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BALAY and H.R.COMMISSION Royal Traders Hotel -Manila

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Presentation on theme: "BALAY and H.R.COMMISSION Royal Traders Hotel -Manila"— Presentation transcript:

1 BALAY and H.R.COMMISSION Royal Traders Hotel -Manila
EU –OPCAT PROJECT Workshop on establishing a National Preventive Mechanism for the Freedom from Torture in Philippine Organized by BALAY and H.R.COMMISSION 23-24 September 2008 Royal Traders Hotel -Manila

2 Presenter-Mr.W.A.L.Weerasinghe (Retired Prison Commissioner)
“Sri Lanka Prison System and Treatment of Individual Deprived of their Liberty” Presenter-Mr.W.A.L.Weerasinghe (Retired Prison Commissioner)

3 Socialist Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka

4 Socialist Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka
Location South Asia Head of the State - Executive president elected by people Total Population Million Per capital income Poverty Line

5 Criminal justice system
Crime controlling –Responsibility of the government Mechanism Criminal Justice System

6 Sri Lanka Prison Department

7 The Mission Custody Care Correction CCC
Establishment Prison Ordinance of 1864 Prison is the sole custodial punitive authority The Mission Custody Care Correction CCC

8 Head of the department- Commissioner General of Prison
Stationed – Colombo Administrative set up Decentralized Regimental –Majority uniformed

9 No. of institutions 03 - Closed prisons (Major) 18 - Remand prison
02 - Open prison camps 08 - Open work camps 02 - Corrective centers for young offenders 01 - Training school for juvenile 25 - Remand lockups 01 - Training center for officers

10 Prison Statistics –year 2006
Convicted Unconvinced Total Annual Admission 28732 89190 117922 Female 977 5744 6291 Daily Average 11243 11624 22867 Official staff strength 4500

11 Main Features of the Prison Population
Majority are , Male Poor Uneducated Unskilled Victims of addiction

12 Admitted convicted prisoners year 2006
Were sentenced under the Dangerous drug control act 36.1% 28732 22.7% Under the exercise offence

13 Penalty is to pay an amount Of money and unable to pay &sentenced
Fine falters Penalty is to pay an amount Of money and unable to pay &sentenced to imprisonment 28732 51.2%

14 More than 5 years imprisonment
64% 64% were under 6 months of imprisonment 28732 2.9% More than 5 years imprisonment

15 Welfare Rehabilitation and reform Programs
Basic human need General welfare Human development and reform

16 Activities Educational Training Spiritual development
Personality development Community service Premature release After care


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