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Quality of life modelling in terms of energy consumption

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1 Quality of life modelling in terms of energy consumption
Tokyo Institute of Technology Quality of life modelling in terms of energy consumption Reza Nadimi PhD student Supervisor: Professor Koji Tokimatsu

2 Research Questions (Q2) Energy Consumption (EC) ↑↓ QoL?
4 رمضان 1439 (Q1) Relative or Absolute Quality of Life (QoL) indicator? (Q2) Energy Consumption (EC) ↑↓ QoL? (Q3) Countries Classification based on (QoL, EC)?

3 QoL _ Energy Consumption
4 رمضان 1439 QoL (fa) (Factor Analysis) QoL (Sig) (Sigmoid Function)

4 QoL _ Factor Analysis Multivariate Analysis (Factor Analysis) Input
Variables (Economy, Health, Education) Data (112 Countries) Time Scope of the study ( ) Process Multivariate Analysis (Factor Analysis) Output Linear function of QoL Indicator (QoL(fa)) QoL(fa) Data

5 QoL _ Factor Analysis (Input)
Variables Economy GDP GNI Health IMR IWA LEB Education MYS Unit Current US $ (Per Capita ) Deaths (0-1 year)/ 1000 live births Year %

6 QoL _ Factor Analysis (Process)
4 رمضان 1439 Factor Analysis (fa) QoL (fa) = f ( GDP, GNI, IMR, IWA, LEB, MYS) Data Normalization via Feature Scaling Correlation Matrix Loading Factor (Eignvector*Square Root (Eigenvalue) ) Eignvalues

7 QoL _ Factor Analysis (Output)
Primary QoL (fa) QoL (fa) = f11 * GDP + f21 * GNI + f31 * IMR + f41 * IWA + f51 * LEB + f61 * MYS fP1 : Loading Factor with Highest Eigenvalue QoL (fa) : Linear function of QoL Secondary QoL (fa) QoL (fa) : Data by replacing six variables data → Scale up the QoL data

8 QoL _ Factor Analysis (Output)
Coefficient values and eigenvalues for the first loading factor for nine years Variables Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 MYS 0.801 0.803 0.804 0.806 0.808 0.809 0.811 0.813 0.814 GDP 0.915 0.916 0.917 GNI 0.920 0.921 IMR -0.929 -0.927 -0.926 -0.925 -0.924 -0.923 -0.922 -0.921 -0.920 LEB 0.892 0.893 0.895 0.897 0.898 0.899 0.900 IWA 0.817 0.794 0.782 0.774 0.767 0.763 0.758 0.749 λ1 77.6% 77.4% 77.0% 76.8% 76.6% 76.5% 76.4% 76.3% 76.1% Q.L (fa) = 0.814*MYS+0.916*GDP+0.921*GNI *IMR *LEB *IWA

9 QoL _ Factor Analysis (Output)
(Q1) Relative or Absolute QoL indicator? QoL (fa) = f11 * GDP + f21 * GNI + f31 * IMR + f41 * IWA + f51 * LEB + f61 * MYS

10 QoL _ Energy Consumption
4 رمضان 1439 QoL (fa) (Factor Analysis) QoL (Sig) (Sigmoid Function)

11 QoL _ Sigmoid Function Input
QoL Data (Scale up Data for 112 countries) Energy/Electricity Data (Per capita) Time Scope of the study ( ) Process Least square and numerical methods (Sigmoid Function) Output Countries classification based on QoL & Energy Con. Boundaries of Energy Consumption (In)efficient Area based on QoL & Energy Con.

12 QoL _ Sigmoid Function (Input)
Variables QoL ECpc (Energy Consumption per capita) Elcpc (Electricity Consumption per capita) Unit kg of oil equivalent per capita % kWh per capita

13 QoL _ Sigmoid Function (Process)
Sigmoid Function (Sig) QoL (Si) = g ( Energy/Electricity Consumption per capita)

14 QoL _ Sigmoid Function (Output)

15 QoL _ Sigmoid Function (Output)
4 رمضان 1439 (Q2) Energy Consumption (EC) ↑↓Quality of Life ?

16 QoL _ Sigmoid Function (Output)
(Q3) Countries Classification based on (QoL, EC)? 11 times 36 times Average of nine Years

17 Thanks for your attention

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