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The Reformation and Counter Reformation

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1 The Reformation and Counter Reformation
Luther, Calvin, Henry VIII and the Popes

2 Purgatory "a state of final purification after death and before entrance into heaven for those who died in God's friendship, but were only imperfectly purified; a final cleansing of human imperfection before one is able to enter the joy of heaven." (Catechism of the Catholic Church [CCC] Page 896).

3 Martin Luther 95 Theses protesting the sale of indulgences

4 Luther's speech at the Diet of Worms
Tetzel's tactics

5 Selected theses, Martin Luther, October 31, 1517
21. Thus those preachers of indulgences are in error who say that by the indulgences of the Pope a man is freed and saved from all punishment. 24. Hence, the greater part of the people must needs be deceived by this indiscriminate and high-sounding promise of release from penalties. 32. Those who believe that, through letters of pardon, they are made sure of their own salvation will be eternally damned along with their teachers.... 43. Christians should be taught that he who gives to a poor man, or lends to a needy man, does better than if he bought pardons. .

6 Luther's 95 Theses A list of things he thought were wrong with the Catholic Church (95 Complaints) He criticized: The Power of the Pope The Extreme Wealth of the Church Sale of Indulgences (Idea that you could buy your way out of consequences of sin)

7 Luther’s Major ideas: You are saved because of your faith in God alone, not because of attaining sacraments or performing good works (like indulgences). (Justification by Faith) Bible is sole authority on God’s will (sola Scripta) “Priesthood of all believers” – all men and women have access to God through faith without need of priests Vocations (avocations) – your job is your calling by God and therefore “God’s Work”

8 And then…. 1517 Ideas spread by the Printing Press Excommunicated 1521
Translates the Bible into German languages Followers called Lutherans

9 Pope Leo X (Medici) He was the Pope during the height of the corruption

10 Impacts of Reformation

11 1. War in the Holy Roman Empire
HRE Charles V wants to keep German states Catholic Many German Princes want independence and reform War 1520’s – 1555 Schmalkaldic League – Lutheran Princes and their armies fight Charles V and the Pope

12 The Truce Peace of Augsburg – each German prince can determine the religion of the people in his land. Is this religious freedom?

13 2. Split of Europe – Protestant North and Catholic South


15 3. New Protestant denominations (styles of churches)
Zwinglism Calvinism Anglicanism – King of England is head of the Church of England Anabaptists Lastly, Reform of the Catholic Church – Counter Reformation!

16 Zwinglism Ulrich Zwingli
Accepted idea of Justification by Faith and Sola Scripta Rejected both Trans and consubstantiation in the Marburg Colloquy with Luther Symbolic Lord’s Supper only Music, veneration of Saints abolished. Paintings, relics, and statues are idolatry (precursor to Calvinism) Zurich – city council enforces church doctrine

17 John Calvin Huguenots (France) Major ideas: Sola Scripta
Predestination – god has already chosen who will be saved and who won’t be Followers called: Huguenots (France) Puritans (England) - Tried to rid or “purify” the Protestant church of shows of wealth and rituals Presbyterians (Scotland)

18 Influences Geneva – Ecclesiastical Ordinances
Institutes of the Christian Religion – TULIP Vice Laws Excommunication

19 The Scarlet Letter

20 Henry VIII & Anglicanism (The Church of England)
At first defended Catholicism against Luther – “Defender of the Faith” 1527 – Wants a divorce Wife has powerful relatives – dissuade the pope Henry breaks with Catholicism Parliament creates Act of Supremacy making Henry, not Pope, head of the English Church All must swear allegiance or be arrested / beheaded. Henry takes land back from church and breaks up monasteries

21 Creates religious conflict in England
Mary Tudor “Bloody Mary” – anti- Protestant Elizabeth Tudor – Protestant – tried to create a compromise to avoid further conflict.

22 4. Catholic Counter Reformation
Catholic leaders agree to reforms to prevent further conversions to Protestantism Ignatius of Loyola & the Jesuits – How did they contribute to church reform? Council of Trent What did they change about the way Catholicism was practiced? What stayed the same?

23 Anabaptists Adult baptism Separation of church and state Anti-war
Some women leaders but mostly men Community property Precursors of Amish (Mennonites) Quakers Baptists


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