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Tales from the Cardioverse: A study exploring the experience of learning with online Entertainment-Education Ros Brownlow.

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Presentation on theme: "Tales from the Cardioverse: A study exploring the experience of learning with online Entertainment-Education Ros Brownlow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tales from the Cardioverse: A study exploring the experience of learning with online Entertainment-Education Ros Brownlow

2 Aims To consider how we encourage students to actively participate in online learning how we can support students to collaborate online Illustrated by Example of an approach used in practice Presentation of some key findings from primary research data

3 Context of Module & Study
Module developed using entertainment-education pedagogy Module is an online distance learning undergraduate module in coronary heart disease prevention The study explores the experiences of nurses learning about heart disease prevention through online entertainment-education

4 Rationale & theoretical position
Entertainment-education Purposeful Story based Stereotypes Melodrama Learning contextualized & vicarious Key authors: Sabido, Singhal & Rogers Aim To entertain & engage To educate To promote change at individual & social level

5 Module using entertainment-education pedagogy
What did we do? The module Each character has a series of episodes over a 3 week period Course activities & interactions based on character stories.

6 The study: Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis
How people understand their experience Seeks to examine idiographic as well as common aspects of experience How did we explore it?

7 Data Collection & Analysis Tools
Semi-structured Interviews Face-to-face & telephone Topic guide Interview Plus Technique Learning artefacts Generic Individual Analytic approach Smith & Osborn (2003) 7 step process for IPA

8 The Experience of Learning online with Entertainment-education (Brownlow 2013)
The Noema of Learning through Entertainment- Education Parasocial Learning Interactive Social Learning Monophonic Learning The Noesis of Online Learning Virtual Mask Virtual Vulnerability

9 Parasocial Learning (Brownlow 2013)
Authentic character Identification Internalization Parasocial Relationship Emotional Challenge Empathy Aversion Reflection on Practice Individual Change Social

10 Meet Deidre: a parasocial stimulus
Me?  Oh, I feel fine.  Well, same as always, same as usual, really.  I can’t feel I should feel any different.  I mean, what should I expect?  I’m 62, I’m getting on.  I can’t expect things to be like they were 20 years ago.  I’m certainly not fit anymore, certainly not since my heart gave way, anyway.  Oh, they say I’m fine but, oh, I dunno, I just feel really, really different, I’m so tired all the time.  Everything’s such an effort – the housework, the shopping, everything.  But then, it doesn’t matter, does it, because no-one comes round anymore, not even my children...

11 Interactive Social Learning (Brownlow 2013)
Social Relationships Actions to meet social needs Foundation for learning relationships Emotional support for learning Reduced isolation Increased motivation to study Information through interaction Accessing experience of others Sharing ideas Seeking feedback Blend between real & virtual practice Stimulus: Parasocial relationships Outcome: Learning co-operatively

12 Monophonic Learning (Brownlow 2013)
Unilateral approach Don’t interact with others Don’t use course discussion tools Don’t make real-world/virtual-world links Limited parasocial interaction Tasks Tests Physiology Circumstances Social interaction Discussion Patient centred Preferences

13 The Noesis of the Online Learning Environment
These themes provide insight into how the online environment is experienced by students and help to interpret how the online environment impacts on student behaviour. Two key themes emerged that relate to the way students experience the online environment Virtual Mask Virtual Vulnerability

14 Virtual Mask (Brownlow 2013)
Anonymity of online environment Protection Liberation Facilitates interactive social learning Engage readily Not exposed to judgement of others Own adverse reactions hidden

15 Virtual Vulnerability (Brownlow 2013)
Virtual Vulnerability occurs when a student feels exposed or inhibited in the online environment. Caused by 3 key factors lack of anonymity in the online environment the absence of non-verbal reassurance in the online environment the sense of permanence associated with posting written comments in comparison to making verbal ones.

16 Conclusions: Entertainment-Education
Entertainment-education can be used to engage students & promote active participation through emotional prompts facilitate parasocial learning & expressions of change at individual & social level Stimulate interactive social learning & student co-operation

17 Conclusions: Online environment
Virtual mask – the anonymity of the OLLE promotes interactive social learning by providing protection & liberation Virtual vulnerability – students maybe reluctant to participate if this anonymity is lost.

18 Implications Challenge to educators to provide authentic feeling (melo)drama to stimulate & engage students so parasocial learning can take place Challenge to provide comfortable online social spaces for students so interactive social learning can occur Challenge to blended learning of the Virtual Mask/Virtual vulnerability conundrum

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