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Protein Synthesis (4.2) Part 1

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1 Protein Synthesis (4.2) Part 1
Pre – AP Biology Protein Synthesis (4.2) Part 1

2 George Beadle & Edward Tatum

3 Transcription & Translation in Prokaryotic cells and Eukaryotic cells

4 DNA(Long term) vs. RNA (Short term)

5 Transcription & Translation Can you “see” the “function” in the name?

6 Adenine = Thymine (DNA) or Uracil (RNA)
Chargaff’s Rule Adenine = Thymine (DNA) or Uracil (RNA) & Guanine = Cytosine If you know the % composition of 1, you can find the % composition of the other 3.

7 Marshall Nirenberg

8 RNA codon chart This uses the nucleotide sequence on the mRNA

9 Protein Synthesis (4.2) Part 2
Pre – AP Biology Protein Synthesis (4.2) Part 2

10 Transcription Making DNA code into RNA code

11 Initiation -“Build the factory” See the “factory” of enzymes at the bottom?

12 Elongation – adding nucleotides

13 Termination

14 Post Transcription Modification Primary transcript will be modified to become secondary transcript

15 Spliceosomes removing introns

16 mRNA will leave the nucleus now

17 Protein Synthesis (4.2) Part 3
Pre – AP Biology Protein Synthesis (4.2) Part 3

18 Translation by the Ribosome Turning the nucleotide mRNA sequence into a sequence of amino acids

19 Amino Acid Codon Chart

20 Transfer RNA molecule structure up close

21 Transfer RNA molecule again

22 Using enzymes and ATP (energy) to combine a tRNA molecule with an Amino Acid

23 Ribosome structure

24 Initiation - “Build the factory”

25 Elongation by translocation

26 Termination – releasing the 1’of Amino Acids

27 Polyribosomes

28 The BIG Picture

29 Chaperonin Protein will stay in the cell

30 Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER) Protein will leave the cell

31 Protein Synthesis (4.2) Part 4
Pre – AP Biology Protein Synthesis (4.2) Part 4

32 Codon Chart, Yet again

33 Point Mutation A single nucleotide changed in the sequence

34 Reading Frame Mutations Nucleotides were added or deleted in the sequence

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