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Etiology of Acute Gastroenteritis in Hospitalized Children?

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1 Etiology of Acute Gastroenteritis in Hospitalized Children?
Hadi Fakih, M.D. Associate Professor Pediatrics Department, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Lebanese University, Lebanon NICU division Director , Sheikh Ragheb Harb Hospital, Nabatieh, Lebanon Sheikh Ragheb Harb Hospital ` Lebanese University Faculty of Medical Sciences

2 Disclosure Nothing to disclose

3 Plan Definition & Classification Burden of AGE Middle east data
Lebanese studies The SAGE 1 study Design Results Discussion Conclusion

4 Definition WHO 2012 Diarrhea is defined as the passage of three or more loose or watery stools per day (or more frequent passage of stool than is normal for the individual).

5 Classification WHO 2012 There are three clinical classifications of diarrheal conditions: Acute diarrhea, lasting several hours or days Acute bloody diarrhea or dysentery Persistent diarrhea, lasting 14 days or longer

6 The burden Parashar UD. JAMA. 2015
Annual hospitalization: 3-5/ US children <5 YO AGE: top 10 reasons for pediatric hospitalization nationwide.  

7 The Burden BMJ 2007 Developing Countries:
Diarrhea is a common cause of mortality among children younger than age 5 years, with an estimated 2 million deaths each year. 

8 Mean overall proportion of rotavirus gastroenteritis by country BMC Infectious Diseases, 2011

9 Mortality due to rotavirus in the Middle East and North Africa by country BMC Infectious Diseases 2011

10 Lebanese data: Common Enteropathogens
Naous, et al. N Am J Med Sci. 2013

11 Lebanese Studies Period Study Title Location 1997-2001 April -May 2010
Corresp. Author 1 - Prevalence of infection by intestinal parasites in north Lebanon North Lebanon Hamze M 2 - First description of gastroenteritis viruses in Lebanese children: A pilot study  April -May 2010 Tripoli (North Lebanon) Randa Meraabi Al-Ali 3 - Management of acute gastroenteritis in healthy children in Lebanon - A national survey 2010 Phone survey Aouni Alameddine 4 - Intestinal amebiasis: A concerning cause of acute gastroenteritis among hospitalized Lebanese children Makassed Hospital Beirut Amal Naous Mariam Rajab 5 - Rotavirus genotypes and vaccine effectiveness from a sentinel, hospital-based, surveillance study for three consecutive rotavirus seasons in Lebanon AUBMC, Beirut Ghassan Dbaibo 6 - Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of norovirus gastroenteritis among hospitalized children in Lebanon 2011 – 2013 AUBMC Beirut, Lebanon

12 1,2 3,4,5,6 SAGE


14 Official Study title Surveillance of Acute GastroEnteritis in Hospitalized Children in South-Lebanon ( SAGE study I )

15 SAGE study I Indications & Preconditions
Wide variation in AGE management among providers and hospitals Laboratory investigation for viral, bacterial and parasitic agents is helpful for: Improving management of AGE Monitoring and controlling infections No Previous similar study in south Lebanon

16 Proposed Questions? Q1: Primary Outcome: Q2: Secondary Outcomes:
What are the Common Pathogens causing hospitalization for AGE? Q2: Secondary Outcomes: Demographic data? Protective Factors? Burden of Hospitalization?

17 Study design Prospective cohort Hospital based
Summer 2014 between July & September. Nabatieh district

18 Inclusion & Exclusion criteria
Inclusion Criteria: Exclusion Criteria: Children hospitalized Dg: Acute gastroenteritis Rotavirus Diarrhea Diarrhea & vomiting < 7 days duration Malnutrition Chronic diarrhea Immunodeficiency Congenital malformations Syndromic patients

19 I- Demographic Data Total number enrolled: 198 patients
Results Analysis I- Demographic Data Total number enrolled: 198 patients

20 Monthly distribution

21 Percentage of AGE admissions

22 Age group distribution
Age average: 2 years 5 months

23 Sex distribution

24 Percentage of BF > 1 month

25 Percentage of RV vaccination

26 II- Clinical data

27 Percentage of Enteropathogens

28 Enteropathogens / Age group

29 The Percentage of RV AGE in RV Vaccinated patients

30 Effect of rotavirus vaccination on different pathogens
OR: 0.3 CI: [ ] OR: 0.6 CI [ ]

31 IS BF protective? P < 0.05 P = 0.06

32 RV vaccination effect on
LOS & Age P < 0.05 Vaccination status Age LOS RV/ Vaccinated 2Y10M 3.4 Days RV/ not Vaccinated 2Y5M 3.6 Days

33 Symptoms prevalence

34 Average of WBC counts and CRP level per enteropathogens
Nl CRP< 10 mg/dl


36 Relevant Data AGE remains a major health burden
40% of hospital Pediatric load Routinely laboratory methods 56% of pathogens identified Entamoeba histolytica: 26% Rotavirus:19% Unidentified: 44%

37 Relevant Points: High Amaebiasis infestations 
Contamination of water sources Low Rotavirus vaccination rate 43% RV vaccine protection: 81% BF protective Average LOS: 3.5 days (high) Age average: 2y5mo

38 Limitation Short Period Single center No bacterial detection
Lack of universal bacterial culture medium Parasites identification: lab. Experience Vesicari score,missed

39 Ongoing & Future Studies
Surveillance of acute gastroenteritis in Hospitalized children = SAGE II (recruiting) Epidemiological Status of Acute Gastroenteritis Among Hospitalized Children : A Prospective Study from the Lebanese Population (ESAGE-HCL) ( 2 years, PCR)

40 Contact
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