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Niche Vocabulary These are the words that will be found in conversations about an organisms niche.

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Presentation on theme: "Niche Vocabulary These are the words that will be found in conversations about an organisms niche."— Presentation transcript:

1 Niche Vocabulary These are the words that will be found in conversations about an organisms niche.

2 Niche Definition-the role of an organism in its environment
Characteristics: includes the place in the food chain/web includes how it interacts with other organisms can include both harmful and beneficial interactions

3 Niche (continued) Examples: Non-Examples: eagle: predator of fish
tree: provides shelter to squirrel Non-Examples: water drinking

4 Consumer Definition-an organism that must get its energy from another source Characteristics: eats another organism uses the other organism to get energy to live usually is animals and fungi

5 Consumer (continued) Examples: Lion Seal Non-Examples: Tree Seaweed

6 Producer Definition-an organism that creates its own energy
Characteristics: usually is a plant uses photosynthesis to make food needs sunlight and carbon dioxide

7 Producer (continued) Examples: Tree Seaweed Non-Examples: Lion Seal

8 Decomposer Definition-an organism that breaks down dead organisms to obtain energy Characteristics: help put nutrients back into soil help clear waste and dead organisms can be fungi and bacteria

9 Decomposer (continued)
Examples: mushrooms bacteria Non-Examples: Lion Tree

10 Scavenger Definition-an animal that looks for dead organisms to eat to get energy Characteristics: can be insects, worms, or larger animals breakdown dead plants and animals can eat waste and dead bodies

11 Scavenger (continued)
Examples: yellow jackets vulture Non-Examples: Tree Seal

12 Predator Definition-an animal that hunts and kills another animal to obtain food Characteristics: hunts to kill to sustain until it needs energy again may or may not kill the animal before it eats and digests some swallow the animal whole

13 Predator (continued) Examples: Lion Orca Non-Examples: Tree Earthworm

14 Prey Definition-organisms attacked and eaten by others
Characteristics: usually smaller types of animals larger number in population than predator can be 1st level or 2nd level conusmers

15 Prey (continued) Examples: Non-Examples: fish chipmunk Tree
Baleen Whale

16 Carnivore Definition-organism that eats meat Characteristics:
is a 2nd level consumer is a predator and sometimes prey to another mainly live alone or in small groups

17 Carnivore (continued)
Examples: orca lion Non-Examples: Tree chipmunk

18 Herbivore Definition-organism that eats plants, nuts, and berries
Characteristics: is a 1st level consumer can also be known as a primary consumer preyed upon by carnivores

19 Herbivore (continued)
Examples: Panda Moose Non-Examples: orca lion

20 Omnivore Definition-organism that eats both plants and animals
Characteristics: can be 1st level as well as 2nd level consumers has teeth to fit eating plants as well as animals have highly adaptive digestive systems

21 Omnivore (continued) Examples: Non-Examples: Humans Black bears Tree

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