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Determining the neutrino flavor ratio at the astrophysical source

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1 Determining the neutrino flavor ratio at the astrophysical source
EPS HEP09, July Determining the neutrino flavor ratio at the astrophysical source By G.-L. Lin National Chiao-Tung U. and Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics, National Taiwan U. K.-C. Lai, G.-L. Lin and T. C. Liu, arXiv: [hep-ph]

2  source (1,0,0) Pion source (1/3,2/3,0) (0,1,0) (0,0,1) Muon damped
(0,1,0) (0,0,1) Muon damped source

3 The  source (1,0,0) Motivated by the correlation of the arrival direction of the cosmic rays to the Galactic Plane (GP) near EeV (1018 eV) energies AGASA 1998; Fly’s Eye 1998 Directional signal requires relatively-stable neutral primaries. Neutron decay length is about 10 kpc for En=1 EeV. Smaller energy neutrons can decay L. A. Anchordoqui, H. Goldberg, F. Halzen and T. J. Weiler, 2004

4 Pion source (1/3,2/3,0) Energies of various neutrinos are comparable, i.e., muon decays before losing its energy by interactions. Cosmogenic (GZK) neutrinos produced by and the subsequent pion decay fit into this category.

5 Muon damped source (0,1,0) Muon loses significant amount of energy before it decays: (1) muon interacts with matter J. P. Rachen and P. Meszaros, 1998 (2) Muon interacts with background photon field M. Kacherliess, O. Ostapchenko and R. Tomas, arXiv: See also T. Kashti and E. Waxman Phy. Rev. Lett. 2005 Neutrino flux from muon decays is negligible

6 Transition from pion source to muon-damped source
T. Kashti and E. Waxman Phy. Rev. Lett. 2005 Transition from pion source to muon-damped source

7 Source with a significant tau neutrino flux
Optically thick sources: highly relativistic GRB jets Neutrinos already oscillate inside the object. O. Mena, I. Mocioiu and S. Razzaque, 2006 e  

8 The previous works   + 0 flavor ratio measured ij,  on Earth
Assumed source flavor ratio Probe neutrino mixing parameters

9 List of previous works

10 Our work   P + 0+0 source flavor ratio deduced flavor ratio
with certain accuracy flavor ratio measured on Earth Oscillation matrix depending on ij,  See also A. Esmaili and Y. Farzan, arXiv: [hep-ph]

11 Reconstructing the source flavor ratio
Measured flux P Flavor Eigenstate Mass Eigenstate Ui contains 3 mixing angles--12, 23, and 13 one CP phase 

12 The exact form of oscillation probability matrix

13 23=45, 13=0 This matrix is singular!

14 Uncertainties: mixing parameter and measurements
(1,0,0) Becomes a band if uncertainties on mixing parameters are taken into account (1/3,2/3,0) (0,1,0) (0,0,1) Degeneracy direction: 0()+0()=constant

15 Pion Source Results for the Reconstruction of Source Flavor Ratio
M.C. Gonzalez-Garcia and M. Maltoni, Phys. Rept. 2008

16 Critical measurement accuracy for ruling out
muon damped source

17 Muon Damped Source

18 Critical measurement accuracy for ruling out
pion source

19 Pion Source For a non-vanishing best-fit value of 13 Gray: =0
G.L. Fogli et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 2008 Pion Source Gray: =0 Red: = Blue: =/2

20 Muon damped source Gray: =0 Red: = Blue: =/2

21 What if one only measures R?
It is more challenging to measure S Relies on double bang signature of  Pion source No constraint obtained!

22 Muon damped source Very weak constraint!

23 Detectors of astrophysical neutrinos
IceCube—PMT array in South Pole ice ANTARESKM3Net—PMT array in the Mediterranean ANITA—radio wave detector above South Pole Pierre Auger—earth skimming tau neutrinos IceRay—radio extension of IceCube

24 Event rate Taking Waxman-Bahcall upper bound E2Φ0=210-8 GeV/cm2 s sr, we estimate that it takes IceCube detector a decade to accumulate O(100)  events. A rescaling from J. Ahrens et al. [IceCube Collaboration], Astropart. Phys. 20, 507 (2004).

25 Summary The structure of the oscillation probability matrix P makes it difficult to constrain Accuracies in the measurements of R and S should both be better than 10% in order to distinguish the pion source and the muon-damped source at the 3 level—this takes IceCube detector more than a decade to achieve (assuming WB flux). Future improvement on the accuracy of determining neutrino mixing parameters can help to distinguish astrophysical sources– see P. 16 To use the astrophysical source for probing the neutrino mixing parameter or new physics beyond the standard model, it is not realistic to assume a precise knowledge on the neutrino flavor ratio at the source. One should take a more relaxed assumption on the source.

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