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Getting at Deep Structure

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1 Getting at Deep Structure
5/18/2018 Getting at Deep Structure  Mapping talk & writing into IBIS Dr. Jeff Conklin CogNexus Institute Key claim: it is possible to map formal and informal knowledge on the fly during a meeting conversation. If the problem is complex, such mapping is a powerful way to help the group learn and make sense of their situation.

2 A Metaphor about Representing Deliberation
5/18/2018 A Metaphor about Representing Deliberation A building has surface structure (walls, floors, doors, etc.) and deep structure (load bearing walls, wiring, plumbing, etc). Inhabitants interact with the surface structure, while architects and craftspeople interact with the deep structure. An empirical study of design and problem solving: the cognitive process is opportunity-driven (I.e. chaotic, non-linear, non-sequential) Wicked problems emphasize this non-linearity and lead to fragmentation (of meetings and of whole projects) 3.The way we communicate about complex issues obscures the deeper patterns and connections 4. New tools and processes allow deep structure to be mapped, reducing fragmentation, polarization, and repetition © 2008 CogNexus Institute

3 A Metaphor about Representing Deliberation
5/18/2018 A Metaphor about Representing Deliberation We’re all familiar with the surface structure of policy issues: articles, speeches, debates, editorials, blogs, etc. But most of us have never seen their deep structure Surface structure is familiar and comfortable … but also simplified and superficial. Policy deliberation thru speeches and debates tends to polarize participants and over-simplify issues and arguments. Deep structure is dense & complex, but also robust and comprehensive. Policy deep structure captures disagreements in a semi-formal way that promotes clarity and rigor even as the amount of information grows. An empirical study of design and problem solving: the cognitive process is opportunity-driven (I.e. chaotic, non-linear, non-sequential) Wicked problems emphasize this non-linearity and lead to fragmentation (of meetings and of whole projects) 3.The way we communicate about complex issues obscures the deeper patterns and connections 4. New tools and processes allow deep structure to be mapped, reducing fragmentation, polarization, and repetition © 2008 CogNexus Institute

4 Work is planned as a linear process …
5/18/2018 Work is planned as a linear process … Gather the data about the problem Analyze the data Formulate a solution Implement it Problem Solution Time © 2008 CogNexus Institute

5 … but cognition is non-linear.
5/18/2018 … but cognition is non-linear. Guindon, R. (1990) “Designing the Design Process: Exploiting Opportunistic Thoughts”, Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 5, pp Problem “Opportunity Driven” Problem Solving Solution Time © 2008 CogNexus Institute

6 Non-linear cognition means jumping around between issues
5/18/2018 Non-linear cognition means jumping around between issues What is the problem? … Problem What are the criteria? … What does ‘xxxxxx’ mean? … What are the facts? … What should we do? … How should we do X? … Solution Time © 2008 CogNexus Institute

7 IBIS, Issue Mapping, & Dialogue Mapping
IBIS - Issue Based Information System Horst Rittel, Basic argumentation structure: Questions (issues) Answers (options, alternatives) Pros & Cons (arguments) A universal core set of rhetorical elements © 2008 CogNexus Institute

8 Conversational (linear) structure versus Issue (deep) structure
a comment The basic unit of conversation is a ‘comment’ The structure of conversation is ‘turn taking’ – each person’s comment follows the one before © 2008 CogNexus Institute

9 Conversational structure
Issue-based structure © 2008 CogNexus Institute

10 Conversational structure
Issue-based structure © 2008 CogNexus Institute

11 Conversational structure
Issue-based structure © 2008 CogNexus Institute

12 Conversational structure
Issue-based structure © 2008 CogNexus Institute

13 Conversational structure
Issue-based structure © 2008 CogNexus Institute

14 Conversational structure
Issue-based structure © 2008 CogNexus Institute

15 Conversational structure
© 2008 CogNexus Institute

16 Conversational structure
© 2008 CogNexus Institute

17 Conversational structure
© 2008 CogNexus Institute

18 Conversational structure
Structure based on individual judgments of relevance and importance Issue-based structure Structure based on mapper’s judgments about implicit relationships among comments © 2008 CogNexus Institute

19 Conversational structure
Issue-based structure © 2008 CogNexus Institute

20 Conversational structure
Issue-based structure Issue mapper infers the question that the comment addresses © 2008 CogNexus Institute

21 Conversational structure
Issue-based structure © 2008 CogNexus Institute

22 Conversational structure
Issue-based structure © 2008 CogNexus Institute

23 Conversational structure
Issue-based structure © 2008 CogNexus Institute

24 Conversational structure
Issue-based structure © 2008 CogNexus Institute

25 Conversational structure
Issue-based structure © 2008 CogNexus Institute

26 Conversational structure
Issue-based structure Again, inferring the ‘missing’ question clarifies the map © 2008 CogNexus Institute

27 Conversational structure
Issue-based structure © 2008 CogNexus Institute

28 Conversational structure
Issue-based structure © 2008 CogNexus Institute

29 Conversational structure
Issue-based structure © 2008 CogNexus Institute

30 All subsequent comments fit in this structure, either:
Normal conversation flow – “surface structure” This “deep structure” is non-linear, and it is “issue-based” – organized by questions. All subsequent comments fit in this structure, either: within the scope of an existing question, or under a new question (which may need to be inferred) Deep Structure © 2008 CogNexus Institute

31 Familiar & Linear Scalable & Graphical versus
The flow of essays, articles, and conversations, is linear: When mapped, the linear flow of the writing jumps around the issue map Issue-based maps are dense, non-linear, non-chronological Traditional narrative “flow” is factored out Issue-based structure scales better than linear The question-structure creates an indexing scheme Disagreement is explicit, rigorous, focused © 2008 CogNexus Institute

32 Why Deep Structure… If we want out of the cycle of oversimplication, polarization, and sound bites … … we all need to learn something about the architecture and engineering of policy … … at least, how to read the diagrams! © 2008 CogNexus Institute

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