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The Simple Bare Necessities of Life

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1 The Simple Bare Necessities of Life

2 Explain how you know if they are alive or not.
Science Starter 5/6 Name 4 living and 4 non-living things that you interact with or see every day. Explain how you know if they are alive or not.

3 Food Food provides organisms with the energy and materials needed to carry on life processes and to build and repair cells. Producers – use energy from the sun to make food from water and carbon dioxide. Consumers – eat other organisms to get food. c. Decomposers – get their food by breaking down the nutrients in dead organisms or animal waste.

4 Water The cells of almost all living organisms are approximately 70% water. Most of the chemical reactions involved in metabolism require water.

5 Air Animals, plants, and most other organisms use oxygen in the chemical process that releases energy from food. Organisms that live on land get oxygen from the air. Aquatic organisms take in dissolved oxygen from the water or come to the water’s surface to get oxygen from the air.

6 A Place to Live All organisms must have somewhere to live that contains all the things they need to survive. Because the amount of space on Earth is limited, organisms often compete with each other for food, water, and other necessities.

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