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Learning Outcome Students will: Choose a topic to write about

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Outcome Students will: Choose a topic to write about"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Outcome Students will: Choose a topic to write about
Read some basic info about the topic Write 1 argument, with sub-headings, for the topic Write 1 argument, with sub-headings, AGAINST the topic

2 Lesson 2a - Persuasive Prewrite
Essential Question How can I create a prewrite for a persuasive writing? Students will: Review last lesson Find the order of relevance Success Criteria I can create a prewrite for my story

3 Persuasive Writing - Review
Explain to your partner What are the requirements for a persuasive essay? What are Logos, Pathos and Ethos?

4 Persuasive Writing - Assignment
Students will be in groups of 6 (teacher’s choice) The 6 students will be divided into 2 teams Ex. Team A – 2 Team B – 2 Once you have your 2 teams, you will get first choice at the topic Topics - Website Should cell phones be banned in schools? Should students get paid to attend school? Should schools have a dress code(uniforms)? Should girls have their own school?

5 Use the debate paper to help you get started

6 Persuasive Writing Assignment
Each group will get a topic Each person will make 1 argument for their topic Ex. Team A – Should we have uniforms in school? Student 1: Argument For – uniforms make you look smart and handsome Sub-heading 1: When I put on a uniform, people think I go to a famous school Sub-heading 2: Before going to a uniform school, I was ugly but now at a uniform school, I have a girlfriend Student 2: Argument For – I don’t have clothes at home so a uniform makes it easy for me to pick Sub-heading 1 Sub-heading 2 Student 3: Argument For – I can learn how to tie a tie

7 Persuasive Writing - Assignment
What is a balanced argument? You understand both sides of the debate What side did your team take? If you picked for, now you are going to think of 3 arguments AGAINST If you picked AGAINST, now you are going to think of 3 arguments for Ex. Team A – Boys Topic: Should we have uniforms in school Boy 1: Argument AGAINST – uniforms make you look like a nerd Boy 2: Argument AGAINST – I have to iron my clothes everyday when all I want to do is sleep Boy 3: Argument AGAINST – I can’t show off all my muscles to impress girls in a uniform sub-headings

8 Prewrite Requirements
Prewrite – Choose 1 of your 3 arguments Logos - Using the internet, books, etc…, find a minimum of 2 facts for your BEST ARGUMENT Number fact: 75% of people say… Famous Quote: Martin Luther King said… Ethos – Ex. A true story that shows your argument is correct It can be a true story from your life or someone else’s(friend, parent, etc…) Pathos – Ex. Feeling Your persuasive story will be about this 1 Argument ONLY!!!

9 Mini Lesson - Balanced

10 Lesson 2b - Persuasive Prewrite
Essential Question How can I create a prewrite for a persuasive writing? Students will: Review last lesson Find the order of relevance Success Criteria I can create a prewrite for my story

11 Persuasive Writing - Assignment
What is a balanced argument? You understand both sides of the debate What side did you take? Get into your groups You will hear one argument from the other side What do I do with this? You will mention this argument in your essay You will explain, using one of the persuasive devices, why it is wrong Student 1: Argument For – uniforms make you look smart and handsome Sub-heading 1: When I put on a uniform, people think I go to a famous school Counter – If people know you go to a famous school, they may think you are rich and steal from you. For example, a 2006 report showed that 2.6% of private school students were threatened going to school. Why do you think this sub-argument is wrong?

12 Last class time for the Prewrite
Examples of Logos? Use the internet to find specific number facts Graphs Survey the class Make sure your question is clear Examples of Ethos? Give a real life example so people can relate to you Ex. School uniforms – I used to go to a school with uniforms and I hated it because Do famous people support your idea? Example of Pathos? What will make your audience feel the same as you? Ex. Fear? Happiness? Which pictures will you use? Funny? Graph?


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