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Presentation on theme: "ANIMAL CELL Name: Lysosomes (CITY ROADS) (WALL AROUND CITY)"— Presentation transcript:

Name: Cell Membrane Cell membranes have pores that control what substances come in or out of a cell. (WALL AROUND CITY) Name: Endoplasmic Reticulum Transport system which allows materials to be carried throughout the cell. (CITY ROADS) Name: Lysosomes The lysosomes move around the cell cleaning up and doing cell maintenance. They also help break down food . (CITY BREAKDOWN/REPAIR TEAM) Name: Nuclear Membrane The nuclear membrane controls the movement of substances in and out of the nucleus. (CASTLE WALL) Name: Nucleus Oval structure and “brain” of the cell. You can think of the nucleus as the cell’s control center, directing all the cells activities. (THE CASTLE) INSIDE THE NUCLEUS: Thin strands called chromatin. These contain the genetic material (DNA) that direct the functions of the cell. Form chromosomes when the cell is dividing. (KING) Name: Mitochondria The mitochondria produces ATP which is food for the cell allowing it to function. Most of the cells energy comes from here. (POWERHOUSE) Name:Nucleolus Where ribosomes are made. (Machine Shop School) Name: Golgi Bodies They package proteins from the ER and distribute them to other parts of the cell. (POST OFFICE & MESSENGERS/RUNNERS) Name: Vacuole The vacuole stores both the cells waste and food. This is smaller in animal cells than plant cells. (GROCER/OUTHOUSE) Name: Cytoplasm The region between the cell membrane and the nucleus. Contains a gel-like fluid where many of the organelles are found. Name: Ribosomes Ribosomes are attached to the ER, they are protein building factories that create the cells building materials. They receive instruction from the nucleolus in the nucleus. (MACHINE SHOPS) ANIMAL CELL

Found only in plant cells. Made of cellulose and provides turgor pressure. (EXTRA OUTER CITY WALL) Name: Lysosomes RARE IN PLANT CELLS! The lysosomes move around the cell cleaning up and doing cell maintenance. They also help break down food . (CITY BREAKDOWN/REPAIR TEAM) Name: Endoplasmic Reticulum Transport system which allows materials to be carried throughout the cell. (CITY ROADS) Name: Nuclear Membrane The nuclear membrane controls the movement of substances in and out of the nucleus. (CASTLE WALL) PLANT CELL Name: Nucleus Oval structure and “brain” of the cell. You can think of the nucleus as the cell’s control center, directing all the cells activities. (THE CASTLE) INSIDE THE NUCLEUS: Thin strands called chromatin. These contain the genetic material (DNA) that direct the functions of the cell. Form chromosomes when the cell is dividing. (KING) Name: Cell Membrane Cell membranes have pores that control what substances come in or out of a cell. (Inside the Cell Wall) (WALL AROUND CITY) Name: Vacuole The vacuole stores both the cells waste and food. In plants, this also regulated “turgor pressure” of the plant (keeps it upright so it doesn’t wilt) (GROCER/OUTHOUSE) Name: Chloroplasts The chloroplast transforms the raw energy of the sun into productive energy for the cell. (SOLAR POWERED WINDMILL) Name: Nucleolus Where ribosomes are made. (Machine Shop School) Name: Mitochondria The mitochondria produces ATP which is food for the cell allowing it to function. Most of the cells energy comes from here. (Powerhouse) Name: Ribosomes Ribosomes are attached to the ER, they are protein factories that create the cells building materials. They receive instruction from the nucleolus in the nucleus. (MACHINE SHOPS) Name: Golgi Bodies They package proteins from the ER and distribute them to other parts of the cell. (POST OFFICE & MESSENGERS/RUNNERS) Name: Cytoplasm The region between the cell membrane and the nucleus. Contains a gel-like fluid where many of the organelles are found.

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