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ATLAS calorimeter and topological trigger upgrades for Phase 1

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1 ATLAS calorimeter and topological trigger upgrades for Phase 1
Samuel Silverstein, Stockholm University For ATLAS TDAQ/L1Calo + Overview + Upgrade to PreProcessor MCM + Topological trigger

2 Current L1Calo system DAQ RODs E/g t/had RoI clusters RODs (CP) Pre-
Read-out drivers (RODs) DAQ RODs Input/output data To DAQ .1 x .1 Trigger towers RoI RODs E/g t/had clusters (CP) From calorimeters To CTP To L2 (ROIB) Pre- Processor (PPr) Analog tower sums (0.1 x 0.1) Jet / SET (JEP) .2 x .2 Jet elements To ROI builder: jet & cluster RoI thresholds and coordinates Real-time output to CTP: multiplicities of Jet, EM/t cluster threshold bits Digital algorithm processors

3 Phase I upgrades to L1Calo
PreProcessor: New mixed-signal MCM with FPGA Topological processing Add RoI coordinates and additional information to the real-time data path Topology-based algorithm processor for L1Calo (plus Muon) RoIs

4 PreProcessor MCM functionality
ADC FIR filter (5 samples) (1/4) Analog trigger tower sum 0.1  0.1 Peak finder Used to identify bunch crossing No consecutive non-zero values To CP serialiser To JEP (4x4) serialiser

5 New PreProcessor MCM FPGA-based replacement for existing mixed-signal MCM Motivations Drop-in replacement if failure rate higher than expected Possible to upgrade digital processing algorithms, e.g. Improve BCID algorithms Compensate for baseline shifting at high luminosity Features Two dual-channel FADCs (AD9218) Lower power consumption/channel Run at 80 MHz clock rate (latency reduction) Replace several digital chips with single FPGA (Spartan 6): Adjustable fine delay for ADC clocks PreProcessor ASIC 480 Mbit/s LVDS serialisers to CP and JEP

6 PreProcessor MCM upgrade
New MCM Bottom Top FPGA (Spartan 6) 4 ADCs serializers 2 Dual-channel FADCs (AD9218) ASIC Adjustable delay Current MCM

7 Topological processing
Motivations Reduce rates while saving physics efficiency Current triggers are multiplicity based Higher thresholds lose physics, less effective with pileup Minimum changes to L1Calo system, rest of experiment Adding topology to L1Calo: Keep present data granularity, Jet and EM/ cluster algorithms Add RoI coordinates and information to real time data path New firmware in existing processor modules Higher backplane speed to increase RTDP bandwidth Replace data merging modules in crates with new boards Receive and process high-speed backplane data Send RoIs to topological processor (TP) over high-speed links Topological processor (TP) New subsystem (preferred solution) Pipelined, fixed-latency processing of all RoIs (L1Calo + Muon)

8 Jet and cluster algorithms
EM cluster algorithm (/had similar): Jet algorithm: 0.4 x 0.4 0.6 x 0.6 0.8 x 0.8 Local maximum "Environment"

9 Digital algorithm processors
JEM JEP: 2 crates CP: 4 crates C P U M T 14 CPMs C P U C M C M T C M 16 JEMs Two quadrants per crate One quadrant per crate CPM 2 merger modules (CMM) collect real-time results from all CPMs/JEMs in the crate

10 Data merger module: CMM
25 point-to-point backplane links from each JEM/CPM to each CMM Current speed 40 MHz (25 bits/BC) e.g. 8  3-bit multiplicities + 1 Parity bit CMM Backplane merger layers Readout To CTP System-level merging Crate-level merging

11 Higher backplane bandwidth
Backplane can run at >320 Mbit/s (8  current) (given fast transmitter, optimum termination) Actual limit: FPGA outputs on CPM and JEM Both work well at 160 Mbit/s (4  current)

12 Transmission tests JEM to BLT: Backplane Eye > 3.7 ns link tester
at 160 MHz Backplane link tester (BLT) Clock and parity encoded together on bit 25: 160 MHz transmission from CPM

13 Adding RoIs to backplane data
Example: proposed 96-bit jet output 4  24 bits at 160 MHz (25th bit used for clock + parity) 8 "presence bits" (Which of the 8 subregions had an RoI?) Report up to 4 RoIs (expect < 2 per JEM) 2 fine position bits (localize jet to 0.2  0.2 coordinates) 8 threshold bits Up to 12 additional bits per RoI For example, jet ET P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 Threshold bits RoI 1 (8b) Threshold bits RoI 2 (8b) Fine Pos RoI 1 Fine Pos RoI 2 Fine pos RoI 3 Fine Pos RoI 4 Threshold bits RoI 3 (8b) Threshold bits RoI 4 (8b) Jet RoI 1 ET (12b) Jet RoI 2 ET (12b) Jet RoI 3 ET (12b) Jet RoI 4 ET (12b)

14 CMM replacement: CMM++
VME -- VME CPLD Readout to DAQ and ROI RODs (Glink emulation) Optical links: 12-fiber bundles (SNAP12 or or similar), 6.4 Gbit/s SNAP12 Virtex 6 HX565T LVDS links for crate-to- system merging SNAP12 SNAP12 SNAP12 Backplane data from JEMs/CPMs (160 MHz) LVDS outputs to CTP SNAP12 Must be backward-compatible with existing CMM 14 14

15 CMM++ firmware studies
Device: Virtex 6 (XC6VHX565T-2FF1924) VME-- VME CPLD Glink DAQ and ROI readout TTCrx Glink Backward-compatible Jet firmware, including jet and system FPGAs, emulated Glinks (based on production CMM VHDL code) Virtex E (crate) Virtex E (system) "Legacy" design uses ~ 2% of internal resources; Plenty of room left.... 2-3x faster than Virtex E 15 15

16 Topological processor (TP)
Two options being considered: Preferred: New topological processor (TP) subsystem Modern technology / form factor (Virtex 6/ATCA) Receive and process all L1Calo RoIs Able to include Muon RoIs Backup: Topological algorithms in CMM++ Connect fiber links in a star configuration, with one CMM++ as the TP Process all jet, CP RoIs No room for muon RoIs More limited algorithm processing (less scalable)

17 TP subsystem (preferred)
E/g t/had clusters (CP) Muons 0.1 x 0.1 TP To CTP Pre- Processor (PPr) Analog tower sums (0.1 x 0.1) Clusters Jet / SET (JEP) 0.2 x 0.2 Jets Energy results to CTP?

18 TP technology demonstrator
TP will almost certainly be simpler. Goal of demonstrator is to encounter and learn from problems with high density, high-power ATCA boards

19 Backup: TP in designated CMM++
EM/ EM Energy Jet EM/ EM CP1 C M + C M + JEP0 C M + C M + CP0 C M + C M + CLUSTER JET ENERGY LVDS C M + CP3 C M + C M + JEP1 (TP) C M + C M + CP2 C M + ~56 L1Calo fibers to "TP" (fits in single Virtex-6 HXT) Note: Not enough room for muon ROIs

20 Summary and status PreProcessor MCM replacement CP/JEP crates
ASIC code ported to Spartan 6 FPGA, plus serialiser and clock manager functionality PCB layout complete and sent out, expect boards back soon CP/JEP crates Backplane transmission tests at 160 MHz look good Studies indicate upgraded firmware in CPMs and JEMs will easily fit and run at full speed CMM++ specifications in early stage, studies of prototype firmware look promising Topological Processor (TP) Two options (CMM++ or new TP crate) Technology demonstrator layout nearly complete, soon available for testing

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