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GWEITHDY ARFER DA GOOD PRACTICE WORKSHOP (AS) Cyflwyniad – esbonio amcanion y sesiwn / Introduction – explain session’s objectives Gweithdy Iaith (CE) Adnabod cymhorthion I ddatblktygu dwyieithrwydd yn y maes dysgu yn y gweithle / Identify tools to develop bilingualism in work based learning Datblygu a gwerthuso sgiliau asesu a geirfa asesu arbenigol yn Gymraeg / Develop and evaluate assessment skills and specialist assessment vocabulary in Welsh Cynllunio I gynwys dulliau asesu sy’n hwyluso cyfleoedd I ddysgwyr ddatblygu sgiliau iaith Gymraeg / Plan to introduce assessment methods which promote opportunities for learners to develop Welsh language skills Torri’r Garw – gweithgaredd Taith Iaith Cyfanswm Amser y Sesiwn Gweithdy Arfer Da – 40 munud
NOD AIM Arfogi staff dysgu gyda’r offer i godi ymwybyddiaeth o’r iaith Gymraeg a’r diwylliant Gymraeg yn ogystal â dechrau mewnosod y Gymraeg yn y rhaglenni hyfforddiant Give teaching staff the necessary tools in order for them to raise awareness of the Welsh language and the Welsh culture as well as begin to embed Welsh into the training programmes
Trafod discuss Pethau rydych yn gwneud ers peth amser
Y Cwricwlwm Gymreig, yr iaith Gymraeg a’r diwylliant Gymraeg The Welsh curriculum, the Welsh language and the Welsh culture Pethau rydych yn gwneud ers peth amser Pethau rydych wedi eu datblygu’n ddiweddar Pethau rydych yn eu hystyried i’r dyfodol Things you’ve been doing for a while Things you’ve developed recently Things you’re considering for the future
Tasg – mewnosod y Gymraeg
Task – embedding welsh Rhagorol Da Disgwyliedig Angenrheidiol Excellent Good Expected Essential HANDOUT – BLANK TRIANGLE Trafod y gwahanol safbwyntiau. Beth sydd yn angenrheidiol o safbwynt mewnosod y Gymraeg mewn modd effeithiol ac yn sicrhau bod y tiwtor yn diwallu anghenion y dysgwyr? Beth am y pethau disgwyliadwy? Beth fyddai’n ei wneud yn dda neu’n rhagorol? Discuss the various points. What needs to be in place as regards embedding Welsh effectively to ensure that the tutor or assessor meets the requirements of learners? What is expected? What do you already do/hope to do in relation to the Good and Excellent categories? Where should we start to embed Welsh and the Welsh dimension into learning programmes? Is there an ideal time to start? Better to wait until the learners have settled on the course – after about a fortnight/three weeks. Perhaps longer? Who thinks that it should start straight away? Pre-course interview? Induction period? During course profiling? During the first session? During icebreaker activities? You could use some Welsh from the very first time you meet the learners – when discussing identity, culture etc (in English), perhaps, or by developing your own vocabulary and that of your learners when teaching your subject.
Cefnogaeth angenrheidiol
Essential support Pob tiwtor Every tutor Agwedd gadarnhaol Positive attitude Adnoddau dysgu ac addysgu ‘craidd’ yn ddwyieithog ‘Core’ teaching and learning resources Adnabod geiriau allweddol yn y ddwy iaith Identify key words in both languages Essential Support for learners
ICEBREAKER ACTIVITIES Play-doh Taith Iaith Play-doh Taith Iaith (Language Journey) 2 examples of what you can do: 1) Pay-doh – set the task of creating something out of the clay that relates to the Welsh language or culture. This leads to a discussion with regard to what people have chosen to make, and why. It’s a good way to break the ice, to get to know each other, and to start understanding one’s contact with the Welsh language, their opinions and feelings and so on. 2) Taith Iaith (Language Journey) – set the task as was given to you earlier today. It’s again a good way to break the ice, a good way to understand people’s backgrounds, and a god way to start the discussion on language, language choice, people’s relationship with the language and so on. People generally like to take about their selves and their own experiences, so this is a good warm up task.
cynllunio planning Cynnwys agweddau o’r iaith Gymraeg a dwyieithrwydd mewn rhaglenni hyfforddiant ac mewn gweithdai Sicrhau fod gennych y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ar bethau fel manteision dwyieithrwydd Annog a chefnogi dysgwyr i ddilyn rhan neu’r cyfan o’u rhaglen hyfforddi galwedigaethol drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg Bod yn gadarnhaol tuag at werth dwyieithrwydd i unigolyn Include aspects of the Welsh language and bilingualism in training programmes and workshops Ensure you are up to date with knowledge such as the advantages of bilingualism Encourage and support learners to follow part or all of their vocational training programme through the medium of Welsh Be positive about the value of bilingualism to an individual What can we do with regard to planning? Cynllunio i gynnwys agweddau o’r iaith Gymraeg a dwyieithrwydd mewn rhaglenni hyfforddiant ac mewn gweithdai Sicrhau fod gennych y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ar bethau fel manteision dwyieithrwydd Annog a chefnogi dysgwyr i ddilyn rhan neu’r cyfan o’u rhaglen hyfforddi galwedigaethol drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg Bod yn gadarnhaol tuag at werth dwyieithrwydd i unigolyn Plan to include aspects of the Welsh language and bilingualism in training programmes and workshops Ensure you are up to date with knowledge such as the advantages of bilingualism Encourage and support learners to follow part or all of their vocational training programme through the medium of Welsh Be positive about the value of bilingualism to an individual
During a workshop Yn ystod gweithdy
Amlygu termau allweddol yn y ddwy iaith yn y cyflwyniad Cyflwyno termau allweddol dwyieithog ym mhob sesiwn Cyfeirio at leoliadau, pobl, cymunedau, gweithleodd, enghreifftiau Cymraeg Highlight key terms in both languages in presentation Present bilingual key terms for every session Make reference to Welsh locations, people, communities, workplaces, examples What should we do during workshops?
cynllunio planning DYSGWYR LEARNERS Cynnal gwaith yn eu dewis iaith (e.e. yn ystod arsylwadau ac asesiadau) os mai dyma yw’r norm iddynt Carry out work in chosen language (e.g. during observations and assessments) if this is the norm for them ASESWYR ASSESSORS Sicrhau fod gennych y gefnogaeth angenrheidiol, e.e. os oes gwaith portffolio yn cael ei gyflwyno yn Gymraeg Ensure that you have the support you need, e.g. if portfolio work is presented in Welsh Y TÎM THE TEAM Trafod materion yn ymwneud â’r iaith Gymraeg a dwyieithrwydd mewn cyfarfodydd aseswyr Discuss issues related to the Welsh language and bilingualism in assessor meetings Sicrhau fod ymgeiswyr yn gyfforddus i gynnal eu gwaith drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg (e.e. yn ystod arsylwadau ac asesiadau) os mai dyma yw’r norm iddynt Sicrhau fod gennych y gefnogaeth angenrheidiol, e.e. os oes gwaith portffolio yn cael ei gyflwyno yn Gymraeg Trafod materion yn ymwneud â’r iaith Gymraeg a dwyieithrwydd mewn cyfarfodydd aseswyr Make sure that candidates are comfortable to carry out their work through the medium of Welsh (e.g. during observations and assessments) if this is the norm for them Ensure that you have the support you need, e.g. if portfolio work is presented in Welsh Discuss issues related to the Welsh language and bilingualism in assessor meetings
BETH ARALL? Cynnwys cwestiynau ar ymdrin â chwsmeriaid sy’n siaradwyr Cymraeg wrth holi am wahanol sefyllfaoedd Defnyddio geiriau canmol Cymraeg ar lafar neu’n ysgrifenedig Defnyddio llyfryn geirfa Sgiliaith i gynyddu’ch adborth cyfrwng Cymraeg gyda dysgwyr sy’n siaradwyr Cymraeg Cynnwys datblygiadau iaith Gymraeg a dwyieithog fel rhan o gadw cofnod WHAT ELSE? Include questions on dealing with Welsh speaking customers when asking about different situations Use Welsh praise words during oral and written feedback Use Sgiliaith’s vocabulary booklet to build on your Welsh medium feedback to Welsh speaking learners Include Welsh language and bilingual developments as part of record keeping HANDOUT – ‘Creu Ethos Cymreig’
Cyflogwyr a chyflogadwyedd
Employers and employability Codi ymwybyddiaeth gyda chyflogwyr a rheolwyr Pwysleisio’r gallu i siarad Cymraeg fel sgil cyflogadwyedd gwerthfawr Annog dysgwyr dwyieithog i chwilio’n rhagweithiol am gyfleoedd i ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg yn y gwaith Pwysig iawn: parhau i annog y rhai sydd â sgiliau iaith Gymraeg i ddatblygu eu sgiliau Raise awareness with employers and managers Emphasize the ability to speak Welsh as a valuable employability skill Encourage bilingual learners to proactively search for opportunities to use Welsh in the workplace Most important: keep encouraging those with Welsh language skills to develop further With regard to employers and employability then …
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Pethau eraill… Other things… Cael mwy o syniadau gan y Mentrau Iaith lleol, Yr Urdd ac ati gan fod ganddynt hwy lawer o gysylltiadau yn yr ardaloedd penodol Get more ideas from the local Mentrau Iaith, the Urdd etc as they have lots of links within the local area Ruth Williams Non Cooper
Pethau eraill… Other things…
Gweithio'n agosach hefo'r Hyrwyddwyr/ Cyfieithwyr i gyfieithu cyflwyniadau PP/ nodiadau/ ffurflenni/ deunydd anwytho ac ati Work closely with the bilingual champion / translator to translate PP presentations/forms/ induction material etc
Pethau eraill… Other things…
Ceisio cael ‘bydi Cymraeg’ o blith cydweithwyr i drafod ynganiad geiriau Cymraeg ac ati Cyflwyno geiriau Cymraeg fesul tipyn, e.e. cyfarchion, geiriau cefnogol/ysgogol hefo dysgwyr Try and get a ‘Welsh buddy’ from amongst your colleagues to discuss pronunciation of Welsh words etc Introduce Welsh words a little at a time, e.g. greetings, praise words with learners
Bwrdd gwyn rhyngweithiol
Interactive whiteboard Notebook Express – Web Application Creu gweithgaredd anagram Notebook Express – Web Application Create an anagram activity
Trafod discuss Pa fath o gefnogaeth pellach rydych ei angen gan y coleg / darparwr addysg yn y gweithle / Sgiliaith / asiantaethau eraill er mwyn cyflawni’r hyn a drafodwyd heddiw? What kind of support do you need from the college / work based learning provider / Sgiliaith / other agencies in order to achieve what we’ve discussed today?
SWOT AND PERSONAL ACTION PLAN Cwblhewch ddadansoddiad SWOT Cryfderau a gwendidau personol Cyfleoedd a bygythiadau i’ch sefydliad/ darpariaeth Nodwch targedau tymor byr, canolig a thymor hir ar gyfer datblygu’ch cyfraniad at ddwyieithrwydd a’r Gymraeg fel asesydd Complete a SWOT analysis Personal strengths and weaknesses Opportunities and threats to establishment/ provision Note short, mid and long term targets in order to develop your contribution to bilingualism and the Welsh language in your role as an assessor SWOT – 40 munud Discuss Assessors’ needs Complete Personal Action Plan Evaluate and Close (CE)
Diolch – cadwch mewn cysylltiad! diolch – keep in touch!
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