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Ch. 23-Lindbergh- STUDENTS

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1 Ch. 23-Lindbergh- STUDENTS

2 Pearl Harbor/WWII Desire to fight Roosevelt Work for Ford

3 Most celebrated man on earth?...
"… all that a man should say, all that a man should do, and all that a man should be“ – Winston Churchill

4 “The New Lindbergh” Admirers Tainted Damaged country Lindbergh, Hero?

5 Theories about Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping…
Murder? Accident? Reasons? Nazi ideology?

6 #1 THEORY=lone killer?... A piece of evidence that could have destroyed the "lone killer" belief was the difference in handwriting. Between the numerous ransom notes. Many experts believe that the first ransom note was written by a different person than the rest. These experts could have testified at the trial, but David Wilentz (prosecutor of Bruno Richard Hauptmann) did not allow them to testify. It would have destroyed the "lone killer" theory! Why was the ‘lone killer’ theory so important??

7 …#1 THEORY: lone killer?... Another clue that raises doubt about a “lone killer” theory is a phone conversation Dr. Condon had with the "kidnappers." In the background during the phone conversation, Dr. Condon said he heard someone shouting "Statte cito" which means "shut up" in Italian. So, it seems the ransom notes were written by a German man, the telephone calls were from a Scandinavian OR German with an Italian in the background? How could just ONE person be involved?...and one more item calls the ‘long killer theory into question….

8 …#1 THEORY: lone killer?“We”..?
Dear Sir, Have 50,000$ redy 25000$ in 20$ bills 15000$ in 10$ bills and 10000$ in 5$ bills. After 2-4 days will inform you were to deliver the Mony. We warn you for making anyding public or for notify the Polise the child is in gut care. Indication for all letters are singnature and 3 holds.

9 #2 THEORY=wasn’t killed?
There are claims that the Lindbergh baby is still alive. This claim has been made by numerous people. Claim that Lindbergh and his wife were involved in getting rid of the child- not killing it. “One day, in the early 50s, a man knocked on the front door of the Lindbergh's Connecticut home. When questioning the other children regarding the kidnapping, he realized that the Lindbergh children had never been told about the death of their first brother or the trial in regarding his murderer.” Why would they not have been told that he was dead? Was he really dead?

10 #3 THEORY=Lindbergh prank…
There is a theory that no kidnapping ever took place at all but rather, a sadistic prank, typical of Lindbergh's boyish and cruel mentality, that went awry. This theory requires no one but Lindbergh himself. Only his lawyer Henry Breckenridge might have even known the truth. Lindbergh phoned Breckenridge before calling the State Police to report his child missing. It is difficult for some people to believe that Lindbergh could be responsible for the death of his own son, however, anyone who studies his behavior, from the day of the supposed "kidnapping," recognizes that the man simply never behaved like he was very eager to retrieve his son.

11 …#3 THEORY: Lindbergh prank…
Lindbergh was known for playing "practical jokes" of a very cruel and sadistic nature. In the Army Reserves he often filled his bunkmates' beds with reptiles and spiders. In the Army Reserves Lindbergh filled a friend's canteen with kerosene and watched as he drank the fluid. Bud Gurney suffered severe internal burns and had to be hospitalized for many months. Lindbergh thought this was hysterically funny and bragged about it throughout his life. ….

12 #3 THEORY: Lindbergh prank Cont…
Then, 2 weeks before the supposed "kidnapping" Lindbergh hid his baby in the trash closet to play a "joke" on his wife. He told everyone that the child had been kidnapped and allowed the “joke” to continue for over twenty minutes before revealing the location of the child. Funny? There are many other documented accounts, from close friends or acquaintances, describing Lindbergh's abuse towards his wife as well as their 5 other children.

13 Other ‘problems’….Evidence?
The evidence presented at the Trial of the Century was blatantly tainted - from rehabilitated witnesses who were promised part of the reward money if Hauptmann was convicted, (including someone with cataracts-later discovered was legally blind- and another who was known as a pathological liar), to the tampered time sheets that would have proved Hauptmann's claim that he had been at work the day of the child's disappearance. The blobs of ink, covering the check marks on those time sheets, ought to have been enough evidence of the prosecutor's deceitfulness yet no one cared…

14 Evidence???... The ladder wood does not match, there is a piece missing, yet the jurors were instructed to use their imaginations!! What really happened? Was the Lindbergh baby really kidnapped/killed? Who did it? Was Lindbergh, gangs, or Lindbergh’s Nazi affiliates involved? Why would this be done? Was Lindberg a Nazi sympathizer or an American hero? Could he be both?

15 Hauptmann…Never had a chance?
“…I have no fear for myself because I know that I am innocent.  If I have to go to the chair in the end, I will go like a man, and like an innocent man." – Hauptmann after sentencing Attempts to get Hauptmann to confess remained unsuccessful

16 “Graveyard John” sketch: Hauptmann?/John Knoll?/both?

17 “Inside Job?” Betty Gow- baby’s nurse Violet Sharpe- Lindbergh maid
Neighbors- angry? Dr. Condon? Charles Lindbergh?...

18 Charles Lindbergh = Careu Kent!

19 Dyrk, Astrid, & David Hesshaimer

20 The “German Lindbergh’s”
Graying American man Kind, caring, great father?! Writer? Don’t tell!

21 “…a caring, loving father?”
Headlines in Europe! Deaf ears in America? Just a “compulsive need to travel”? Denial?/Why? "I am aware that our actions have tainted the image of an impeccable American hero," said Astrid, "But they also reveal that a man once thought of as emotionless and unattainable was in fact a caring and loving father."

22 Knowledge Preferable?

23 Anne Morrow Lindbergh…her own ‘double life’…

24 Charles Lindbergh….Hero?

25 “…the fact that we exist testifies to the fact that he was simply a man - not a hero."

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