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Maeola Beitzel Elementary School

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1 Maeola Beitzel Elementary School
LCAP and DATA Review October 13, 2016 Yvonne J. Wright, Principal & Lynn Garverick, Vice Principal

2 What is LCAP? LCAP is Local Control Accountability Plan The LCAP is a critical part of the Local Control Funding Formula. Each school and district must engage parents, educators, employees and the community to establish these plans. The plan describes how the school intends to meet annual goals for all pupils, with specific activities to address state and local priorities.

3 8 Priorities of LCAP Student Achievement Student Engagement
Other Student Outcomes- (Art, PE, etc.) School Climate Parent Engagement Implementation of Common Core Course Access Basic Services (well maintained facilities)

4 Four Strategic Goals Strategic Goal 1: All students will receive high quality classroom instruction and curriculum to promote college and career readiness and close the achievement gap. Strategic Goal 2: All students will benefit from instruction guided by assessment results (formative, interim, and summative) and continuous programmatic evaluation. Strategic Goal 3: All students will have an equal opportunity to learn in a culturally responsive, physically and emotionally safe environment. Strategic Goal 4: All students will benefit from programs and services designed to inform and involve family and community partners. This document provides all EGUSD LCAP metrics organized by strategic goal.

5 Strategic Goal 1: High Quality Classroom Instruction & Curriculum
Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes (EAMOs) Teacher Assignment 1. 98% of teachers are appropriately assigned and fully credentialed/ certified in the subject areas in which they teach. Instructional Materials % of students have access to standards-aligned instructional materials. Content Standards Implementation 3. 90% of teachers surveyed report full implementation of state content standards in ELA, Mathematics, English Language Development, Science, History/Social Science, PE, Health, School Library, Career Technical Education, Visual and Performing Arts, and World Language. Access to Courses 4. 100% of students have access to and are enrolled in a broad course of study. CAASPP 5. 56% of students will meet or exceed standards in ELA as measured by CAASPP; reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. 6. 47% of students will meet or exceed standards in mathematics as measured by CAASPP; reduce disparity among student groups by 10% 7. 100% Participation in Science CAASPP pilot. ELA=English Language Arts CAASPP=California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress API=Academic Performance Index

6 Teacher Assignment Strategic Goal 1: EAMO 1
District Goal: 98% of teachers are appropriately assigned and fully credentialed/ certified in the subject areas in which they teach. Goal Not Met 96.7% of core courses were NCLB compliant in District LCAP Plan Goals: : 98% of core courses have teachers who are appropriately assigned and fully credentialed/certified in the subject areas in which they teach. : 98% of core courses have teachers who are appropriately assigned and fully credentialed/certified in the subject areas in which they teach. : 98% of core courses have teachers who are appropriately assigned and fully credentialed/certified in the subject areas in which they teach. State Priority #1

7 Instructional Materials
Strategic Goal 1: EAMO 2 District Goal: 100% of students have access to standards-aligned instructional materials. Goal Met 100% of students had access to standards-aligned instructional materials. District LCAP Plan Goals: : 100% of students have access to standards-aligned instructional materials. : 100% of students have access to standards-aligned instructional materials. : 100% of students have access to standards-aligned instructional materials. State Priority #1

8 CAASPP – English Language Arts
Strategic Goal 1: EAMO 5 District Goals: 53.0% of students will meet or exceed standards in ELA as measured by CAASPP; reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. Goal Not Met 52.6% of students met or exceeded standards in ELA in Disparity: 5% increase for African American, 4% decrease for Hispanic, and 5% decrease for SED subgroups in District LCAP Plan Goals: : 56% of students will meet or exceed standards in ELA as measured by CAASPP; reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. : 59% of students will meet or exceed standards in ELA as measured by CAASPP; reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. : 62% of students will meet or exceed standards in ELA as measured by CAASPP; reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. State Priority #4

9 2016 CAASPP- English Language Arts Performance Categories by Grade Level

10 2016 CAASPP English Language Arts Claims, Grade 3

11 2016 CAASPP English Language Arts Claims, Grade 4

12 2016 CAASPP English Language Arts Claims, Grade 5

13 2016 CAASPP English Language Arts Claims, Grade 6
District Goal: 98% of teachers are appropriately assigned and fully credentialed/ certified in the subject areas in which they teach. Goal Not Met 96.7% of core courses were NCLB compliant in District LCAP Plan Goals: : 98% of core courses have teachers who are appropriately assigned and fully credentialed/certified in the subject areas in which they teach. : 98% of core courses have teachers who are appropriately assigned and fully credentialed/certified in the subject areas in which they teach. : 98% of core courses have teachers who are appropriately assigned and fully credentialed/certified in the subject areas in which they teach. State Priority #1

14 What Are We Doing at Beitzel to Support Students to Meet or Exceed Grade Level in ELA?
Provide teachers professional development on Common Core State Standards Provide teachers professional development on newly adopted curriculum Provide teachers time to meet and analyze student work/data to guide instruction and plan intervention strategies in weekly meetings. Provide students time and opportunity to work in areas of need Provide small group instruction opportunities Provide extended learning opportunities for students

15 CAASPP – Mathematics Strategic Goal 1: EAMO 6 Strategic Goal 1: EAMO 6
District Goals: 43.0% of students will meet or exceed standards in mathematics as measured by CAASPP; reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. Goal Not Met 42.6% of students met or exceeded standards in mathematics in Disparity: 17% increase for African American, 1% decrease for Hispanic, and 0% decrease for SED subgroups in District LCAP Plan Goals: : 47% of students will meet or exceed standards in mathematics as measured by CAASPP; reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. : 51% of students will meet or exceed standards in mathematics as measured by CAASPP; reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. : 55% of students will meet or exceed standards in mathematics as measured by CAASPP; reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. State Priority #4

16 2016 CAASPP- Mathematics Performance Categories by Grade Level

17 2016 CAASPP Mathematics Claims, Grade 3

18 2016 CAASPP Mathematics Claims, Grade 4

19 2016 CAASPP Mathematics Claims, Grade 5

20 2016 CAASPP Mathematics Claims, Grade 6

21 What Are We Doing at Beitzel to Support Students to Meet or Exceed Grade Level Standards in mathematics? Provide teachers professional development on Common Core State Standards Provide teachers professional development on curriculum aligned to Common Core State Standards Provide teachers time to meet to analyze student work/data to guide instruction and intervention. Provide students time and opportunity to work in areas of need Provide small group instruction opportunities Provide tutoring for students weekly Provide extended learning opportunities for students

22 CAASPP – Science Data to be Collected on New Goal
Strategic Goal 1: EAMO 7 CAASPP – Science Data to be Collected on New Goal District LCAP Plan Goals % Participation in Science CAASPP pilot. : Establish student performance baseline in Science using 2018 CAASPP scores. : 5% increase in students meeting or exceeding standards in Science as measured by CAASPP. District LCAP Plan Goals: : 100% Participation in Science CAASPP pilot. : Establish student performance baseline in Science using 2018 CAASPP scores. : 5% increase in students meeting or exceeding standards in Science as measured by CAASPP. State Priority #8

23 2016 CAASPP-Science, Grade 5

24 Progress Toward English Proficiency
Strategic Goal 1: EAMO 11 Progress Toward English Proficiency District Goal: 62.0% of EL students will increase one level of English proficiency as measured by CELDT. Goal Not Met 61.5% of EL students increased one level of English proficiency in District LCAP Plan Goals: : 63.5% of EL students will increase one level of English proficiency as measured by CELDT. : 65% of EL students will increase one level of English proficiency as measured by CELDT. : 66.5% of EL students will increase one level of English proficiency as measured by CELDT. State Priority #4

25 Reclassification Strategic Goal 1: EAMO 12
District Goal: 10% redesignation rate Goal Not Met 8.1% redesignation rate in District LCAP Plan Goals: : 10% redesignation rate for English Learners. : 11% redesignation rate for English Learners. : 12% redesignation rate for English Learners. State Priority #4

26 What are we doing to support our English Learners to meet English Language Standards?
Providing teachers professional development in best practices to support English learners. Provide teachers professional development on newly adopted curriculum with English language development Provide teachers time to meet and analyze student work/data to guide instruction and plan intervention strategies in weekly meetings. Provide students time and opportunity to work in areas of need Provide small group instruction opportunities with paraeducator support Provide extended learning opportunities for students

27 Strategic Goal 2: Assessment, Data Analysis & Action
Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes (EAMOs) Data and Program Evaluation 1. 100% of the following programs are evaluated: EL, Wellness, Attendance Improvement Initiative, Family and Community Engagement, Instructional Coach Model, Tobacco Use Prevention Education, Improve Your Tomorrow, Security and Safety, and On Grade Level Reading (OGLR). Assessment System 2. 50% of the district’s student assessment system is implemented. Student Information System 3. 100% of new student information system transition activities are completed.

28 Strategic Goal 3: Wellness
Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes (EAMOs) Attendance 1. Increase attendance rate to 96.3%. Chronic Absenteeism 2. Decrease chronic absenteeism to 10.3%. Middle School Dropout 3. Decrease middle school dropout rate to 0.18%. High School Dropout 4. Decrease high school cohort dropout rate to 4.3%. Cohort Graduation % of students will graduate high school on time. Suspension 6. Decrease overall suspension rate to 8.0%, and reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. Expulsion 7. Decrease overall expulsion rate to 0.03%, and reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. School Connectedness 8. 5% improvement in student connectedness as measured by CHKS.

29 Attendance Strategic Goal 3: EAMO 1
District Goal: Increase attendance rate to 96.2%  Goal Not Met Attendance rate was 95.9% in District LCAP Plan Goals: : Increase attendance rate to 96.3%. : Increase attendance rate to 96.4%. : Increase attendance rate to 96.5%. State Priority #5

30 Absence Strategic Goal 3: EAMO 2
District Goal: Decrease chronic absenteeism to 10.5% Goal Not Met Chronic absenteeism was 11.1% in District LCAP Plan Goals: : Decrease chronic absenteeism to 10.3%. : Decrease chronic absenteeism to 10.1%. : Decrease chronic absenteeism to 9.9%. State Priority #5

31 What Are We Doing at Beitzel to Support Parents and Students in meeting attendance goals?
Provide daily phone calls for late/absent students Give students/parents reminders of attendance policy Hold conferences with students and parents about attendance Home visits regarding attendance Give students incentives for positive attendance Recognition for positive attendance

32 Suspension Strategic Goal 3: EAMO 6
District Goal: Decrease overall suspension rate to 9.3%, and reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. Goal Not Met Decreased overall suspension rate to 7.5% in Disparity: 16% increase for African American, 25% increase for Hispanic, and 14% increase for SED subgroups in District LCAP Plan Goals: : Decrease suspension rate to 8.0%, and reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. : Decrease suspension rate to 7.8%, and reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. : Decrease suspension rate to 7.6%, and reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. State Priority #6

33 Expulsion Strategic Goal 3: EAMO 7
District Goal: Decrease overall expulsion rate to 0.04, and reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. Goal Not Met Expulsion rate was 0.05 in Disparity: 133% increase for African American, 20% decrease for Hispanic, and 260% increase for SED subgroups in District LCAP Plan Goals: : Decrease expulsion rate to 0.03%, and reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. : Decrease expulsion rate to 0.02%, and reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. : Decrease expulsion rate to 0.01%, and reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. State Priority #6

34 What Are We Doing at Beitzel to Support Parents and Students?
Implementation of PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports) Catch Students doing something “Good” Award Weekly Character Announcements PBIS Assemblies Monthly with a Character Focus Anti Bully/Bully Prevention Messaging Community Responsibility Message

35 School Connectedness Strategic Goal 3: EAMO 8
District Goal: Establish baseline for student connectedness as measured by the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS). Goal Met Baseline Established District LCAP Plan Goals: : 5% improvement in student connectedness as measured by CHKS. : 5% improvement in student connectedness as measured by CHKS. : 5% improvement in student connectedness as measured by CHKS. State Priority #6

36 School Climate Strategic Goal 3: EAMO 9
District Goal: Establish baseline for school climate from students, staff, and parent perspectives as measured by the California School Climate, Health, and Learning Survey (Cal-SCHLS) system. Goal Met Baseline Established District LCAP Plan Goals: : 5% improvement in school climate as measured by Cal-SCHLS. : 5% improvement in school climate as measured by Cal-SCHLS. : 5% improvement in school climate as measured by Cal-SCHLS. State Priority #6

37 Facilities Strategic Goal 3: EAMO 10
District Goal: 100% of students will have access to wireless technology and clean, safe, and well-maintained facilities as measured by the FIT tool Goal Met 100% of students had access to wireless technology in 100% of students had clean, safe, and well-maintained facilities as measured by the FIT Tool in District LCAP Plan Goals: : 100% of students will have clean, safe, and well-maintained facilities as measured by the FIT Healthy School Survey and Williams Reviews. : 100% of students will have clean, safe, and well-maintained facilities as measured by the FIT Healthy School Survey and Williams Reviews. : 100% of students will have clean, safe, and well-maintained facilities as measured by the FIT Healthy School Survey and Williams Reviews. State Priority #1

38 Strategic Goal 4: Parent, Family and Community Relationships
Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes (EAMOs) Family and Community Engagement 85% of parents will indicate effective provision of opportunities for parent input in making decisions for schools or the district. 85% of parents will indicate effective provision of opportunities for parent involvement or parent education, particularly for unduplicated pupils and individuals with exceptional needs.

39 Family and Community Engagement
Strategic Goal 4: EAMOs 1 & 2 Family and Community Engagement District Goal: Create a Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Strategic Plan; measure and establish baselines for the provision of opportunities for parent input in making decisions for the district and schools, and parent participation and involvement in programs, particularly for unduplicated pupils and individuals with exceptional needs. Goal Met Baseline Established District LCAP Plan Goals: : 85% of parents will indicate effective provision of opportunities for parent input in making decisions for schools or the district. : 87% of parents will indicate effective provision of opportunities for parent input in making decisions for schools or the district. : 89% of parents will indicate effective provision of opportunities for parent input in making decisions for schools or the district. : 85% of parents will indicate effective provision of opportunities for parent involvement or parent education, particularly for unduplicated pupils and individuals with exceptional needs. : 87% of parents will indicate effective provision of opportunities for parent involvement or parent education, particularly for unduplicated pupils and individuals with exceptional needs. : 89% of parents will indicate effective provision of opportunities for parent involvement or parent education, particularly for unduplicated pupils and individuals with exceptional needs. State Priority #3

40 How do We Engage Families in Decision Making, Parent Education, and School Functions?
Participation on School Site Council- DM, SF Participation on ELAC-DM Coffee with Principal-DM PTO-DM, SF Parent Universities- PE Picnic With Parents -SF Volunteer -SF Watch D.O.G.S.-SF M.O.M.S.-SF LCAP DATA NIGHT-DM

41 Opportunity for Input in our Plan (LCAP)
Survey Monkey

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