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Presentation on theme: "PANCAKE DAY."— Presentation transcript:


2 I. Name We can call it in different ways: - Shrove tuesday
- Pancake day - Pancake tuesday

3 II Where Pancake day is celebrated in the United Kingdom but also in other countries such as France, Brazil, Germany, Iceland... Germany Iceland Brazil

4 III. When Shrove Tuesday will be on the 8th of March It's celebrated the day before Ash Wednesday and is there for the final day before the beginning of Lent. It always falls 47 days before Easter Sunday, so the date varies from year to year and falls between the 3rd of February and the 9th of March. 47 days Pancake Day Easter Sunday between the 3rd of February and the 9th of March.

5 IV. Origin Shrove comes from Shrive which means to confess.
The origins of eating pancakes arose from Christians who observed Lent and wanted to use up all the rich foods in their kitchen before Lent. During Lent eggs, sugar and butter were not allowed so these ingredients were used to make pancakes. Today everyone celebrates Pancake day not caring about religion. Eggs ↑ Sugar ↑ ← Butter

6 V. Traditions It's traditional on this day to eat pancakes.
*In Scarborough, on Shrove Tuesday everyone assembles on the promenade to skip: long ropes are stretched across the road.

7 VI. Funny fact An activity for Pancake day: Pancake race
*The most famous pancake race takes places at Olney. The Olney pancake race is now world famous, competitors must wear an apron and a hat or scarf. *Each contestant has a frying pan containing a pancake. He must toss it three times during the race. The first woman to complete the 375 meter course and arrives at the church, serves her pancake to the bell ringer and is kissed by him, is the winner. She also receives a prayer book. The record is 63 seconds set in 1967 !

8 Photographies :

9 VII. In the past Pancake day in the past :
Cockfighting:pancake Tuesday used to be a great day for cockfighting in England. Superstition:In the Midlands, the first pancake made was given to the chickens, to ensure their fertility during the year. Interesting fact: The world's biggest pancake was cooked in Rochdale in 1994, it was a 15 meter diameter pancake, weighed three tons and had about two million calories !

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