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The Rocky Mountain Research Data Center

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1 The Rocky Mountain Research Data Center
Advancing the Frontiers of Social Science: Opportunities and Challenges Jani Little, Executive Director Katie Genadek, Expected Administrator The Rocky Mountain Research Data Center Jani Little, Executive Director Katie Genadek, Administrator January 10, 2017 The Rocky Mountain Federal Statistical Research Data Center (RMRDC) Jani Little Executive Director

2 What is a Federal Statistical Research Data Center (FSRDC)?
--A secure computing lab that is linked with the Census Bureau’s internal computing network, which hosts restricted-access data from multiple federal agencies --Made possible by a contractual agreement between a leading research institution and the U.S. Census Bureau --The Census Bureau’s Center for Economic Studies (CES) directs all FSRDCs and the FSRDC Program --FSRDCs are managed by an on-site Census employee—the administrator— who guides researchers on proposal development, enforces security guidelines, and serves as liaison with the research community.


4 Major Partners in the FSRDC System
U.S. Census Bureau Economic Data Demographic Data Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) Data Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Other Federal Partners

5 9 in 2009 and 24 in 2016

6 The RMRDC Consortium Partner Members: Supporting Members:
UC Colorado Springs Colorado State Government Colorado School of Mines National Center for Atmospheric Research National Renewable Energy Laboratory

7 Partner Members Faculty, Grad Students, and Affiliated Researchers:
Free access to RMRDC services and secure laboratory Researchers with continued use are expected to write grant proposals and include lab fees

8 Who can work in an FSRDC? Researchers with an approved project, including: faculty and other researchers graduate students working with advisors foreign nationals with 3 years in the United States

9 Advantages to Researchers and Academic Institutions:
--Greatly expands the policy and basic questions that can be addressed --Builds on past research with richer data --Improves competitive edge for grants and publications --Improves graduate education (big data/statistical techniques) and placement --Attracts and retains data intensive faculty

10 Advantages Provided by Restricted Data Access:
--Microdata not available publicly firms and establishments individuals and households --Variables not available in public versions of data sets (e.g., low level geography) --Full population counts or larger samples (Decennial Census, ACS, CPS) --Full range of response items (e.g., industry codes, detailed race answers, income is not top-coded, etc.) --Ability to make linkages with external data (e.g., via geocodes, establishment ID, etc.) between multiple internal data sets via non-public link keys

11 Scouting Out Examples Relevant to Neonatology:
CES Discussion Paper Series Every Census project is required to contribute a working paper Downloadable from this site: NCHS Publications This site provides a list of all publications that have resulted from RDC projects:

12 Current Project—Rick Rogers, CU Boulder Early Life Mortality in the U
Current Project—Rick Rogers, CU Boulder Early Life Mortality in the U.S. National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)- Longitudinal Mortality File (LMF) 246,464 records, 734 deaths Restricted-use variables Early life deaths (ages 0-17) Exact dates (rather than quarters) Age, day, month of birth, interview, and death Detailed cause of death (beyond 10 categories) New mortality linked files, when available Geographic detail 50 states rather than 4 regions Age top coding usually at ages 85+ Quarter of birth, interview, and death may be too broad for younger ages. Some causes of death are perturbed New matches, available this fall, will first be accessible only in an RDC South generally experiences higher risk of death

13 Recent Project—Jason Lindo and Analisa Packham, Texas A&M Does Expanding Access to Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCs) Reduce Teen Birth Rates? Colorado Family Planning Initiative (CFPI) 2009—40% reduction in teen birth Was it because of the policy initiative? Colorado counties with Title X clinics matched with with non-Colorado counties with Title X clinics. Used Restricted-Use NCHS Natality files, Mother’s age at birth Year of conception County of birth LARCs include subdermal implants and IUDs. Extremely effective at preventing pregnancies. Half of teen births are to teens using contraception.

14 Breastfeeding laws and breastfeeding practices by race and ethnicity Smith-Gagen J1, Hollen R, Tashiro S, Cook DM, Yang W. Womens Health Issues. 2014 Jan-Feb;24(1) Compared breastfeeding practices by race and ethnicity in areas with and without 8 specific breastfeeding laws protecting break-time from work to pump exemption from jury duty awareness education campaigns National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) breastfeeding practice data, race, ethnicity LaAR

15 RMRDC: The Physical Facility
Projected Opening Date: March 1, 2017 Location: IBS Rms --10 thin client workstations to access FSRDC servers --Secure communications that tunnel over campus internet --Contains the Administrator’s office --Badge Reader at Entrance --24/7 Security System with camera --no electronic devices allowed --NOTHING leaves the secure lab without approval

16 FSRDC Server Software GEODa Tomlab Knittro Madd QGIS StatTransfer Python - Anaconda Fortran Perl Tex/LaTex Gauss Stata Matlab & toolboxes PBS Pro Intel Composer XE NX Enterprise R  SAS SAS (Dataflux) SUDAAN

17 University of Colorado
Katie Genadek, PhD RMRDC Administrator University of Colorado IBS Room 423

18 Health and Human Services Data in the RDCs
Added value to public data: Additional variables More detailed geography Continuous/non top-coded variables Some data can be linked to: Mortality files Social Security files Medicare/Medicaid files Air quality files (indirect match by detailed geography)

19 NCHS Surveys available through RDC
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) National Health Interview Disability Survey National Immunization Survey Longitudinal Study on Aging National Survey of Family Growth National Maternal and Infant Health Survey See the complete list with descriptions at

20 AHRQ Survey available through RDC
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), Household Component nationally representative data on demographic characteristics, health conditions, health status, use of medical care services, charges and payments, access to care, satisfaction with care, health insurance coverage, income, and employment Restricted Variables: Geographic detail; state identifiers Fully specified ICD-9 codes Asset data Imputed NDC for prescription drugs

21 Current RDC projects of interest – Health Data
Effects of Medicaid expansion on insurance coverage duration and access to health care (NHIS) Effects of job and family demands on health and health behaviors (MEPS with merged O*NET) How does race on death certificates compare to self reported race? How does this impact race-specific mortality rates? (NHIS linked to NDI)

22 Census Data: Demographic data available in RDCs
More geographic detail Additional variables More observations Variables not censored (income) Additional detail within variables

23 Data Available Decennial Censuses
Yearly ACS (American Community Survey) Current Population Survey Supplements American Housing Survey Survey of Income and Program Participation National Crime Victimization Survey National Longitudinal Mortality Study National Longitudinal Surveys (NLS)

24 More information a.html Public data and metadata

25 Census Data: Economic data available in RDCs
Microdata that is not available elsewhere Detailed geographies and industries Data linked over time Employee and employer linked data Full business register for the US

26 Types of Economic data available in RDCs
Business Register Firm Surveys Establishment Surveys Economic Censuses Transaction or Trade data

27 Useful Websites Census Bureau Data: Center for Economic Studies
NCHS Research Data Center AHRQ

28 RDC Proposals Personnel and Time Frame
Project Description (scientific merit, methods, feasibility, why requires restricted data) Dataset(s), Variables, Geography Results Expected and Disclosure Avoidance Strategies

29 Components of Proposals:
Personnel and Time Frame Project Description (scientific merit, methods, feasibility, why requires restricted data) Dataset(s), Variables, Geography Results Expected and Disclosure Avoidance Strategies

30 Proposal Differences by Agency:
Census NCHS Approval % 70 nearly 100 Time to Approval 3-4 months on average less on average Benefit to Agency PPS Required Not Required Fee None $1200 extract Scope Broad (max of 30 pages) Precise

31 Special Sworn Status SSS is authorized by Title 13 U.S.C. 23 (c) "to assist the Bureau of the Census in performing the work authorized by this title.” The Census Bureau may provide SSS to an individual When an individual has expertise or specialized knowledge that can contribute to the accomplishment of Census Bureau projects or activities or engages in a joint project with the Census Bureau; When an individual is employed by an agency/organization performing a service for the Census Bureau under contract or providing information to the Census Bureau for statistical purposes; When Federal law requires an individual to audit, inspect, or investigate Census Bureau activities.

32 Background Check Off-line paperwork and documentation
On-line trainings and certifications Background check Submitted online and followed with interview Residential history Foreign travel Education and employment history References Fingerprinting

33 Accessing NCHS Restricted-Use Data
Submit proposal to NCHS for review Once approved, request data extraction $1,200-$2,500 fee for more extensive extraction Pass on-line training Access data FSRDC (SSS required) Online system Output is reviewed by NCHS staff, then ed Disclosure review for manuscripts

34 How and When Do I Get Started?
See materials at the RMRDC website, the CES website, NCHS website Contact the RMRDC Director and Administrator for: data availability project budget and timeline contact information For Census projects, the Administrator will give invaluable guidance on the proposal development process the benefits to Census (PPS) help navigate the project approval process

35 Contact Information: Katie Genadek: Jani Little:

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