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Point of View Objective: The learner will understand Point of View.

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1 Point of View Objective: The learner will understand Point of View.
The learner will compare the point of view from different but similar stories. The learner will write a persuasive essay to argue whose point of view they think is the right one. Point of View Copyright 2012 Wise Guys

2 In terms of reading, what does the phrase “point of view” mean?
Think-Pair-Share In terms of reading, what does the phrase “point of view” mean? Copyright 2012 Wise Guys

3 Point of View… Point of view refers to the perspective in which the story is being told. It is who is telling the story. The point of view of the story will be different depending on who is telling the story. For example, the book Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone would be different if Voldemort told the story. The book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory would probably be somewhat different if it were told from Augustus Gloop’s point of view.. Point of view can be told in first person or third person. Copyright 2012 Wise Guys

4 Point of View Stories are either told in “First Person” or “Third Person” point of view. Good readers will understand from which point of view the story is being told. Let’s learn about the difference. “First Person” Point of View “Second Person” “Third Person” The person telling the story is a character in the story. Signal words are: I, me, my, mine, we, us, ours Example: “I am in the room.” Usually used for giving instructions. Signal words are: You and Your Example: “You come in the room.” Narrator usually isn’t involved. Tells other's stories. Signal Words: he, she, her, they, them Also uses character's names. Example: “Then he or she came in the room.” Copyright 2012 Wise Guys

5 Think-Pair-Share Let’s take a look at a couple scenarios to understand that the same event may have different perspectives or differing points of view. Discuss with your group how each of the two types of people would respond to the same scenario. Record your answers on the recording sheet. Scenario: Weather Forecast…95 degrees; sunny and humid Kids Going to Beach Elderly Person Without Air Conditioning Copyright 2012 Wise Guys

6 Scenario: Weather Forecast…100% chance of rain all day
Think-Pair-Share Let’s take a look at a couple scenarios to understand that the same event may have different perspectives or differing points of view. Discuss with your group how each of the two types of people would respond to the same scenario. Record your answers on the recording sheet. Scenario: Weather Forecast…100% chance of rain all day A Golfer Who Has a Tournament A Farmer With Dry Crops Copyright 2012 Wise Guys

7 Think-Pair-Share We all know the story “The Three Little Pigs”. But what would the story be like if it were told from the wolf’s point of view? Copyright 2012 Wise Guys

8 The True Story of The Three Little Pigs
Now listen as you first watch the video-story of The Three Little Pigs and then as I read the book, The True Story of The Three Little Pigs. See if you can understand the different points of view from each story. Take notes as you listen to each story on your note taking worksheets. You will use these notes later to complete a writing assignment. Copyright 2012 Wise Guys

9 Now Let’s Review Discuss with your group at least 3 things that you have learned about Point of View in today’s lesson. Write them down on your recording sheet. Take turns sharing with your Group members whose Point of View you agree with: The Pigs’ or the Wolf’s. Give a reason why. Copyright 2012 Wise Guys

10 Independent Assignment
Using information from today’s lesson and the notes that you have taken, write a persuasive essay about the side you have chosen. Who do you think is telling the truth? Why? Make sure you use evidence from the story to support your essay. Copyright 2012 Wise Guys

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