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Maldives Last updated: September 2016
CONTENT Basic socio-demographic indicators
HIV prevalence and epidemiological status Risk behaviors Vulnerability and HIV knowledge HIV expenditure National response
Total population (thousands) 364 (2015)1 Population aged (thousands) 211 (2015) 1 Maternal mortality ratio (per live births) 68 (2015) 5 Percentage of population in urban areas 46 (2015) 2 Antenatal care coverage - At least one visit (%) 99.1 (2009) 7 Crude birth rate (births per 1,000 population) 21.2 (2014) 2 Under-5 mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) 9 (2015) 2 Human Development Index (HDI)- Rank/Value 104/0.706 (2014) 4 Life expectancy at birth (years) - Male/Female 77/80 (2015) 5 Adult literacy rate (%) 98 (2006) 2 Ratio of girls to boys enrolled at primary level in public and private school (%) 0.97 (2009) 2 GDP per capita (PPP, current international $) 12,637 (2015) 2 Per capita total expenditure on health (PPP int. $) 1,996 (2014) 3 Sources: Prepared by based on 1. UN Population Division. (2015). World Population Prospects: The 2015 Revision - Extended Dataset; 2. World Bank. World Data Bank: World Development Indicators & Global Development Finance. Retrieved July 2016, from 3. WHO. Global Health Observatory Indicator Views: Per Capita Total Expenditure on Health (PPP int. $) (Health Systems), Retrieved July 2016, from 4. Palanivel, T., Mirza, T., Tiwari, B. N., Standley, S., & Nigam, A. (2016). Asia-Pacific Human Development Report - Shaping the Future: How Changing Demographics Can Power Human Development; 5. WHO. (2016). World Health Statistics 2016: Monitoring health for the SDGs; 6. World Bank Group. (2016). World Development Indicators 2016 and 7. UNSD. Millennium Development Goals Database - Antenatal Care Coverage Retrieved May 2016, from
HIV prevalence and epidemiological status
Estimated number of people living with HIV, women living with HIV, new HIV infections, adult HIV prevalence and AIDS-related deaths, 2005 and 2013 2013 2005 Estimate [Low – High Estimate] Adults and children living with HIV <100 [<100 – <100] [<100 - <100] Women (15+) living with HIV New HIV infections - Adult (15-49) HIV prevalence <0.1 [<0.1 – <0.1] AIDS-related deaths Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS. (2014). The Gap Report.
Cumulative number of reported HIV cases, 1994-2015
Sources: Prepared by based on 1. European Union, WHO, UNICEF, et al. (2006). Maldives: Epidemiological Fact Sheet on HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections Update ;2. National AIDS Council Maldives. (2010). UNGASS Country Progress Report: Maldives ; and 3. Maldives Country Progress Reports (Narrative Reports ; 2015 and 2016)
Cumulative number of reported HIV cases and AIDS-related deaths, 2015
Source: Prepared by based on Maldives Country Progress Report 2016.
Reported number of new HIV cases among Maldivians and expatriates, 2002 - 2014
Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health, Republic of Maldives. (2013). The Maldives Health Statistics 2013; and Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting
Key population size estimates, 2010
Year of estimate Female sex workers 1,139 2010 Men who have sex with men 1,199 People who inject drugs 793 Source: Prepared by based on Maldives Country Progress Report 2015 (Narrative Report)
HIV prevalence among key affected populations, men in high risk occupation groups and youths (15-24), 2008 Population Number tested for HIV HIV prevalence (%) Female sex workers 94 MSM 124 PWID 278 Sea farers 100 Resort workers 484 0.2 Construction workers 102 Youths 609 Source: Prepared by based on Biological and Behavioral Survey, 2008 cited in National AIDS Council Maldives. (2010). UNGASS Country Progress Report: Maldives
STI prevalence among MSM, IDU and men in high risk groups, 2008 - 2011
Source: Prepared by based on 1) Ministry of Health and Family Maldives, & UNDP. (2008). Biological and Behavioural Survey on HIV/AIDS: Republic of Maldives; and 2) Ministry of Health. (2012). Biological and behavioral survey in the Prisons and Jails, Maldives, 2011
Proportion of surveyed populations who experienced STI symptoms in past 3 months, 2008
Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health and Family Maldives, & UNDP. (2008). Biological and Behavioural Survey on HIV/AIDS: Republic of Maldives.
Women (15-49) who reported bad smelling or abnormal genital discharge in the last 12 months by region, 2009 Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health and Family Maldives and ICF Macro (2010). Maldives Demographic and Health Survey 2009, Calverton, Maryland: MOHF and ICF Macro
Women (15-49) who reported genital sore or ulcer in the last 12 months by region, 2009
Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health and Family Maldives and ICF Macro (2010). Maldives Demographic and Health Survey 2009, Calverton, Maryland: MOHF and ICF Macro
Risk behaviours
Proportion of FSWs who reported unprotected sex in the last week by type of partner and by atoll, 2008 Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health and Family Maldives, & UNDP. (2008). Biological and Behavioural Survey on HIV/AIDS: Republic of Maldives.
Proportion of consistent condom use in the past 12 months among surveyed populations, 2008
Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health and Family Maldives, & UNDP. (2008). Biological and Behavioural Survey on HIV/AIDS: Republic of Maldives.
Selected sexual behaviors among FSW in Male’ and Addu, 2008
Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health and Family Maldives, & UNDP. (2008). Biological and Behavioural Survey on HIV/AIDS: Republic of Maldives.
Population interaction of female sex workers in Male’ and Addu, 2008
* Estimated population FSW= 193 - 100% of FSW sold sex to male clients 91% of the clients of FSW are married or have girlfriend Male’ Addu 91% of the clients of FSW are married or have girlfriend * Estimated population FSW= 68 64% of FSW had non-client partner in past 12 months - 54% of FSW had non-client partner in past 12 months 100% of FSW sold sex to male client 32% of FSW ever injected drugs 39% of FSW have sexual partners who inject drugs 9% of FSW have sexual partners who inject drugs Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health and Family Maldives, & UNDP. (2008). Biological and Behavioural Survey on HIV/AIDS: Republic of Maldives.
Proportion of MSM who reported unprotected sex with male and female partners in Male’ and Addu, 2008
Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health and Family Maldives, & UNDP. (2008). Biological and Behavioural Survey on HIV/AIDS: Republic of Maldives.
Proportion of MSM with selected sexual behaviors in Male’ and Addu, 2008
Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health and Family Maldives, & UNDP. (2008). Biological and Behavioural Survey on HIV/AIDS: Republic of Maldives.
Proportion of PWID who used sterile injecting equipment at the last injection by age group and gender, 2008 Source: Prepared by based on National AIDS Council Maldives. (2010). UNGASS Country Progress Report-Maldives citing Biological and Behavioral Survey, 2008
Proportion of PWID who have ever been imprisoned and who injected drugs while inside the prison, 2008 Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health and Family Maldives, & UNDP. (2008). Biological and Behavioural Survey on HIV/AIDS: Republic of Maldives.
Proportion of PWID with selected sexual behaviors in the past 12 months, 2008
Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health and Family Maldives, & UNDP. (2008). Biological and Behavioural Survey on HIV/AIDS: Republic of Maldives.
Proportion of key populations with overlapping risk behaviors by atoll, 2008
Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health and Family Maldives, & UNDP. (2008). Biological and Behavioural Survey on HIV/AIDS: Republic of Maldives.
Proportion of surveyed populations who reported having unprotected sex in the last month by type of partner, 2008 % Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health and Family Maldives, & UNDP. (2008). Biological and Behavioural Survey on HIV/AIDS: Republic of Maldives.
Proportion of surveyed populations who had sex with FSWs and who reported consistent condom use with FSWs, 2008 Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health and Family Maldives, & UNDP. (2008). Biological and Behavioural Survey on HIV/AIDS: Republic of Maldives.
Population interaction of resort male workers, 2008
workers had sex with 4% bought sex from FSW wife/girlfriend 100% of resort 12% had sex with non-regular partner workers ever had sex 1% had sex with 2% had sexual another man partners who Inject drugs Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health and Family Maldives, & UNDP. (2008). Biological and Behavioural Survey on HIV/AIDS: Republic of Maldives.
Proportion of male prisoners by illicit drug use, 2011
Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health. (2012). Biological and behavioural survey in the Prisons and Jails, Maldives,
Selected sexual behaviors among youth (15-24) in Male’ and Laamu, 2008
Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health and Family Maldives, & UNDP. (2008). Biological and Behavioural Survey on HIV/AIDS: Republic of Maldives.
Vulnerability and HIV knowledge
Proportion of key populations who had correct knowledge of HIV prevention, by atoll, 2008
Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health and Family Maldives, & UNDP. (2008). Biological and Behavioural Survey on HIV/AIDS: Republic of Maldives.
Proportion of surveyed populations who could identify major misconceptions about HIV transmission, 2008 Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health and Family Maldives, & UNDP. (2008). Biological and Behavioural Survey on HIV/AIDS: Republic of Maldives.
Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among women (15-49) by age group and residence, 2009
Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health and Family Maldives and ICF Macro (2010). Maldives Demographic and Health Survey 2009, Calverton, Maryland: MOHF and ICF Macro.
Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among women (15-49) by region, 2009
Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health and Family Maldives and ICF Macro (2010). Maldives Demographic and Health Survey 2009, Calverton, Maryland: MOHF and ICF Macro.
Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among young women (15-24) by age group and residence, 2009
Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health and Family Maldives and ICF Macro (2010). Maldives Demographic and Health Survey 2009, Calverton, Maryland: MOHF and ICF Macro.
HIV expenditure
Resource allocation for the National Strategic Plan (NSP) 2014-2016
Source: Prepared by based on Maldives Country Progress Report 2015 (Narrative Report)
Resource allocation by target population, 2014-2016
Source: Prepared by based on Maldives Country Progress Report 2015 (Narrative Report)
National response
Proportion of surveyed populations reached with HIV prevention program, 2008
Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health and Family Maldives, & UNDP. (2008). Biological and Behavioural Survey on HIV/AIDS: Republic of Maldives.
Proportion of key populations who were tested for HIV in the past 12 months and knew the results by age group, 2008 Source: Prepared by based on National AIDS Council Maldives. (2010). UNGASS Country Progress Report: Maldives citing Biological and Behavioral Survey, 2008
Proportion of key populations who were tested for HIV in the past 12 months by atoll, 2008
Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health and Family Maldives, & UNDP. (2008). Biological and Behavioural Survey on HIV/AIDS: Republic of Maldives.
Proportion of youth (15-24) reached by HIV prevention program and who received HIV test in the past year, 2008 Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health and Family Maldives, & UNDP. (2008). Biological and Behavioural Survey on HIV/AIDS: Republic of Maldives.
Status of HIV testing among adults (15+) and HIV testing facilities, 2009
Source: Prepared by based on WHO, UNAIDS, & UNICEF. (2010). Towards Universal Access Scaling up Priority HIV/AIDS Interventions in the Health Sector - Progress Report 2010
Proportion of surveyed populations who have been tested for HIV in the past 12 months by occupation, 2008 Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health and Family Maldives, & UNDP. (2008). Biological and Behavioural Survey on HIV/AIDS: Republic of Maldives.
People on ART, Source: Prepared by based on Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting
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THANK YOU slides compiled by Data shown in this slide set are comprehensive to the extent they are available from country reports. Please inform us if you know of sources where more recent data can be used. Please acknowledge if slides are lifted directly from this site
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