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CIVIL WAR Battles!!!!.

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1 CIVIL WAR Battles!!!!

2 SECESSION South believe that they had every right to leave the Union because it was a country made up of states They left over who had the ultimate authority (States vs. Federal) NOT over Slavery

3 Ft. Sumter Located in South Carolina
Union would not surrender the base South starved them and then attacked!!

4 Border States Slaves states that didn’t secede!

5 YAY SOUTH!!!! Only had to Defend
Strong Military Officers with lots of Experience (Hello-West Point is in the South)

6 Go NORTH!!! 110, 000 Factories (out of 130,000)
2 times the Railroads and Farmland 2/3 of US Population is in the North More Resources mean they could field, feed, and equip large armies.

7 2 Side Strategy Union set up a blockade on the ocean and to control of the Mississippi River to cut the South off of foreign resources

8 Battle of Bull Run “Picnic Battle” Showed it will be a long hard war
Jackson doesn’t move getting the name Stonewall!

9 War in the West Battle of Shiloh
Grant took a lot of chance and started to gain land Gave the North Ultimate power over railroads

10 Battle of Antietam Bloodiest day of the War Sept 17, 1862
Union Lost 12,000 Men Lee lost 14,000 Men (1/3 of his army) Lee Retreated- McClellan did not follow but North claimed Victory

11 Emancipation Proclamation
Only Freed slaves in the “Rebel” states Turned war into a fight to end Slavery Made it Impossible to Help the South!

12 Gettysburg 3-day Battle and Lee lost 1/3 of his army-AGAIN!!
Two Big Advances Pickett’s Charge up to Cemetary Ridge- high ground




16 Vicksburg Last city on the Mississippi River that was Confederate
Grant laid seige (cut off the city) it finally fell

17 Gettysburg Address Gettysburg and Vicksburg is the turning of the tide
Honored those that had died

18 March to the Sea Led by Sherman
Burned everything to the ground to defeat the enemy Left a path of destruction 60 Miles wide from Atlanta to the sea

19 Surrender Lee was trapped and could not escape
Grant offered him very generous surrender terms Accepted April 9, 1865 Grant in response to cheering- quieted them and said, “War is over they (the rebels) are countrymen again.”


21 Toll of War Confederate- 260,000 dead
Union- 360,000 Dead including 37,000 African Americans ½ Million wounded The Bloodiest conflict the US ever fought But it re-united a nation and ended slavery

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