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How can we as individuals help stop global warming

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Presentation on theme: "How can we as individuals help stop global warming"— Presentation transcript:

1 How can we as individuals help stop global warming
(or reduce our carbon footprint)

2 1. Change to fluorescent light bulbs (150 lbs. CO2 per bulb per year)

3 2. Recycle paper and glass waste and buy recycled when possible
Can save up to 2400 lb. of CO2 a year

4 3. Set your thermostat to save energy
Lowering it 2 degrees in winter and raising it 2 degrees in summer can save 2000 lb. of CO2 a year

5 4. Turn off electronic devices
Completely turn off computers, TVs, DVD players, etc. when not in use—ie, don’t leave them in standby mode And save over 1000 lbs. of CO2 a year

6 5. Use less hot water Doing laundry in cold water saves 500 lb. CO2 and shorter showers or a low flow showerhead saves 350 lbs. a year

7 6. Use less packaging Buy less prepackaged stuff and bring your own cloth bags to the grocery store A 10% reduction in garbage saves 1200 lb. of CO2 a year

8 7. Eat less meat! Cutting back on meat by half (or switching to more poultry and less red meat) could save 800 lb. of CO2 a year

9 8. Drive less Use public transportation when possible, combine errands to reduce car trips, and carpool with others Save 1 lb. of CO2 for each mile not driven

10 9. Drink tap water out of your own reusable bottle
If you normally drink one bottle of water a day this can save 800 lb. of CO2 a year And it’s perfectly good for you!

11 10. Stay informed! Become knowledgeable about ways you and your family can contribute to a more sustainable planet

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