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Diodes Pictures are redrawn (with some modifications) from Introductory Electronic Devices and Circuits By Robert T. Paynter.

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Presentation on theme: "Diodes Pictures are redrawn (with some modifications) from Introductory Electronic Devices and Circuits By Robert T. Paynter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diodes Pictures are redrawn (with some modifications) from Introductory Electronic Devices and Circuits By Robert T. Paynter

2 Objectives Identify the terminals of a pn-junction diode.
List and describe the three diode models. List main parameters of the pn-junction diode. Discuss the basic operating principles of the zener diode. List main zener diode parameters. Discuss the basic operating principles of light-emitting diode (LED).

3 Fig 2.1 PN-junction diode schematic symbol.
Anode Cathode p n

4 Fig 2.2 Forward-biased diodes.

5 Fig 2.3 Reverse-biased diodes.

6 Table 2.1 Diode Model Summary.
Applications Ideal Circuit troubleshooting Practical Mathematical circuit analysis Determining suitability of a diode for a given application Complete Circuit development (engineering) Special-case circuit analysis Explaining differences between predicted and measured circuit values

7 Fig 2.4 Characteristics of ideal diode.

8 Fig 2.5 Example 2.1.

9 Fig 2.6 Example 2.2.

10 Fig 2.7 Ideal diode characteristics.
Forward bias Reverse Bias Biasing polarities Equivalent switch state ON OFF Device resistance Zero Infinite Device current A-to-K current determined by external resistance and voltage A-to-K voltage Equal to the applied voltage (+) (-) (-) (+) IF

11 Fig 2.8 Diode characteristic curves.

12 Fig 2.9 Effect of VF. Value Ideal Practical VF 0 V 0.7 V VR1 5 V 4.3 V
5 mA 4.3 mA

13 Fig 2.10 Example 2.3 & 2.4.

14 Percentage of Error where X = the measured value
X’ = the calculated value From Fig. 2.9,

15 Fig 2.11 Example 2.5.

16 Fig 2.12 Example 2.6.

17 Fig 2.13 Example 2.7.

18 Fig 2.14 Peak reverse voltage (VRRM).

19 Fig 2.15 Applying AC voltage to a diode circuit.

20 Fig 2.16 Example 2.8. Diode part number Peak reverse voltage 1N4001 50
100 1N4003 200 1N4004 400 1N4005 600 1N4006 800 1N4007 1000

21 Fig 2.17 Example 2.9 (average forward current I0).
Choose a diode with average forward current I0 at least 20% greater than the actual average current.

22 Fig 2.18 Example 2.10 (Forward Power Dissipation PD(max)).
Choose a diode with forward power dissipation PD(max) at least 20% greater than actual power dissipation.

23 I0 and PD(max) relationship
where I0 = the limit on the average forward current PD(max) = the forward power dissipation rating of the diode VF = the diode forward voltage (0.7V for Si)

24 Example 2.11. A diode has a forward power dissipation rating of 500 mW. What is the maximum allowable value of forward current for the device?

25 Fig 2.19 Complete-model diode curve.
Forward operating region Reverse operating region (also called the reverse breakdown region)

26 Example 2.12. Determine voltage across diode in Fig for the values of IF = 1 mA and IF = 5 mA. Assume that the value for RB = 5 W. IF = 1 mA: IF = 5 mA: Bulk resistance has a significant effect on voltage drop across diode terminals when the forward current is large.

27 Diode Equation (Accurate Model)
where where The equation is not valid in the reverse breakdown region.

28 Reverse Current Diode reverse current (IR) consists of two parts: saturation current (IS) and surface leakage current (ISL).

29 Fig 2.21 Effect of reverse current.

30 Fig 2.22 Diode capacitance.

31 Fig 2.23-24 Temperature effects on diode operation.

32 Fig 2.25 The 1N400X series specifications.
See “1N400X.pdf” Current rating (I0) of 1N400X is 1 A. For rating of 3 A, use 1N540X instead.

33 Table 2.2 Diode Maximum ratings.
Discussion Peak repetitve reverse voltage, VRRM Maximum allowable reverse voltage. Nonrepetitive peak reverse voltage, VRSM Maximum allowable value of a single event reverse voltage. (VRSM > VRRM) RMS reverse voltage, VR(rms) VR(rms) = VRRM Average rectified forward current, I0 Maximum average diode current. Nonrepetitive peak surge current, IFSM Maximum allowable value of forward current surge. (30A for 1N400X) Operating and storage junction temperature, TJ or Tstg Temperature that diode can withstand.

34 Fig 2.26 Diode packages.

35 Table 2.3 Diode electrical characteristics.
Maximum forward voltage drop, VF Maximum value that VF will ever reach. Maximum full-cycle average forward voltage drop, VF(AV) Maximum average forward voltage. Maximum reverse current, IR Usually given at various temperature. The rating is valid for all reverse dc voltage below VRRM. Maximum full-cycle average reverse current, IR(AV) Maximum average value of IR.

36 Fig 2.27 Diode selection guide.
See handout.

37 Fig 2.28-30 Zener characteristics.

38 Fig 2.31 Determining Zener impedance.

39 Fig 2.32 Zener equivalent circuits.
Ideal: ZZ = 0 Prac.: ZZ > 0

40 Example 2.13 Zener diode. A 1N754A Zener diode has a dc power dissipation rating of 500 mW and a nominal Zener voltage of 6.8 V. What is the value of IZM for the device?

41 Fig 2.33 Specification of 1N4370A series (Zener diodes).
See “1N4370A Series.pdf”

42 Fig 2.34 Zener selector guide.
See handout.

43 Fig 2.35-37 Light emitting diodes.
LED symbol

44 Table 2.4 Common LEDs. Elements Forward voltage (VF) Color Emitted
GaAs 1.5 IF = 20 mA Infrared (invisible) AlGaAs 1.8 IF = 20 mA Red GaP 2.4 IF = 20 mA Green AlGaInP 2.0 IF = 20 mA Amber (yellow) AlGaInN 3.6 IF = 20 mA Blue

45 Fig 2.38 A LED needs a current-limiting resistor.

46 Fig 2.39 Multicolor LED.

47 Fig 2.40-42 Diode testing. Forward bias Reverse bias
This button is for diode testing. Reverse bias

48 Fig 2.43 Common diodes. Rectifier Zener LED Schematic symbol
Bias for normal operation Switched back and forth between forward and reverse. Reverse Forward Normal VF Si: VF = 0.7 V Ge: VF = 0.3 V VF = 0.7 V (not normally operated) Normal VR Equal to applied voltage. Equal to VZ. Primary factors to consider for device substitution I0 and VRRM ratings. PD(max) and VZ ratings. VF(min), IF(max), and VBR

49 DC Load Line Load line eq.:

50 Summary PN-junction diodes. Three diode models. Diode specifications.
Zener diodes. Zener circuits. Light-emitting diodes (LED).

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