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Student Welfare Initiative

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1 Student Welfare Initiative
Kiply S. Drew Senior Associate General Counsel Office of the Vice President and General Counsel October 11, 2014

2 Commitment to Student Welfare
“All members of the IU community must embrace a change in culture, here at IU and on campuses across the country. Our goal must be to make Indiana University’s commitment to Student Welfare a reality, so that all students can pursue their education and extra-curricular lives at IU with confidence in their personal safety and well-being.” -President Michael McRobbie June 12, 2014

3 Stop Sexual Violence Indiana University prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in its educational programs and activities. Discrimination on the basis of sex is also prohibited by federal laws, including Title IX that governs the University’s response to sexual harassment and sexual violence, which includes rape, acquaintance rape, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, and stalking. -The updated IU “Policy Against Sexual Misconduct” will be accessible in the near future.

4 Title IX Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex against any person in education programs and activities receiving federal funding. "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."

5 “Stop Sexual Violence” Website

6 Getting Help and Reporting an Incident

7 Campus-Specific Information includes:
What to Do if You Experience or Witness Sexual Violence Where to Go for Immediate Help Reporting an Incident police and/or campus authorities Counseling and Support Services Help with Interim Measures Legal Resources

8 IU Southeast Example

9 IU Southeast Example

10 IU Southeast Example

11 Call to Action to Change Culture
IUPUI IU Bloomington A student-led and staff-supported initiative focused on creating a campus culture in which members of the Indiana University Bloomington community demonstrate “care” for one another. Through bystander intervention, the Culture of Care initiative empowers students to support their peers. The Culture of Care initiative promotes helping one another, behavioral change, and raising awareness in four core areas: sexual well-being, mental health, alcohol & drug awareness, and respect. This student-led, staff-supported campaign is focused on creating a safe and positive campus climate at IUPUI through bystander intervention, acts of kindness, and school spirit. JagNation empowers students to support each other as a community, and equips students with the courage and skills to take action when necessary.

12 Student Welfare Initiative Activities at IU Kokomo
Sexual Assault Awareness Week September 22-27, 2014 Included a self-defense workshop and two Step Up intervention training workshops. Red Flag Campaign Posters from will be placed in prominent locations around campus to educate students/staff/faculty on signs of unhealthy relationships

13 Student Welfare Initiative Activities at IU East
“Sex Signals” A show that engages students in exploring topics such as consent, alcohol/sexual assault, bystander intervention, etc.

14 Student Welfare Initiative Activities at IU Southeast
Student Health 101 Online Magazine ed to students that includes relevant articles (Oct. Profiles of a Bystander) Campus Awareness Day October 7, 2014: included a Domestic/Sexual Violence panel and 2,000 of the following information cards were distributed

15 Student Welfare Initiative Activities at IU Northwest
The Clothesline Project This T-shirt design project and exhibition is part of a national project intended to educate, break the silence, and bear witness to violence against women.

16 Student Welfare Initiative Activities at IU South Bend
IUSBBrave: Bringing Recovery, Awareness, Voices & Engagement for a campus free of sexual assault and violence

17 Poster Campaign Posters will be displayed across each campus (including men’s and women’s restrooms). These posters include campus-specific information on prevention, response, and support, as well as bystander information.

18 Poster Campaign Make the Call. Save a Life. Posters contain information about Indiana’s Lifeline Law. Example from IU Northwest posters

19 “It’s On Us” Campaign For more information see

20 Key Priorities and Additional Resources
Bystander Intervention Sexual Misconduct Policy Employee Training Brochures and Posters New Student Orientation Education and Prevention Programs

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