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Welcome to 3rd Grade! Franklin Elementary School

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1 Welcome to 3rd Grade! Franklin Elementary School
Franklin 3rd Grade September 12, 2017

2 Introduction Mrs. Cubellis

3 Third Grade Teachers 3A – Mrs. Cubellis Tiger Talk 3B – Miss Baker
Social Studies 3C – Mr. Casciotti Science

4 Classroom Schedule Monday’s Schedule
9:15-10:15 Integrated Arts 10:20-11:20 English/Language Arts 11:20-11:55 Science 12:00-1:00 Lunch/Recess 1:05-2:15 Math 2:15-2:45 Social Studies 2:45-3:15 Tiger Talk 3:15-3:30 Assignment Book

5 Classroom Schedule Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
9:15-10:15 English/Language Arts 10:15-11: Special 11:00-11: English/Language Arts 11:25-12: Science 12:00-1:00 Lunch/Recess 1:05-2:15 Math 2:15-2:45 Social Studies 2:45-3:15 Tiger Talk 3:15-3:30 Assignment Book Tuesday – Music Wednesday – PE Friday- Art

6 Classroom Schedule Thursday’s Schedule
9:15-10:15 English/Language Arts 10:15 – 11:00 Library 11:00 – 12:00 English/Language Arts 12:00-1:00 Lunch/Recess 1:05-2:15 Math 2:15-2:25 Silent Reading 2:30-3:15 Orchestra 3:15-3:30 Assignment Book

7 Science Scott Foresman Series Inquiry-Based Approach
Unit B: Earth Science Unit C: Physical Science Unit D: Space and Technology

8 Social Studies Twelve Units
The Social Studies curriculum focuses on 12 main units which center around communities, geography, citizenship, and government around the word. It is an in-depth curriculum that has many resources that are offered to the students.

9 English and Language Arts
Spelling Test – every Monday Weekly Lesson Test – Monday unless otherwise noted The Sentence Nouns Verbs Adjectives Capitalization and Punctuation Pronouns Adverbs and Prepositions

10 English and Language Arts
Narrative Opinion Informational Letter Writing Students evaluated using PSSA Rubric Students must focus on a writing prompt

11 PAW Paragraph For writing this year, each student will have a homework assignment given on a Monday and due that Friday. The assignment will be described in detail in a PAW paragraph book. The process to write these at home paragraphs will follow the writing process we do at school. The children will complete a brainstorm activity, rough draft, editing and revising with an adult and a final copy. Please make sure to sign each paragraph.

12 Student Achievement Tiger Talk
Student Achievement is data driven and differentiated. Topics included during Student Achievement are based on grade level standards and expectations. Instruction will align with FES targeted areas of growth as well as the PA Core. ELA topics will include additional practice with core writing forms (narrative, opinion/argument, and informative/explanatory), text dependent analysis, making connections between texts, robust vocabulary, figurative language, and English applications. Math will include techniques and strategies that both support and enrich topics covered within the curriculum. No specific grade will be given in Student Achievement on the report card, but items will be graded and given to the ELA or math teacher for inclusion with report card grades.

13 Date Art Phys. Ed. Music Sept 12   A B C Sept 19 1st 30 min of each class B Chalk C The A Walk Sept 26 C A B Oct 3 A B C Oct 17   B C A Oct 24 C A B Oct 31 A B C Nov 14 Ketchup Ketchup Ketchup Nov 21 B C A Dec 5 C A B   Dec 12 Combined Chorus 4 & 5 3rd 2nd 1st TBD 3rd 2nd 1st TBD Dec 19 ALL CLASSES Holiday HOOPS Jan 2 A B C Jan 9 B C A Jan 23 C A B           Date Art Phys. Ed. Music Sept 12   A B C Sept 19 1st 30 min of each class B Chalk C The A Walk Sept 26 C A B Oct 3 A B C Oct 17   B C A Oct 24 C A B Oct 31 A B C Nov 14 Ketchup Ketchup Ketchup Nov 21 B C A Dec 5 C A B   Dec 12 Combined Chorus 4 & 5 3rd 2nd 1st TBD 3rd 2nd 1st TBD Dec 19 ALL CLASSES Holiday HOOPS Jan 2 A B C Jan 9 B C A Jan 23 C A B          

14 Mathematics * Students were grouped according to District Criteria.
Achievement Scores IOWA Test End of Book Test Basic Fact Test Student Attributes 2nd Grade

15 GoMath! Reminders Our Math curriculum is developed based on the needs and expectations of the PA Core and the assessments that relate to them. Our curriculum drives our instruction and therefore you will notice some problems and pages throughout the year that we will skip. The textbooks are one of our resources, but we always look for ways to incorporate other resources/technologies to make our instruction more exciting and relevant. Any problems and pages skipped can be used for practice at home for test review or over breaks. Math classes will develop a system for identifying the problems and pages that have been skipped that can be done at home.

16 GoMath! Reminders Along with pages and problems that might be skipped, we also have adjusted our pacing. Through reflection and careful consideration of many factors, the 3rd Grade Team has made these changes to our pacing... Chapter 2 will be taught before Chapter 1 Chapter 2 is smoother transition into 3rd Grade. Has similar concepts taught in Chapter 1, but are more manageable to start 3rd Grade. Chapter 7 will be taught after Chapter 12 Importance of Chapters 11 and 12 before PSSA testing in April. Students learn the concept and strategies of Division in Chapter 6. Chapter 7 is a review of those skills and strategies from Chapter 6. It is also important to know that the entire 3rd Grade of North Allegheny will be following this sequence.

17 New Mathematics Curriculum
We have updated the curriculum in grades K-8. Instruction will focus on inquiry-based methodology. Problem solving will be emphasized in all units. All Pennsylvania Core Standards for Mathematics will be addressed. GO MATH! will be our new textbook series. Each student will receive “mini-books” for all units. Students can write in their consumable books. There are new online resources that can be used at home for additional practice and reinforcement.

18 GO MATH! Online Resources
For best results, use Chrome as your Internet browser. From the North Allegheny Homepage, click on “+Parents.” 2. Then select “Online Textbook Resources.” 3. Select “Elementary Level Resources.”

19 Rocket Math 15 minutes per math period
Program is an intense instruction of math facts. 100% accuracy to move on to the next level.

20 Grading A – 90% % B – 80% - 89% C – 70% - 79% D – 60% -69%

21 Homework Policy by 3rd grade teachers
Students are responsible for recording assignments and having required work in class on time. Homework will not be given on Day 1 of an illness. Please or call on Day 2 for work. Every attempt will be made to honor vacation homework requests; however, we are limited by our need to plan which does not occur until Thursday of the week before. Attendance at orchestra does not excuse a student from classwork/homework. Please check off assignments when complete in the assignment book . Please sign assignment book each day.

22 General Purposes We Agree Upon
Homework should help children: review and practice what they’ve learned get ready for the next day’s classes learn to use resources, such as libraries, internet searches explore subjects more than time permits in the classroom develop good habits and attitudes We will assign regular math homework, as math, like bike riding, comes with concerted effort and requires ample practice to enhance the conceptual understanding.

23 Teacher Responsibilities
Go over assignment board – keep it up-to-date. Homework will also be posted on my website. All assignments will be written in assignment book. Give reminders about organization. Show consistency in checking homework. Be firm in the requirement of having materials in class. Provide assistance, whenever possible, to those struggling to meet requirements. Kindness Patience Encouragement..... Consistency......!

24 How can you help your child?
Organization: Find out how your child is doing with assignment book. Your child is responsible for writing assignments – not you! Help your child keep his/her accordion folder organized. Time Management: Track assignments on a monthly calendar at home. Work backward from the due date of larger or long term assignments or tests. Break into nightly tasks. Designate a time that works for your child/family. Prioritize: Have your child label activities and school tasks 1-3. Check-in frequently to see how the tasks are being done.

25 Pull-Outs 2:30 – Big Orchestra – Thursday GOAL – Tuesday from 11:00-12:00 and 2:15-3:15

26 Third Grade Orchestra Rehearsals
Elective classes- not required Students who are not at a rehearsal will be Participating in extension/remediation activities or working on special projects who are not at a rehearsal will NOT be   scheduled for study- hall like periods Orchestra students need to bring their instrument & music every week Orchestra Rehearsals – Thursday 2:30-3:15

27 Orchestra Lessons Lessons are scheduled to begin on Tuesday, September 12th Schedules have been distributed by Mrs. Donato. Students are to attend their lesson every week. They are to bring their instrument and music every week. May leave for their lesson five minutes before scheduled lesson begins. Orchestra students are required to make-up any work missed while attending their lesson. There will be no phone calls home for forgotten instruments.

28 Additional Notes Additional homework may result because of the following: Late arrival to school Orchestra lesson or ensemble Student’s personal pacing in class

29 Birthday Celebration Food items are not permitted in FES classrooms so please celebrate your child's birthday through the birthday book club verses classroom treat. We can still sing!

30 Other Items of Interest
Study Island PAW Paragraph IOWA Test – January 8-12, 2018 PSSA Test English/Language Arts Test – April 10-13, 2018 Math – April 16-20, 2018 Please think about joining the PFA… They pay for each fieldtrip we take each year. Membership information is on the Franklin website under PFA.

31 Contact Information Phone Number: (412) Mrs. Cubellis’ Miss Baker’s (not sbaker) Mr. Casciotti’s Best time to contact by phone is 10:15-11:00 We will respond to within 24 hours.

32 Thank you for attending Curriculum Night 2017!

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