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Forward Frederick 2014 Benchmark Business Survey

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1 Forward Frederick 2014 Benchmark Business Survey Executive Summary & Responses

2 Forward Frederick Mission
Forward Frederick Business Survey Forward Frederick is a consortium of public and private enterprise to create the first countywide combined business and residential survey. This survey will benchmark the state and outlook of those surveyed as well as the needs, goals and vision for Frederick in the coming years. The survey will also understand the key challenges and opportunities for Frederick area with particular focus to importance local services, quality of life and workforce from both public and private enterprise. The survey will also be leveraged by Frederick County to measure the business and residential current experience and outlook for growth. The survey would be repeated bi-annually for used to measure changes along that time and use other research tools to understand why and how the community is changing.

3 Methodology & Response
Forward Frederick Business Research Conducted via Survey Monkey May 12 - June 20, 2014 Total Responses 895 with 717 participants 485 completes 232 partial responses 178 disqualified as non Frederick based business owners or operators was primary tool as to ensure qualified respondents 5,000 business owners and operators via combined County & City EDC List Responses or 12% ed to Chamber List & BNWC list -310 Responses Open Link was also promoted via and or PR via during the last 2 weeks of survey

4 Frederick County Market Overview
Forward Frederick Business Research Business Growth Slows in 2013 Over the last 5 years, the businesses with employees has grown by 6.7% There was little growth in 2013 consistent with statewide performance, which ranked 49th in the U.S. Nearly 17K non-employer businesses not reported since 2012, but are primarily microbusinesses with under 5 employees These businesses are reported via the Census 2012 most recent with next in 2017 Source: Maryland Dept. of Labor, Licensing and Regulation, 3rd Quarter data

5 Industry Survey Participation
Forward Frederick Business Research Frederick County vs. 5+ Participants

6 Overall Early Findings – Economy & Workforce
Forward Frederick Business Research Economy is stable & improving More than 50% believe the economy is improving 40% believe it is unchanged or stable Workforce will see growth and stability 45% are planning to hire new staffing 50% will keep employment stable Entry Level, Skilled Labor and Sales/Marketing are primary needs IT, Management, R&D and Customer support are also needed Frederick has the talent 75% believe Frederick has the workforce to meet their needs Nearly 20% said it does not have the talent, but is improving Employers actively recruit from local colleges and universities Take it easy 50%+ companies attract their workforce offering an attractive environment, flexibility & growth to differentiate themselves.

7 Growth Challenges Forward Frederick Business Survey Business Friendly Frederick Affordable Taxes, Timely Permitting, Zoning and added Incentives are key to the decision making criteria to operate in Frederick More & Better People Please Population Growth and Availability of a Skilled Workforce are key drivers

8 Key Learning – Industry Demographics
Forward Frederick Business Research Life Sciences and Manufacturing are the largest employers, but IT is growing. Agriculture rarely has more than 20 employees and the oldest Manufacturing & Life Sciences are mature, but IT is also maturing.

9 Key Learning - Industries
Forward Frederick Business Research Life Sciences & Manufacturing were less likely to recommend Frederick as place to do business with Agriculture & IT being in line with the average Nearly ½ of industries employ workers from out of the County with Life Sciences and Agriculture the largest. Compare to Average

10 Key Learning - Employment
Forward Frederick Business Research IT & Life Sciences are more likely to increase employment compared to Manufacturing & Agriculture. Skilled Labor along with Sales & Marketing were key hires for all industries

11 Q8: Does Frederick offer the talent and the workforce required for positions in the company?
Answered: Skipped: 581

12 Q11: From which universities or colleges does the company recruit employees? (Check all that apply)
Answered: Skipped: 728

13 Q15: How likely would you be to recommend Frederick County as a place to open or do business?
Answered: Skipped: 276

14 Q17: How important are the following factors in the decision to operate facilities in Frederick?
Answered: Skipped: 368

15 Q31: Do you agree or disagree that the City, County, and State are good places to own and operate a business? Answered: Skipped: 661

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