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Many Senders L8.

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1 Many Senders L8

2 Papers Gilligan and Khrehbiel (AJPS 1989)
Krishna and Morgan (APSR 2001) Battaglini (ECMA 2002) Ambrus and Takahashi (TE 2008) Ambrus and Lu (GEB 2014)

3 Observations Two benefits from consulting multiple senders
Confirming facts and punishing conflicting information Eliciting information along common interests, aggregating Battaglini (2002) : a thriller with happy end General message: (almost) full revelation is feasible under mild conditions even without off equilibrium punishment

4 Multidimensional Cheap Talk
Agents: Two senders and Receiver Timing and actions: State Each senders observe signal Senders simultaneously send Receiver observes messages , choses action Preferences We first assume

5 Notation Each of the papers assumes its own notation
Battaglini vs ``our’’ notation

6 PBN Equilibrium Strategies: Senders Receives Posterior
D: Equilibrium s.t. 1. 2. 3.

7 Revelation principle Fully revealing equilibrium: Truthful revelation
Message space Equilibrium strategies L:Suppose fully revealing equilibrium exists. Then there exists a truthfully revealing equilibrium with degenerate beliefs (in and out of equilibrium). Nonexistence of fully revealing e can be established in a simple setting Revelation principle stronger than in MD

8 Proof First we show revelation principle and then degeneracy of beliefs Let be a PBN equilibrium

9 Proof cn

10 Proof cn

11 Proof cn

12 Proof cn

13 Existence of a fully revealing equilibrium (d=1)
Krishna and Morgan (APSR 2001) Battaglini (ECMA 2002): Necessary and sufficient condition Assume one dimensional state space, (hard case) Opposite biases P: Fully revealing equilibrium exists if and only if Idea: Discrepancies penalized with extreme action (off equilibrium) Problem: sequential rationality and existence of extreme action

14 Proof Consider messages Does enforce truth telling
Can we always find extreme action penalizing a liar?

15 Proof

16 Proof

17 Example Messages R prior and action

18 Substantive insight Fully revealing equilibium exists under very mild assumptions Are fully revealing equilibria plausible? Ad hoc off-equilibrium beliefs Discontinuity: negligible discrepancy results in dramatic changes in beliefs Introspection: FR equilibrium is just a theoretical peculiarity A reasonable restriction on off equilibrium beliefs No widely accepted refinement criterion for continuous types

19 ``Battaglini’s’’ trembling hand
Robust equilibrium Consider a game with signals For each game find equilibrium Limit of a sequence of equilibria as is a robust equilibrium Game specific analog of ``trembling hand’’ Restrictions Discrepancies interpreted as expert mistakes ``Continuous’’ beliefs

20 (Non)Existence of fully revealing equilibrium
Assume P: For biases large enough there does not exist robust fully revealing equilibrium for any W Robust equilibrium refines away all equilibra Implication: full revelation should not be observed in reasonable settings

21 Heuristic argument Problem: revelation principle does not apply
Set might be large ( ) With biases large enough Assume

22 Next class Quite negative result
Two ways to salvage the full revelation result: Battaglini: multidimensional type space Ambrus and Lue: nearly robust equilibrium

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