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Introduction to CMOS VLSI Design

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1 Introduction to CMOS VLSI Design

2 Before we start…. In this module we are going to study
NMOS and CMOS Design Styles Both combinational and sequential (We had done many examples in our class.So Please go on that.Here I am giving the design of basic gates only) Stick Diagrams Layouts Lamda and micron design rules

3 Transistors as Switches
We can view MOS transistors as electrically controlled switches Voltage at gate controls path from source to drain

4 CMOS Inverter A Y 1

5 CMOS Inverter A Y 1

6 CMOS Inverter A Y 1

7 CMOS NAND Gate A B Y 1

8 CMOS NAND Gate A B Y 1

9 CMOS NAND Gate A B Y 1

10 CMOS NAND Gate A B Y 1

11 CMOS NAND Gate A B Y 1

12 CMOS NOR Gate A B Y 1

13 VLSI design aims to translate circuit concepts onto silicon.
stick diagrams are a means of capturing topography and layer information using simple diagrams. Stick diagrams convey layer information through colour codes (or monochrome encoding). Acts as an interface between symbolic circuit and the actual layout.

14 Stick diagrams A stick diagram is a cartoon of a layout.
Does show all components/vias (except possibly tub ties), relative placement. Does not show exact placement, transistor sizes, wire lengths, wire widths, tub boundaries.

15 Stick Diagrams Key idea: "Stick figure cartoon" of a layout
Useful for planning layout relative placement of transistors assignment of signals to layers connections between cells cell hierarchy

16 Stick Diagrams (3/3)

17 Stick Diagrams – Notations
Metal 1 Can also draw in shades of gray/line style. poly ndiff pdiff Similarly for contacts, via, tub etc..

18 Stick Diagrams – Some rules
Rule 1. When two or more ‘sticks’ of the same type cross or touch each other that represents electrical contact.

19 Stick Diagrams – Some rules
Rule 2. When two or more ‘sticks’ of different type cross or touch each other there is no electrical contact. (If electrical contact is needed we have to show the connection explicitly).

20 Stick Diagrams – Some rules
Rule 3. When a poly crosses diffusion it represents a transistor. Note: If a contact is shown then it is not a transistor.

21 Stick Diagrams – Some rules
Rule 4. In CMOS a demarcation line is drawn to avoid touching of p-diff with n-diff. All pMOS must lie on one side of the line and all nMOS will have to be on the other side.

22 Stick diagram -> CMOS transistor circuit
Vdd = 5V Vout Vdd = 5V Vin pMOS Vin Vout nMOS In practice, first draw stick diagram for nMOS section and analyse (pMOS is dual of nMOS section)

23 Stick Diagrams Stick Diagrams Gnd VDD X VDD Gnd

24 Static CMOS NAND gate

25 Static CMOS NOR gate

26 Static CMOS Design Example Layout

27 Draw the stick diagram

28 Identify the Circuit



31 Layout of CMOS NAND

32 Please practice more examples

33 Design Rules

34 Design rules Circuit engineers needs to reduce the size but process engineers needs a controllable and reproducible fabrication So we needs design rules to get more yield. Design rules can never be met exactly at the wafer level because physical nature of semiconductor causes some variations. Parameter limits that cover six standard deviation ensure that 99.7 percentage meets the specification.

35 Design Rules Interface between the circuit designer and process engineer Guidelines for constructing process masks Unit dimension: minimum line width scalable design rules: lambda parameter absolute dimensions: micron rules Rules constructed to ensure that design works even when small fab errors (within some tolerance) occur A complete set includes set of layers intra-layer: relations between objects in the same layer inter-layer: relations between objects on different layers

36 Why Have Design Rules? To be able to tolerate some level of fabrication errors such as Mask misalignment Dust Process parameters (e.g., lateral diffusion) Rough surfaces Motivation for design rules – next slide

37 l Based Design Rules Chips are specified with set of masks
Minimum dimensions of masks determine transistor size (and hence speed, cost, and power) Feature size f = distance between source and drain Set by minimum width of polysilicon Feature size improves 30% every 3 years or so Normalize for feature size when describing design rules Express rules in terms of l = f/2 E.g. l = 0.3 mm in 0.6 mm process 0: Introduction

38 NMOS Design Rules( based)
Minimum width of PolySi and diffusion line 2 Minimum width of Metal line 3 as metal lines run over a more uneven surface than other conducting layers to ensure their continuity Metal Diffusion 3 2 2 Polysilicon

39 Design Rules Metal 2 Diffusion 2 3 Polysilicon
PolySi – PolySi space 2 Metal - Metal space 2 Diffusion – Diffusion 3 To avoid the possibility of their associated regions overlapping and conducting current Metal 2 Diffusion 2 3 Polysilicon

40 Design Rules Metal Diffusion  Polysilicon Diffusion – PolySi 
Metal lines can pass over both diffusion and polySi without electrical effect. Where no separation is specified, metal lines can overlap or cross Metal Diffusion Polysilicon

41 Metal Vs PolySi/Diffusion
Metal lines can pass over both diffusion and polySi without electrical effect It is recommended practice to leave  between a metal edge and a polySi or diffusion line to which it is not electrically connected Metal Polysilicon

42 Depletion Transistor We need depletion implant An implant surrounding the Transistor by 2l Ensures that no part of the transistor remains in the enhancement mode A separation of 2l from the gate of an enhancement transistor avoids affecting the device. 2l

43 Depletion Transistor Implants are separated by 2l to prevent them from merging 2l

44 Contact Area must be a min. of 2l*2l to ensure adequate contact area.

45 Contact Cut Metal connects to polySi/diffusion by contact cut.
Contact area: 2l*2l Metal and polySi or diffusion must overlap this contact area by l so that the two desired conductors encompass the contact area despite any mis-alignment between conducting layers and the contact hole 4l

46 Contact Cut Contact cut – any gate: 2l apart
Why? No contact to any part of the gate. 4l 2l

47 Contact Cut Contact cut – contact cut: 2l apart
Why? To prevent holes from merging. 2l

48 Nmos Design rules N+Diffusion Mask Diffusion width 2λ
Diffusion spacing 3λ Implant Mask Implant gate overlap 1.5λ Implant to enhancement gate spacing 1.5λ Buried contact mask Buried contact to active device 2λ(to avoid short circuit) Overlap in diffusion direction 2λ Overlap in poly or field direction 1λ Buried contact to unrelated poly or diffusion spacing 2λ

49 Poly Mask Poly width 2λ Poly spacing 2λ Poly diffusion spacing 1λ Poly gate extension beyond diffusion 2 λ Diffuin to poly edge 2 λ Contact Mask Contact size 2 λ x 2 λ Contact diffusion overlap 1 λ Contact poly overlap 1 λ Contact to contact space 2 λ Contact to FET channel 2 λ Contact to metal overlap 1 λ Metal mask Metal width 3 λ Metal spacing 3 λ

50 Rules for CMOS layout To ensure the separation of the PMOS and NMOS devices, n-well supporting PMOS is 6l away from the active area of NMOS transistor. n-well Why? Avoids overlap of the associated regions n+ 6l

51 Rules for CMOS layout 2l N-well must completely surround the PMOS device’s active area by 2l

52 Rules for CMOS layout 2l The threshold implant mask covers all n-well and surrounds the n-well by l

53 Rules for CMOS layout The p+ diffusion mask defines the areas to receive a p+ diffusion. It is coincident with the threshold mask surrounding the PMOS transistor but excludes the n-well region to be connected to the supply. 2l

54 Rules for CMOS layout A p+ diffusion is required to effect the ground connection to the substrate. Thus mask also defines this substrate region. It surrounds the conducting material of this contact by l. 4

55 Simplified Design Rules
Conservative rules to get you started 0: Introduction

56 Micron rules


58 Intra-Layer Design Rule Origins
Minimum dimensions (e.g., widths) of objects on each layer to maintain that object after fab minimum line width is set by the resolution of the patterning process (photolithography) Minimum spaces between objects (that are not related) on the same layer to ensure they will not short after fab 0.3 micron why would the spacing of the active (n) area be different that drawn? - due to lateral diffusion 0.15 0.3 micron 0.15

59 Intra-Layer Design Rules
4 Metal2 3

60 Transistor Layout

61 Select Layer

62 Please refer the text for more details about the design rules….
Text:VLSI Technology Author:Sujatha Pandey and Manoj Pandey Page No.:5.36 to 5.44

63 Course Topics Introduction to CMOS circuits
MOS transistor theory, processing technology CMOS circuit and logic design System design methods CAD algorithms for backend design Case studies, CAD tools, etc. Oct 2010

64 Bibliography Textbook Weste and Harris. CMOS VLSI Design (3rd edition)
Addison Wesley ISBN: Available at Oct 2010

65 Introduction Integrated circuits: many transistors on one chip.
Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI): very many Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Fast, cheap, low power transistors Introduction: How to build your own simple CMOS chip CMOS transistors Building logic gates from transistors Transistor layout and fabrication Rest of the course: How to build a good CMOS chip Oct 2010

66 A Brief History 1958: First integrated circuit 2003
Flip-flop using two transistors Built by Jack Kilby at Texas Instruments 2003 Intel Pentium 4 mprocessor (55 million transistors) 512 Mbit DRAM (> 0.5 billion transistors) 53% compound annual growth rate over 45 years No other technology has grown so fast so long Driven by miniaturization of transistors Smaller is cheaper, faster, lower in power! Revolutionary effects on society Oct 2010

67 Annual Sales 1018 transistors manufactured in 2003
100 million for every human on the planet Oct 2010

68 Invention of the Transistor
Vacuum tubes ruled in first half of 20th century Large, expensive, power-hungry, unreliable 1947: first point contact transistor John Bardeen and Walter Brattain at Bell Labs Read Crystal Fire by Riordan, Hoddeson Oct 2010

69 Transistor Types Bipolar transistors
npn or pnp silicon structure Small current into very thin base layer controls large currents between emitter and collector Base currents limit integration density Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors nMOS and pMOS MOSFETS Voltage applied to insulated gate controls current between source and drain Low power allows very high integration Oct 2010

70 MOS Integrated Circuits
1970’s processes usually had only nMOS transistors Inexpensive, but consume power while idle 1980s-present: CMOS processes for low idle power Intel bit SRAM Intel bit mProc Oct 2010

71 Moore’s Law 1965: Gordon Moore plotted transistor on each chip
Fit straight line on semilog scale Transistor counts have doubled every 26 months Integration Levels SSI: 10 gates MSI: gates LSI: 10,000 gates VLSI: > 10k gates Oct 2010

72 Oct 2010

73 Oct 2010

74 Oct 2010

75 Corollaries Many other factors grow exponentially
Ex: clock frequency, processor performance Oct 2010

76 Silicon Lattice Transistors are built on a silicon substrate
Silicon is a Group IV material Forms crystal lattice with bonds to four neighbors Oct 2010

77 Dopants Silicon is a semiconductor
Pure silicon has no free carriers and conducts poorly Adding dopants increases the conductivity Group V: extra electron (n-type) Group III: missing electron, called hole (p- type) Oct 2010

78 p-n Junctions A junction between p-type and n-type semiconductor forms a diode. Current flows only in one direction Oct 2010

79 nMOS Transistor Four terminals: gate, source, drain, body
Gate – oxide – body stack looks like a capacitor Gate and body are conductors SiO2 (oxide) is a very good insulator Called metal – oxide – semiconductor (MOS) capacitor Even though gate is no longer made of metal Oct 2010

80 nMOS Operation Body is commonly tied to ground (0 V)
When the gate is at a low voltage: P-type body is at low voltage Source-body and drain-body diodes are OFF No current flows, transistor is OFF Oct 2010

81 nMOS Operation Cont. When the gate is at a high voltage:
Positive charge on gate of MOS capacitor Negative charge attracted to body Inverts a channel under gate to n-type Now current can flow through n-type silicon from source through channel to drain, transistor is ON Oct 2010

82 pMOS Transistor Similar, but doping and voltages reversed
Body tied to high voltage (VDD) Gate low: transistor ON Gate high: transistor OFF Bubble indicates inverted behavior Oct 2010

83 Power Supply Voltage GND = 0 V In 1980’s, VDD = 5V
VDD has decreased in modern processes High VDD would damage modern tiny transistors Lower VDD saves power VDD = 3.3, 2.5, 1.8, 1.5, 1.2, 1.0, … Oct 2010

84 Transistors as Switches
We can view MOS transistors as electrically controlled switches Voltage at gate controls path from source to drain Oct 2010

85 CMOS Inverter A Y 1 Oct 2010

86 CMOS Inverter A Y 1 Oct 2010

87 CMOS Inverter A Y 1 Oct 2010

88 CMOS NAND Gate A B Y 1 Oct 2010

89 CMOS NAND Gate A B Y 1 Oct 2010

90 CMOS NAND Gate A B Y 1 Oct 2010

91 CMOS NAND Gate A B Y 1 Oct 2010

92 CMOS NAND Gate A B Y 1 Oct 2010

93 CMOS NOR Gate A B Y 1 Oct 2010

94 3-input NAND Gate Y pulls low if ALL inputs are 1
Y pulls high if ANY input is 0 Oct 2010

95 Compound Gates Compound gates can do any inverting function Ex:
Oct 2010

96 Example: O3AI Oct 2010

97 CMOS Fabrication CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer
Oct 2010 CMOS Fabrication CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press On each step, different materials are deposited or etched Easiest to understand by viewing both top and cross-section of wafer in a simplified manufacturing process Oct 2010

98 Inverter Cross-section
Typically use p-type substrate for nMOS transistors Requires n-well for body of pMOS transistors Oct 2010

99 Well and Substrate Taps
Substrate must be tied to GND and n- well to VDD Metal to lightly-doped semiconductor forms poor connection (used for Schottky Diode) Use heavily doped well and substrate contacts / taps Oct 2010

100 Inverter Mask Set Transistors and wires are defined by masks
Cross-section taken along dashed line Oct 2010

101 Oct 2010

102 Detailed Mask Views Six masks n-well Polysilicon n+ diffusion
p+ diffusion Contact Metal Oct 2010

103 Fabrication Steps Start with blank wafer
Build inverter from the bottom up First step will be to form the n-well Cover wafer with protective layer of SiO2 (oxide) Remove layer where n-well should be built Implant or diffuse n dopants into exposed wafer Strip off SiO2 Oct 2010

104 Oxidation Grow SiO2 on top of Si wafer
900 – 1200 C with H2O or O2 in oxidation furnace Oct 2010

105 Photoresist Spin on photoresist
Photoresist is a light-sensitive organic polymer Softens where exposed to light Oct 2010

106 Lithography Expose photoresist through n-well mask
Strip off exposed photoresist Oct 2010

107 Etch Etch oxide with hydrofluoric acid (HF)
Seeps through skin and eats bone; nasty stuff!!! Only attacks oxide where resist has been exposed Oct 2010

108 Strip Photoresist Strip off remaining photoresist
Use mixture of acids called piranha etch Necessary so resist doesn’t melt in next step Oct 2010

109 n-well n-well is formed with diffusion or ion implantation Diffusion
Place wafer in furnace with arsenic gas Heat until As atoms diffuse into exposed Si Ion Implanatation Blast wafer with beam of As ions Ions blocked by SiO2, only enter exposed Si Oct 2010

110 Strip Oxide Strip off the remaining oxide using HF
Back to bare wafer with n-well Subsequent steps involve similar series of steps Oct 2010

111 Polysilicon Deposit very thin layer of gate oxide
< 20 Å (6-7 atomic layers) Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) of silicon layer Place wafer in furnace with Silane gas (SiH4) Forms many small crystals called polysilicon Heavily doped to be good conductor Oct 2010

112 Polysilicon Patterning
Use same lithography process to pattern polysilicon Oct 2010

113 N-diffusion Use oxide and masking to expose where n+ dopants should be diffused or implanted N-diffusion forms nMOS source, drain, and n-well contact Oct 2010

114 N-diffusion (cont.) Pattern oxide and form n+ regions Oct 2010

115 N-diffusion (cont.) Historically dopants were diffused
Usually ion implantation today But regions are still called diffusion Oct 2010

116 N-diffusion (cont.) Strip off oxide to complete patterning step
Oct 2010

117 P-Diffusion Similar set of steps form p+ diffusion regions for pMOS source and drain and substrate contact Oct 2010

118 Contacts Now we need to wire together the devices Cover chip with thick field oxide Etch oxide where contact cuts are needed Oct 2010

119 Metalization Sputter on copper / aluminum over whole wafer
Pattern to remove excess metal, leaving wires Oct 2010

120 Layout Chips are specified with set of masks
Minimum dimensions of masks determine transistor size (and hence speed, cost, and power) Feature size f = distance between source and drain Set by minimum width of polysilicon Feature size scales ~X0.7 every 2 years both lateral and vertical Moore’s law Normalize feature size when describing design rules Express rules in terms of l = f/2 E.g. l = 0.3 mm in 0.6 mm process Today’s l = 0.01 mm (10 nanometer = meter) Oct 2010

121 Simplified Design Rules
Conservative rules to get you started Oct 2010

122 Inverter Layout Transistor dimensions specified as Width / Length
Minimum size is 4l / 2l, sometimes called 1 unit In f = 0.01 mm process, this is 0.04 mm wide, mm long Oct 2010

123 Summary MOS Transistors are stack of gate, oxide, silicon
Can be viewed as electrically controlled switches Build logic gates out of switches Draw masks to specify layout of transistors Now you know everything necessary to start designing schematics and layout for a simple circuit! Oct 2010

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