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Women’s Interagency HIV Study (WIHS)

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Presentation on theme: "Women’s Interagency HIV Study (WIHS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Women’s Interagency HIV Study (WIHS)
Atlanta, GA Emory University SOM Kayla Smith, MPH

2 Recruiting for Atlanta WIHS
HIV Positive Women Two-thirds of the cohort, n=184 Diagnosed with HIV and currently on ARV medications or treatment naïve HIV Negative Women One-third of the cohort, n=94 Participated in high-risk behaviors within 5 years prior to enrollment Atlanta WIHS Cohort N = 278

3 WIHS Structure Semi-annual appointments with the Emory University research team at Grady IDP Clinic 6 month visit cycles run from April – September and October – March Informed consent process Phlebotomy In-depth interview Clinical examination WIHS visits last ~4 hours

4 WIHS Visit: In-Person Interview
Socio-demographics Follow-up Health History Hospitalization/Biopsy Report Medication History OB/GYN and Contraceptive History Alcohol, Drug use and Sexual Behavior Health Care Utilization Psychosocial Measures Educational Experience Neurocognitive Battery Assessment All self-reported data collected by clinical research coordinators and interviewers

5 WIHS Interview Standardized, fixed-response interview
Questions and answers mostly predetermined before interview Responses generally fixed – participant has specific options from which to choose response Some open-ended questions are also used in the interview

6 Data Collection Materials
Paper copies of all forms, even if using Direct Data Entry Double-screened computer Response Cards Antiretroviral Photo Medication Cards List of appropriate referrals Copy of Question-by-Question Specifications (QxQs) Scrap paper Two black ball-point pens Calendar Calculator

7 WIHS Visit: Clinical Procedures
General physical exam (height, weight, blood pressure, and body habitus measurements) Gynecological exam with PAP smear Urine collection Arterial Brachial Index (ABI) Measurement Frailty Assessment Colposcopy and biopsy (if needed) Scalp Hair Collection All procedures conducted by study NPs or MDs

8 Laboratory Processing
Atlanta WIHS Laboratory Blood specimens GYN cervical swabs Oral fluid samples Urine specimens

9 WIHS Sub-studies WIHS-FibroScan
An ultrasound-like machine that collects data on the fattiness and stiffness of the liver by using a metal probe device that sends sound waves from the liver to a computer that analyzes the measurements to produce results on the health of the liver Women’s Adherence and Visit Engagement (WAVE) Collects self-reported interview data on the stigma and stress of living with HIV Collects scalp hair samples to evaluate levels of cortisol which is a biomarker of stress

10 WIHS Retention Quarterly Newsletters Retention Events
4 yearly events including Dinner & a Movie night, Bowling Party, Back to School BBQ, and Holiday Party Goal: Build rapport and keep the women engaged

11 Atlanta WIHS Team

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