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Technology Communication ( )

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Communication ( )"— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Communication (Email)
By Tuyet Binh Huynh

2 Outline What is mail and email Different between email and mail
Advantages of Disadvantages of How to write an effective Conclusion References

3 What is Mail

4 What is

5 Compare mail - email Mail Expensive Take long time Can be lost Email
Cheap – no cost Fast Convenience

6 How often people check email

7 Advantages of email Speed Cost-Effective Advertising Security

8 Speed Next door or half way around the world Quicker decision making
Different time zones

9 Cost-Effective Internet connection Email is free
Messages , files , videos , documents

10 Advertising Lower cost Easily tracked How many people using

11 Security More secure than letters : can be lost Faxes : left behind
– can record

12 Conveniences Sent by phones Anywhere Anytime

13 Disadvantages Hacking Emotionless Virus Spam

14 Hacking Keep email account and password Extract personal information
Bank details, phone No , address Illegally

15 Emotionless Just a conversation Slang Can not see or heard any voice

16 Virus Spreads from one to another Infect or delete data
Using to spread the virus

17 Preventing Virus Don’t open unknown email
Attachments : funny images , greeting cards… Antivirus programs

18 Spam

19 How to write an effective Email
To: Rodney Spurlin, Software Compliance Officer From: Claire Henderson, Director of Legal Services Subject: Legal Liability for Downloaded Music Rodney, Your immediate attention is needed to address the company’s liability for employees’ downloading copyrighted music. The recording industry has announced its intent to prosecute organizations that allow their employees to download and store music files without proper authorization. This threat is real; one company has already agreed to a $1 million settlement. The Recording Industry Association of America and the Motion Picture Association of America recently sent a six-page brochure to Fortune 1000 corporations. Please review the suggested corporate policies and sample employee communication to employees and determine whether you believe our corporation is at risk. Please contact me when you are ready to discuss potential changes to our corporate code of conduct. I’ll be online all week if you want to instant message once you’ve reviewed the brochure. Later, Claire

20 Conclusion Technology : advantages and disadvantages
Understanding: positive and negative No technology can be deemed perfect

21 References Wilson, E. (2002). Winners and Losers. Communications Of The ACM, 45(10), Berghel, H. (1997). -- The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Communications Of The ACM, 40(4), 11-15 Collier, J. (2009). s -- Fast Easy, and Dangerous. Florida Underwriter, 26(8),

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