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Chapter 10 7th Grade Health

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1 Chapter 10 7th Grade Health
Drugs/Addiction Chapter 10 7th Grade Health

2 Section 1-Defintions Drug- a substance other than food that changes the structure or function of the body or mind. Medicine-drugs, but not all drugs are medicines. All medicines including drugs can be misused and abused. A medicine is a form of a drug. Prescription Medicine- Medicines that can be sold only with a written order from a physician. OTC- medicines that are safe enough to be taken without a written order from a physician.

3 Definitions-cont. Drug Misuse- taking or using medicine in a way that is not intended. Side Effect- any effect of a medicine other than the one intended. Tolerance- a condition in which a person’s body becomes used to the effect of a medicine and needs greater and greater amounts of it in order for it to be effective Drug Abuse-intentionally using drugs in a way that is unhealthy or illegal.

4 Marijuana & Addiction

5 Addiction A physical or psychological need for a drug. No timetable to tell when a person will become addicted to a drug/activity/food/etc. Once a person becomes addicted its very hard for that person to lose his or her addiction. Recivitism- 15%- meaning only 15% of people with an addiction completely rid themselves of the problem.

6 The Addiction Cycle Use Abuse Addiction Recovery Bottom Out

7 Marijuana Dried leaves and flowers of the hemp plant.
Effects the brain of the person using the drug. THC – main chemical in marijuana Most common illegal drug in the USA. Other names- pot, weed, grass

8 Side Effects Short term effects- Long-term effects-
memory and learning problems Distorted perception Difficulty thinking and solving problems Long-term effects- Lung disease Brain Damage Depression Can’t keep up with work or school

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