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Presentation on theme: "Allusion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Allusion

2 What is allusion? An indirect reference in a song, movie, commercial, T.V. show or literary work to a previously released literary work or to a person, place, or thing in history.

3 In other words… An allusion is when you are watching a movie or commercial, or are reading a book and you recognize a scene , song or phrase as something that was in an earlier movie, book or film


5 Why do writers make allusions?
To help the audience understand a difficult idea by relating it to an already known idea (from a familiar text) A way for the writer to connect with the audience - a literary/historical “wink” to the reader saying “you get me?” Comedic effect by referencing a potentially shared experience

6 How do I find/notice allusion?
Having Background Knowledge!!!! Clues from the text Background knowledge IS CRITICAL – YOU HAVE TO KNOW WHAT A WRITER IS REFERRING TO IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND THE ALLUSION

7 Through the Wire - Kanye West
If I looked like Tom Cruise in Vanilla Sky it was televised, I was in an accident like Geico. They thought I was burnt up , Like Pepsi did Micheal. Look back on my life, Like the ghost from Christmas Past.

8 The Empire State of Mind – Jay Z
I’m out that Brooklyn, now I’m down in Tribeca Right next to DeNiro, but I will be hood forever. I’m the new Sinatra, and since I made it here I can make it anywhere. The title of the song is an allusion. What is he referring to?

9 Your Love – Niki Minaj I think I met him sometime before
In a different life or where I record I mean he was Adam, I think I was Eve But my vision ends with an apple on a tree.

10 Allusions in Film Family Guy
Danny writes Redrum on the door in The Shining

11 The makers of Family Guy have Stewie’s blocks say “Redrum” as an allusion to The Shining. They use this allusion because they know their audience will likely be familiar with The Shining, so they will understand the message that Stewie is obsessed with murder. REDRUM = MURDER backwards This allusion helps the viewer gain a deeper understanding of Stewie’s character – a Matricidal Maniac!

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