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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME PLEASE TAKE A SEAT AT YOUR CHILD’S DESK. Sign in welcome sheet"— Presentation transcript:

Let me know how your child will be dismissed on the first day of school. If your child is a walker or parent pick up, please indicate the specific person that will be picking up your child. Write a special little message to your child on the index card. Include your child’s first and last name. Complete yellow contact card

2 Meet the Teacher MRS. JURADO
Graduate from St. Thomas University BS in Elementary Education Two MS in Reading and Leadership 9th year teaching at MGA Happily Married to my husband Juan Jurado Just gave birth to our baby girl Valentina Marie Teaching is my passion!

3 Morning Classroom Procedures
Child will place anything that needs to be given to Mrs. Jurado in their classroom mailbox. (parent notes, money in envelope, forms etc.) Sharpen pencil if need be Hang backpack Copy HW from board in agenda Get HW ready to be checked Start morning work

4 Important Information
Please visit my website for information such as: Up to date announcements Wish list items Documents and files * You will be receiving a weekly newsletter

5 Class Messenger Class Instagram Page
Please sign up for class messenger. It’s a quick and effective way for me to communicate with parents with important class information. Text: 5J6YW6 to (650) Class Instagram Page iteach.1st

6 Attendance and Tardy Policies
Come to school daily! Excused absences: for every 10 a referral will be given. (illness, religious holiday or death in family) Unexcused: for every 3 a referral will be given Tardies: for every 10 a referral will be given. Students entering class after 8:00 a.m. are marked “Tardy”. All absences require a note. Students have 2 days after they are absent to bring in a note. s are NOT excused notes. Please do not take your child out of school early unless it is an emergency. I teach from Bell-to-Bell and your child will be missing a learning opportunity.

7 Dismissal is at 3:00 p.m. except for Wednesday’s which is at 2:00 p.m.
PLEASE NOTIFY ME OF ANY CHANGES TO DISMISSAL VIA , WRITING OR CLASS MESSENGER. * Please note that the first week of school, parent pick up will take place through the carline.

8 Dismissal on Monday 8/21/17 Dismissal is at 2:00 p.m. due to the Solar Eclipse. Follow the Miami Dade County Public Schools protocol. Parent pick up and walker students are to be picked up in their classrooms by parents. - Make sure to indicate to the teacher tonight who is the specific person picking up the student on that date.

9 Uniform Policy Boys MUST tuck in their shirts and wear a black belt. Students will be sent to the office if they are not in the proper MGA uniform. Our logo is the “Stingray” Elementary students should wear blue or khaki pants. Jeans may be worn on Friday’s with a donation of $1.00. Only black shoes are allowed. You can now place orders online for uniform.

10 Daily H.W. Home learning reinforces what is done in class.
Home learning will be assigned daily and will be checked for completion everyday as well. Students will be responsible for copying their daily home learning assignments inside their MGA agenda. Parents should supervise and help students complete homework. Please notify me immediately if your child is having difficulty working on, or completing home learning assignments. Not completing the required HW assignments will result in an X on the HW log. HW log will be posted on the inside of the front door. 5 missed home learning assignments = a detention. *When a home work assignment is not completed a “NO Homework” note will be sent home. The note needs to be signed and returned. The HW that is incomplete must be completed by the child and turned in the following day.*

11 Use of Binder Left Pocket - “LEFT at Home”
Left Pocket - “LEFT at Home” In this pocket you will find classwork, projects, flyers, and other items that should be taken out and kept at home. This pocket should be cleaned out each night. Zipper Pocket -“Parent Mailbox” This is where you should put all money to be brought to school (field trips, lunch, jeans day, etc.) so it doesn’t get “lost” in the bottom of the backpack. This is also a good place to put doctor’s notes for excused absences or any notes with questions you would like for me to read and respond to. Please include your child’s name in all contents as the Parent Mailboxes items will be turned in each morning. * Students are responsible for checking their parent mailbox each morning to see if anything needs to be turned in. First Clear Sleeve- Classroom Newsletter  In the front of the first clear sleeve, you will find a copy of our weekly newsletter. This newsletter will include our weekly words and skills to be taught, important dates & events, and other classroom information. This is a great resource to keep in order to review skills that have already been taught in the classroom. Second & Third Clear Sleeve In these clear sleeves you will find Math and Reading resources that student may use to study or for homework help. These are skills and concepts that will be visited throughout the year. Homework Folder In the homework folder, you will find homework papers and assignments. These papers need to be completed each night and returned to school the following day. In this folder you will also put the GO Math homework page that you will be ripping out nightly. Please review and check over homework with your child each night. Right Pocket -“Bring RIGHT Back” The papers in this pocket are important and often times will require your signature or attention. Please make sure to check this pocket weekly.

12 Grades All grades will be accessible electronically under the “Parent Portal”. (use parent pin to get access) Parents are encouraged to monitor their child’s grades. Parents can setup alerts that send an if the student receives a specific letter grade that is setup. For the most part, tests will be administered on Thursdays and/or Fridays.

13 Grading Scale and Percentage
80-89% B 70-79% C 60-69% D 0-59% F Tests/Quizzes 50% Classwork 30% Projects 10% Homework 10%

14 Class Rules- Conduct Code
Classroom rules must be followed at all times. Consequences and rewards are implemented to ensure a positive learning atmosphere. Behavioral problems will result in parent notification via phone call, note, or conference. Severe issues could result in a detention, a referral, sent to the principal, or may result in denial of field trips.

15 Classroom Management Plan
In learning the importance of accepting responsibility for their actions, in my classroom we will keep track of each student’s behavior on a daily basis. Based on the students conduct during school hours, he/she will receive a color in their agenda each day. The color will reflect student’s behavior for that day. Your child’s agenda will have to be signed DAILY. If agenda is not signed daily, student will not be able to receive treasure box at the end of the week. This procedure will keep parents aware of how their child is behaving during school hours. When students stay on green all week and agenda is signed, they will be able to visit the treasure box.

16 Positive Reinforcement
Classroom Economy Class Job Treasure Box Store Verbal/Written (agenda) Super Stingray Classroom Fairy dust Certificates, stickers, stamps etc.

17 Parent/Teacher Conference
Please or send me a class messenger message whenever you would like to discuss your child’s progress. We can discuss via phone call or face to face. I prefer to have conferences in the mornings. Please do not show up unless conference has be confirmed by teacher.

18 Volunteer Information *A NEW APPLICATION NEEDS TO BE
If you are interested in volunteering for any school event you MUST submit (via internet) a School Volunteer form for approval. Once your application is processed you will be given a volunteer number. Your volunteer number MUST be active if you would like to volunteer in ANY school event. I will ask parents when there is an activity in class and/or a field trip. I will make an effort to allow all parents an opportunity to volunteer when necessary. *A NEW APPLICATION NEEDS TO BE SUBMITTED EVERY YEAR.*

19 Volunteer Hours Every $5 spent equals 1 hour
30 hours for 1 child, 15 hours extra per sibling. Please check Mrs. Jurado’s wish list for opportunities to complete volunteer hours. I have created an Amazon wishlist account For any donations please make sure to turn in the receipt in order for your hours to be granted. If receipt is not turned in hours CAN NOT be given.

20 Field Trips You MUST be a registered volunteer and approved by MGA.
Chaperones will be selected through a lottery, if you would like to enter in the lottery I will need to know before the lottery date. Chaperones can not follow the bus, they must go on the bus with the class. You will be assigned a group of kids and you’re expected to watch-over the assigned kids. You may not bring siblings on the field trip. You may not “show up” at the field trip site if you are not an official chaperone for that day’s field trip. Your child MUST wear the 1st grade spirit T-shirt.

21 Birthday Celebrations
Birthdays will be celebrated the last Friday of each month. Please contact our homeroom parent (TBD) to organize the birthday celebration.

22 Mater Gardens Academy 1st Annual Parent Academy
WHEN: August 22, 2017 at 5 PM WHERE: school cafeteria ITEMS THAT WILL BE DISCUSSED -Parent portal access (gradebook and volunteer sign up) -Lunch application fill out - Other important school forms

23 Items DUE by Friday the 25th
$10 CASH for MGA Agenda Lunch Application Use blue or black ink only. Please do not use white out or scratched out any information. If you make a mistake, please request a new form. MGA Parent/Guardian Contract School Contact Card Parent/Student Handbook Acknowledgement Volunteer Clearance Form Homeroom Rep. Application *TAKE A PICTURE

24 Don’t Forget To… Sign In Fill out child’s dismissal procedure
Leave a little message to your child using the index card provided (write child’s full name). Sign up for Class Messenger Fill out yellow contact card

25 Thank you for coming to MGA’s
Open House! School + Home = A+ Student

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