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ULTIDIMENSIONAL Digital Signal Processing Spring 2008 Spring 2008

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1 ULTIDIMENSIONAL Digital Signal Processing Spring 2008 Spring 2008
EE 381K-14 TTH 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM ENS 116 ULTIDIMENSIONAL Digital Signal Processing Spring 2008 Prof. Brian L. Evans Spring 2008 This course covers theory, algorithms, and design of image, video, seismic, beamforming, and other multidimensional signal processing systems. Applications covered include video conferencing, desktop printers, 3-D sonar beamforming, seismic surveys and 3-D medical imaging. Multidimensional signal processing has many surprises that do not appear in one dimension, e.g. sampling on non-rectangular grids, non-separable processing, and matrix-valued filter coefficients. Grading Project: % Midterm 1: % Midterm 2: % Homework: % Pre-requisite #1: EE 381K-8 Digital Signal Proc. Pre-requisite #2: EE 371R Digital Image and Video Proc. OR EE 380K Introduction to System Theory OR EE 383P-1 Fourier Optics The project provides a great opportunity to be more involved in research. 25% of the projects completed in the course have been published as IEEE conference papers. There is no final exam. The course Web site is

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