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Genes & DNA Mukesh Patel.

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Presentation on theme: "Genes & DNA Mukesh Patel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genes & DNA Mukesh Patel

2 Polynucleotide NUCLEOTIDE Pentose Nitrogen Base Phosphate
AS Level Biology

3 DNA Helix AS Level Biology

4 Pentoses Deoxyribose Ribose 5-Carbon sugars AS Level Biology

5 Nitogen Bases Purines Pyrimidines Adenine Cytosine Guanine Thymine
Uracil AS Level Biology

6 How bases join AS Level Biology

7 Chemical units AS Level Biology

8 DNA/RNA DNA Has thymine Has deoxyribose Double helix RNA Has uracil
Has ribose Single strand AS Level Biology

9 Protein synthesis (DNA replication) Transcription Translation
AS Level Biology

10 DNA Replication (Semi-conservative)
Unfolding of Chains Split H-bonds Joining of new bases Old:New = 50:50 DNA polymerase AS Level Biology

11 Transcription In nucleolus Unfolding of DNA Formation of mRNA
Extrusion out of nucleus Ribosome AS Level Biology

12 Transcription AS Level Biology

13 Ribosome RER 50S + 30S Proteins rRNA AS Level Biology

14 tRNA Anticodon Complementary Specific for each amino acid
80 nucleotides 10-15% of total RNA AS Level Biology

15 Translation mRNA Codon Anticodon Aminoacyl site Peptidyl site
Condensation Peptide bond AS Level Biology

16 Translation Sequence in DNA Triplet code Why 3? 21 amino acids
mRNA easily broken down after specific protein ready AS Level Biology

17 Why 3? AS Level Biology

18 Site Ribosomes 30S subunit On RER Aminoacyl site Peptidyl site
AS Level Biology

19 Bases codes Initiation sequence Coding for actual a.a. Sequence
Termination codon AS Level Biology

20 mRNA/tRNA Codon on mRNA Anticodon on tRNA AS Level Biology

21 Protein Synthesis AS Level Biology

22 What happens next? Enters cisternae of RER Travels to Golgi
Packaged for extrusion out of cell e.g. Enzyme, insulin (as pro-insulin) Can be attached to CHO to make glycoprotein AS Level Biology

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