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Protein Synthesis: Transcription and Translation

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1 Protein Synthesis: Transcription and Translation

2 From nucleus to cytoplasm
transcription DNA mRNA protein translation trait nucleus cytoplasm

3 Review Central Dogma of Molecular Biology

4 DNA vs RNA DNA RNA Sugar: deoxyribose ribose Bonds with Adenine:
thymine uracil # of Strands: two one

5 Kinds of RNA Messenger RNA (mRNA):copies DNA’s code & carries the genetic information to the ribosomes Ribosomal RNA (rRNA):along with protein, makes up the ribosomes Transfer RNA (tRNA): transfers amino acids to the ribosomes where proteins are synthesized

6 Transcription Making mRNA from DNA
ONE DNA strand is the template (pattern) match bases A: U G : C Enzyme RNA polymerase

7 Sense vs. Antisense Strand
The antisense strand is the template strand during transcription, which is copied for translation into a protein. a sense strand, or coding strand, is the strand of DNA running from 5' to 3' that is complementary to the antisense strand of DNA, which runs from 3' to 5'. The sense strand is the strand of DNA that has the same sequence as the mRNA.

8 DNA contains codes

9 Transcription in prokaryotes
RNA polymerase recognizes a specific base sequence in the DNA called a promoter and binds to it. The promoter identifies the start of a gene, which strand is to be copied, and the direction that it is to be copied. RNA POLYMERASE- adds RNA nucleotides complimentary to the DNA template strand

10 Complimentary bases are assembled (U instead of T).
A termination code in the DNA indicates where transcription will stop in prokaryotes. The mRNA produced is called a mRNA transcript.

11 Transcription Eukaryotes
Step 1: Transcription factors proteins bind and double stranded DNA unzips as RNA polymerase binds to promoter (TATAA sequence “TATA box” or other promoter) T

12 Matching bases of DNA & RNA
Step 2: Match RNA bases to DNA bases on one of the DNA strands. Built 5’ 3’, using DNA 3’-5’ template C U G A G U G U C U G C A A C U A A G C RNA polymerase U A G A C C T G G T A C A G C T A G T C A T C G T A C C G T

13 Matching bases of DNA & RNA
U instead of T is matched to A and the mRNA transcript is built 5’-3’ TACGCACA TTTA CGTA CG DNA AUGCGUGUAAAUGCAUGC mRNA

14 Ending Transcription Step 3: Transcription stops upon reading polyadenylation signal sequence.

15 RNA Polymerase 5’ 3’

16 mRNA Processing in Eukaryotes
After the DNA is transcribed into RNA, editing must be done to the nucleotide chain to make the RNA functional Introns, non-functional segments of DNA are snipped out of the chain by snRNP’s (spliceosomes or ribonucleases)

17 mRNA Editing Exons, segments of DNA that code for proteins, are then rejoined by the enzyme ligase A guanine triphosphate cap is added to the 5” end of the newly copied mRNA A poly A tail is added to the 3’ end of the RNA The newly processed mRNA can then leave the nucleus through nuclear pores

18 Result of Transcription
New Transcript Tail CAP

19 mRNA Transcript mRNA leaves the nucleus through its pores and goes to the ribosomes

20 How does mRNA code for proteins
mRNA leaves nucleus mRNA goes to ribosomes in cytoplasm Proteins built from instructions on mRNA mRNA U C A G How? aa

21 Translation

22 mRNA to protein = Translation
The working instructions  mRNA The reader  ribosome The transporter  transfer RNA (tRNA) ribosome mRNA U C A G aa tRNA G U aa tRNA U A C aa tRNA G A C tRNA aa A G U

23 Translation Translation is the process of decoding the mRNA into a polypeptide chain Ribosomes read mRNA three bases or 1 codon at a time and construct the proteins The process begins by the mRNA leaving the nucleus through nuclear pores

24 Messenger RNA (mRNA) Carries the information for a specific protein
Made up of 500 to 1000 nucleotides long Sequence of 3 bases called codon AUG – methionine or start codon UAA, UAG, or UGA – stop codons

25 Initiation and Termination Codes
An initiation code “start codon” signals the start of a genetic message. As the ribosome moves along a mRNA transcript, it will not begin synthesizing protein until it reaches an initiation code. (Ex. AUG) Termination codes “stop codon” signal the end of the genetic message. Synthesis stops when the ribosome reaches a terminator codon.(Ex. UAA, UAG, UGA)

26 mRNA codes for proteins in triplets
TACGCACATTTACGTACGCGG DNA codon ribosome AUGCGUGUAAAUGCAUGCGCC mRNA AUGCGUGUAAAUGCAUGC ? Met Arg Val Asn Ala Cys Ala protein Codon = block of 3 mRNA bases

27 The Genetic Code Use the code by reading from the center to the outside Example: AUG codes for Methionine Genetic code contains a wobble at the third b.p.-there is redundancy in the genetic code, resulting in fewer errors.

28 Genetic Code- Another way

29 Name the Amino Acids GGG? UCA? CAU? GCA? AAA?

30 Translation overview

31 Ribosomes Made of a large and small subunit
Composed of rRNA (40%) and proteins (60%) Have three sites for tRNA attachment --- A –accepting site and P site- peptide bond The tRNA exits from the E site

32 Transfer RNA (tRNA) Clover-leaf shape
3’ Clover-leaf shape Single stranded molecule with attachment site at 3’ end for an amino acid Opposite end has three nucleotide bases called the anticodon 5’

33 Transfer RNA The amino acid is bound to the 3’ end by a covalent ester bond through a condensation reaction This is done by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases or tRNA activating enzyme- one for every a.a. tRNA is held together by intramolecular base pairing There is a specific tRNA molecule for every codon or for every amino acid

34 Codons and Anticodons Recall a codon is made from 3 bases within mRNA
The 3 bases of an anticodon are complimentary to the 3 bases of a codon Example: Codon ACU Anticodon UGA UGA ACU

35 The Process

36 Step 1- Initiation mRNA transcript start codon AUG attaches to the small ribosomal subunit Small subunit attaches to large ribosomal subunit mRNA transcript

37 tRNA Binding Steps The amino acid will react with ATP and become activated (with aid of enzyme ATPase). The ATP lose energy in this process 2. The activated amino acid will then bind to the acceptor stem (3’) of its own tRNA by a covalent bond aided by tRNA synthetase The bond between the tRNA and the a.a is broken when the peptide bond is formed

38 Ribosome “walks” the strand of mRNA 3 bases at a time 5’-3’
Step 2 - Elongation As the ribosome moves, one tRNA carrying the Met amino acid moves into the A site, where the anticodon matches the mRNA transcript (AUG). It then moves to the P site of the ribosome and another tRNA brings the next amino acid Peptide bonds join the amino acids and leaves the P site tRNA empty (done by peptidyl transferase) The empty tRNA is moved to the E site where it exits Ribosome “walks” the strand of mRNA 3 bases at a time 5’-3’

39 1. Transfer of proper tRNA to A-site of ribosome.
2. peptidyl transfer/ formation of peptide bond 3. translocation

40 Step 3-Termination When the ribosome reads a stop codon.
When this code (UGA, UAA, UAG) is reached protein translation is terminated. Release factor binds Polypeptide dissociates from ribosome Occurs once per protein

41 End Product –The Protein!
The end products of protein synthesis is a primary structure of a protein A sequence of amino acid bonded together by peptide bonds aa1 aa2 aa3 aa4 aa5 aa200 aa199

42 Ribosomes E Site P Site A Site A U G C Large subunit mRNA
Small subunit

43 Initiation G aa2 A U U A C aa1 A U G C codon hydrogen bonds 2-tRNA
anticodon A U G C hydrogen bonds codon mRNA

44 Elongation G A aa3 peptide bond aa2 aa1 U A C G A U A U G C U A C U U
3-tRNA G A aa3 peptide bond aa2 aa1 1-tRNA 2-tRNA anticodon U A C G A U A U G C U A C U U C G A hydrogen bonds codon mRNA

45 Ribosomes move over one codon
aa1 peptide bond 3-tRNA G A aa3 aa2 1-tRNA U A C (leaves) 2-tRNA G A U A U G C U A C U U C G A mRNA Ribosomes move over one codon

46 peptide bonds G C U aa4 aa1 aa2 aa3 G A U G A A A U G C U A C U U C G
4-tRNA G C U aa4 aa1 aa2 aa3 2-tRNA 3-tRNA G A U G A A A U G C U A C U U C G A A C U mRNA

47 Ribosomes move over one codon
peptide bonds 4-tRNA G C U aa4 aa1 aa2 aa3 2-tRNA G A U (leaves) 3-tRNA G A A A U G C U A C U U C G A A C U mRNA Ribosomes move over one codon

48 peptide bonds U G A aa5 aa1 aa2 aa4 aa3 G A A G C U G C U A C U U C G
5-tRNA aa5 aa1 aa2 aa4 aa3 3-tRNA 4-tRNA G A A G C U G C U A C U U C G A A C U mRNA

49 Ribosomes move over one codon
peptide bonds U G A 5-tRNA aa5 aa1 aa2 aa3 aa4 3-tRNA G A A 4-tRNA G C U G C U A C U U C G A A C U mRNA Ribosomes move over one codon

50 Termination aa5 aa4 aa3 primary structure of a protein aa2 aa1 A C U C
terminator or stop codon 200-tRNA A C U C A U G U U U A G mRNA

51 Mutation Frameshift (deletion)
A mutation is a change in amino acid sequence and can be either a; Frameshift (deletion) Original DNA: Frameshift mutation:  THE BIG RED ANT ATE ONE FAT BUG THB IGR EDA NTA TEO NEF ATB UG? Point Mutation Original DNA: Point mutation: THE BIG RED ANT ATE ONE FAT BUG THA BIG RED ANT ATE ONE FAT BUG

52 Silent, Missense, and Nonsense Mutations
 Three kinds of point mutations can occur. A mutation that results in an amino acid substitution is called a missense mutation.  A mutation that results in a stop codon so that incomplete proteins are produced, it is called a nonsense mutation.  A mutation that produces a functioning protein is called a silent mutation.

53 Terms Splicesomes- removes introns and ligase joins RNA polymerase-
adds RNA nucleotides complimentary to the DNA template strand Transcription factors- proteins that recognize specific sequences in DNA when making mRNA and help RNA polymerase bind ATPase- converts ATP to ADP and releases energy to do work ( used to bond tRNA to mRNA and GTPase also used when adding a.a to tRNA) tRNA synthetase (tRNA activating enzyme) - enzyme that catalyzes the esterification of a specific amino acid to a specific tRNA Peptidyltransferase- forms peptide bonds and helps with protein release recognizes tRNA code and adds specific a.a. (a covalent bond) Protein release factors- Helps release peptide during termination of translation by recognizing the termination codon or stop codon in an mRNA sequence.

54 Question: What would be the complimentary RNA strand for the following DNA sequence? DNA 5’-GCGTATG-3’

55 Answer: DNA 5’-GCGTATG-3’ RNA 3’-CGCAUAC-5’

56 Exercise - Understanding DNA, mRNA, tRNA, and protein.
Template (anti-sense) strand GGG Non-template strand TAC mRNA  CUU CCU tRNA UCG Amino Acid Leu

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