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Mary: ummm…y? oh…this is hard…no idea

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Presentation on theme: "Mary: ummm…y? oh…this is hard…no idea"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mary: ummm…y? oh…this is hard…no idea
Starter: terms game Starting at one end of the room, each person has to follow the last letter of the last sociological word. EG: Fred: Socialisation Timmy: Norms Reg: Society Mary: ummm…y? oh…this is hard…no idea

2 HOMEWORK DUE: FRIDAY 5 most important things (in your opinion) for each topic. Some will present their ideas on FRIDAY

3 Answering 2 mark questions

4 Answering 2 mark questions
A couple of words will suffice but be careful to answer the question fully. Read the question VERY carefully. Give one advantage and one disadvantage of using Christine Skelton’s research method referred to in Item B. Advantage: Valid – true picture of what is happening Disadvantage: It is unlikely that it is representative

5 Answering 2 mark questions
Identify two ways in which the mass media can influence public opinion.

6 Answering 2 mark questions
Identify two possible consequences of living in a stepfamily.

7 Answering 2 mark questions
Identify two reasons why people in society might label the behaviour of sub-cultural groups as deviant.

8 Answering 2 mark questions
Identify two ways in which pressure groups can attempt to influence public opinion.

9 Answering 4 mark questions

10 These questions will ask you to explain.
Explain …what sociologists mean by socialisation

11 Four sentences: A definition with some development, an example with some further development

12 Four sentences: Definition: Sociology is an academic subject that seeks to explain how society works by identifying patterns in behaviour Development: The subject encourages students to question and never accept explanations about societal issues without analysing these complex factors. Example: For example, when studying crime and deviance it would be easy to assume that black men are more criminal than other ethnicities because this group is over represented in jails. Further development: However, through careful research it is clear that there are many reasons that help explain why there are more black men are in prison. For example, Stuart Hall (1979) argued that black men were the victims of police labelling and scapegoating.

13 Sociology is an academic subject that seeks to explain how society works by identifying patterns in behaviour. The subject encourages students to question and never accept explanations about societal issues without analysing these complex factors. For example, when studying crime and deviance it would be easy to assume that black men are more criminal than other ethnicities because this group is over represented in jails. However, through careful research it is clear that there are many reasons that help explain why there are more black men are in prison. For example, Stuart Hall (1979) argued that black men were the victims of police labelling and scapegoating.

14 …what Sociologists mean by the term deviancy amplification
Definition: Development: Example: Further development:

15 …what Sociologists mean by discrimination
Definition: Development: Example: Further development:

16 …what Sociologists mean by conformity
Definition: Development: Example: Further development:

17 Answering 5 mark questions

18 MARKS 2 marks for description 3 marks for explanation

19 2 marks for description 3 marks for explanation
Describe one function that education may perform for society and explain how this may benefit society. (5 marks) 2 marks for description One function that both Marxists and functionalists identify is role allocation. The processes of education such as setting, streaming, GCSE and A Level subject choice, and examinations all help sift and sort students into a specific role. For example, a student who is interested in engineering and is successful at sciences is likely to pursue these subjects both at school and university. 3 marks for explanation However, Marxists and functionalists have contrasting views about



22 2 marks for description 3 marks for explanation
Describe one way that the mass media has changed the way we communicate and explain what impact this had on society (5 marks) 2 marks for description 3 marks for explanation

23 2 marks for description 3 marks for explanation
Describe one policy that has attempted to decrease crime and explain whether or not it has been successful(5 marks) 2 marks for description 3 marks for explanation

24 2 marks for description 3 marks for explanation
Describe one way in which the government collects statistics about the level of crime in society and explain why this might not be an accurate picture of the number of crimes committed. 2 marks for description 3 marks for explanation

25 How to answer 12 mark questions

26 Discuss how far… Discuss how far sociologists would agree that deviant and criminal behaviour results from poor socialisation in childhood. Discuss how far sociologists would agree that women today are just as likely as men to commit crime. Discuss how far sociologists would agree that violence in the mass media leads to violence in real life. Discuss how far sociologists would agree that the audience decides what is seen and heard in the mass media.

27 Discuss how far… Contrasting arguments Supporting arguments
Conclusion: Do the evidence and arguments support the question or go against It? Supporting arguments Discuss how far… Contrasting arguments

28 Discuss how far… Introduction: What are the main arguments and who/which perspectives debate this question Part One: Which sociologists, perspectives and evidence support the statement? Part Two: Which sociologists, perspectives and evidence counter the statement? Conclusion: How far do sociologists agree? Draw a conclusion – which arguments and evidence do you think are the most persuasive and why?

29 Discuss how far a sociologist would agree that a pupil’s social class is the most important influence on his or her educational achievements. (12 marks) Pupil highlights the key parts of the question Another pupil writes on the board the missing two factors that would also need to be discussed – gender & ethnicity

30 Discuss how far a sociologist would agree that Britain is a democratic society . (12 marks)
Pupil highlights the key parts of the question Another pupil writes on the board the missing two factors that would also need to be discussed – gender & ethnicity

31 Discuss how far sociologists would agree that women are less likely to commit crime than men. (12 marks) Pupil highlights the key parts of the question Another pupil writes on the board the missing two factors that would also need to be discussed – gender & ethnicity

32 Conclusion: Do the evidence and arguments support the question or go against It?

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