07.10
BAGAJUL de cala se ridica  TK       07AUG     OTOPENI   ISTANBUL   10.00       TK       07AUG      ISTANBUL  MALTA       16.30      18.00  TK       20AUG      MALTA       ISTANBUL   10.50       TK       20AUG      ISTANBUL  OTOPENI     18.50      20.10  RO      20AUG      OTOPENI    IASI              21.40      22.45 Bagaj de cala max 23kg, bagaj de mana max 10kg

3 Cazare Limba oficială: malteza Moneda oficială: euro
Țară preponderent catolică

4 Buget Asigurarea de călătorie este responsabilitatea fiecărui participant la mobilitate Programul cultural oferit de furnizorul de curs: 70 EURO

5 Activitatile de curs Prezentarea si semnarea Acordului Tripartit
Materiale necesare pentru realizarea Ghidului de proiect: Fiecare participant la mobilitate are cel puțin 3 materiale didactice (fișe de lucru, planuri de lecție, prezentări, teste) adaptate activității din cadrul programului ADS.

6 Pregatirea calculatorului
1.    First of all, you should make sure you have full administrator rights on your laptop. 2.    Make sure you know how to switch on/off your firewall, as this could lead to certain sites being inaccessible. At some points we might need to disable your firewall if it is particularly sensitive to a download.

7 Pregatirea calculatorului
3.    Make sure you know how to access and enable your wireless connection. You will need to log in to the ETI wireless routers. Make sure the latest drivers are installed on your WiFi connection. If possible, please set Windows to manage your WiFi and not another programme. 4.    Make sure your laptop has the latest Windows security updates installed. This usually comes up as you start up your computer. If not, your computer might stop for a good 20 minutes while updates are being installed, and you will not be able to continue working.

8 Pregatirea calculatorului
5.    Make sure you have an anti-virus installed.               6.    If you are using a new laptop, please make sure you get to know it well, eg, where downloads go, etc. (In all cases, you should know where downloads go!) Furthermore, please ensure that you have used your laptop at least 5 times before the start of the course.  This will allow Windows to install any/all updates released between the product release of you computer and the date you purchased it.

9 Pregatirea calculatorului
7.    You will need to disable or switch off all your P2P (Peer-to-Peer) and File-sharing software, such as Skype, Ares, IM, etc. If possible, remove it completely, as your computer might be set for the software to open up automatically upon Start-up. This affects bandwidth which is necessary for us all to work online. 9.    Please do not bring a tablet (Android/iPad).  Some programs may run on a tablet, but many won’t.

10 Pregatirea calculatorului
10.      Please bring a mouse with you. If I or the other trainers have to help you, we would prefer to use the mouse than bend over your laptop and use the touchpad. 11.      Could you please bring a headset with a microphone? There are small ones which are like earplugs - with a small mike, which are ideal for travelling.

11 Pregatirea calculatorului
1.    First of all, SIGN UP for a GMAIL account, if you don’t already have one. This GMAIL password can be used for several Google applications which we will need.        

12 Pregatirea calculatorului
HOT POTATOES:  download page -

13 Pregatirea calculatorului
·        Go to ·        Sign in with your gmail details ·        You will be asked to create a Google+ or a Blogger profile, select Blogger ·        From the next screen, click ‘New Blog’ ·        A window will appear asking for a title, address and template.  The title can be anything, but the address must be something unique.  It will be similar to  - ************  Choose a simple template, and then click ‘Create.

14 Pregatirea calculatorului
If you CAN, please download Windows Live Movie Maker from these links. You can only do so if you have Windows Vista or Windows 7. or  

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