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Safety Coordinator Training

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1 Safety Coordinator Training
Updated Fall, 2017

2 Topics IIPP Emergency Preparedness Great Shake Out
Evacuation Procedures Safety Coordinator Duties C.E.R.T. Team E.O.C. Resources

3 Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) Training
Including: Basic Hazard Communication Fire and Life Safety Ergonomics

4 Regulatory Oversight Broad perspective: In general:
Regulatory oversight increases from office to laboratory and workshop areas. In general: Higher risk job tasks = More regulatory oversight

5 Regulatory Agencies Federal, State, and Local Agencies
State agencies must have standards at least as stringent as Federal agencies For example in California we have Cal/OSHA in addition to Federal OSHA

6 IIPP Requirement Overview
IIPP is required by the California Code of Regulations Title 8, Section 3203 of the General Industry Safety Orders Written document is required and available on the EH&S website:

7 IIPP Required Components Summary
All of this information is available on the EH&S web site Responsibilities Compliance Communication Evaluation of workplace hazards Injury investigation/corrective actions Training Recordkeeping

8 Communication General safety training: IIPP
Fire Safety, California Fire Code Emergency Preparedness Job specific training at department level Departmental meetings New Employee Orientation University Police regarding evacuation drills

9 Training Requirement Employee training must be provided and documented: Before employees handle hazardous substances, equipment, or conduct new procedures When new hazards are identified When new tasks present a hazard As needed When required annually

10 Training Safety Coordinators are asked to share safety information with their department with a focus and emphasis on department specific topics Everyone should be aware of emergency procedures Faculty communicate with students IIPP training offered for all Faculty and Staff Skillsoft online training

11 Hazard Identification and Correction
Scheduled workplace inspections Safety Coordinators are asked to complete workplace surveys using a Safety Survey Checklist in office areas every 1-2 years Frequency based on hazards Office, Lab, Shop EHS Compliance Specialists Regulatory for example the State Fire Marshal Unscheduled workplace inspections Whenever new hazards are introduced into the department As part of injury and illness investigation EH&S inspects main egress corridors for furniture and equipment Reports by faculty, staff, and students investigated by EH&S

12 Hazard Identification and Correction
Corrective actions Inspection findings are sent to Department Chairs or designee and EH&S The department is responsible for corrective action in a timely manner

13 Injury Reporting All injuries must be reported to the supervisor immediately Supervisor completes a Supervisor’s Report of Work Related Accident/Illness Form and provides employee with an Employee’s Claim For Workers’ Compensation Benefits Form if treatment is required Both forms must be sent by the supervisor to the Workers’ Compensation Manager Please see: 20Claim%20form%20for%20Workers'%20Comp%20Benefits%20DWC-1.pdf 20Report%20of%20Work-Related%20Injury%20(Fill-in).pdf These procedures apply to all campus employees

14 Hazard Communication Hazardous Substance Hazard Communication
Includes any substance which presents a physical or health hazard Hazard Communication Labeling Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and Inventories Training All employees have the Right To Know about the hazardous substances used in their work area or those they may be potentially exposed to

15 Hazard Communication Before working with a hazardous material or process, training must be provided to include: Operations involving the hazard Methods to detect the presence or release of a hazardous substance How to protect yourself from exposure Use of personal protective equipment Emergency procedures

16 Hazard Communication Hazardous substances must be appropriately labeled If hazardous substances are transferred from the manufacturer's shipping container, new labels must identify both the contents and safety precautions Hazardous waste containers must contain appropriate labels

17 Hazard Communication SAFETY DATA SHEET
A SDS is provided by the manufacturer of a material and is like an instruction book for the product. A copy that came with the material should be available on site. If you don’t have the SDS, EH&S can assist.

18 Hazard Communication Safety Data Sheet
3E Corporation provides Safety Data Sheets via FAX on Demand System in the event of an emergency Call or (760) with the product name, manufacturer's name, and your fax number Report emergencies to University Police, dial 911 from a campus telephone

19 Hazard Communication / Spill Prevention
Spills and accidents can be avoided by: Proper storage Using secure lids on containers Good transportation practices Storing compatible materials together/ segregating incompatible materials Slips and falls can be prevented by cleaning up spills

20 HMD Violations and Fines
County of San Diego Hazardous Materials Division annual inspection Focuses on areas where hazardous materials are used and hazardous waste is generated Violations noted and fines imposed on campus Departments pay fines Training required per enforcement order

21 Equipment Safety General Safety Guidelines
Do not leave equipment out, secure equipment when not in use to protect employees and the equipment Wind and store cords Don’t stretch cords around corners, across stairs, or across doorways as this presents a trip and fall hazard for employees Do not use equipment with damaged cords or plugs Unplug cords by the plug, not by pulling on the cord Never use equipment that is malfunctioning Use equipment according to manufacturer’s recommendations All manufacturer installed guards are required to be in place

22 Fire & Life Safety Items cannot be stored in main egress corridors or in stairwells, main egress corridors must be kept clear for easy evacuation Items cannot be stored so they are blocking doors, exits, fire and life safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, or electrical panels Fire rated doors must be kept closed to control the spread of smoke and fire Door stoppers cannot be used to prop fire doors open and prevent them from closing properly Consider seismic safety when storing items overhead Store items in a stable manner Ensure no items can fall into exit path , any items that could potentially fall into an egress path must be secured Secure shelves and cabinets Extension cords are for temporary use only Power strips must be plugged directly into electrical outlets All electrical cords must be in good condition

23 Electrical Fire

24 Computer Ergonomics Basic recommendations:
Top 1/3 of monitor screen should be at eye level Monitor should be inches in front of employee Elbows and knees should be at approximately 90 degree or slightly greater angles Wrists should be maintained in a neutral position Keyboard and mouse should be next to each other on the same level surface All frequently accessed items should be in the neutral reach zone and accessible to minimize reaching and stretching Taking micro breaks every 30 minutes is recommended

25 Computer Ergonomics Written Ergonomic Program on EHS website Computer Workstation Ergonomic Self Evaluation Survey is available Goal is to make workstation adjustments before injury occurs Supervisors can request an ergonomic evaluation for an employee

26 Emergency Preparedness

27 Emergency Preparedness
Prepare for potential incidents that could occur Plan and discuss office response Be familiar with campus procedures Emergency Procedures Poster

28 Communication Resources
SDSU Alert (text messaging): SDSU Home page at & Emergency Operations Information Line at Facebook at Twitter at Department resources: Phone tree, radios, panic buttons

29 Fire Extinguishers Fire extinguishers are rated as A, B, C, or combination Types Class A - Wood and Paper Class B - Grease or Combustible Liquids Class C - Electrical Hands on fire extinguisher training offered

30 Fire Response Basic Procedures
Fire Response (R.A.C.E.) Rescue Alarm Confine Extinguish Fire Extinguisher Use (P.A.S.S.) Pull the pin Aim at the base of the fire Squeeze the handle gently Sweep side to side


32 The Great Shake Out California’s state-wide Great Shake Out on October 19, 2017 SDSU will exercise “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” for two minutes Test emergency communication systems No mandatory building evacuations will take place Colleges, departments, and campus auxiliary organizations are encouraged to take time on October 19th as determined appropriate by managers or faculty to practice and/or discuss earthquake safety Date: October 19, 2017 at 10:19 AM Includes all campus buildings Safety Coordinators are encouraged to promote evacuation of your department.

33 The Great Shake Out What to do in an earthquake
“Drop, Cover, and Hold On” Individuals drop to the floor and take cover under a desk to protect heads and necks and hold on to it firmly If there is no desk available, drop to the floor against an interior wall or other solid object “Hold” for 2 minutes Look around for hazards

34 The Great Shake Out Special Considerations In outdoor areas
Move to a clear area if safe to do so Avoid power lines, trees, signs, buildings, vehicles and other hazards In science labs and workshops Assist with extinguishing any flames and isolating hazardous materials when safe Individuals with disabilities or access and functional needs Protect oneself as best possible right where you are, use arms to protect head and neck Stairwells are evacuation locations

35 Earthquake Reminders Remove or secure items in offices or classrooms that might fall Check department and individual emergency supplies to make sure they are accessible and functional Take a look now to see if items need to be secured Ready America supplies: : 

36 The Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety
Prepare Step 1: Secure it now! Step 2: Make a plan Step 3: Prepare a disaster kit (Ready America) Step 4: Is your place safe Step 5: Learn DROP, COVER and HOLD ON Step 6: Check it out Step 7: Communicate and recover

37 Emergency Evacuation

38 Emergency Evacuation Personnel
University Police Police Command Post Police Officers or Assembly Points Environmental Health & Safety Emergency Services Safety Coordinators C.E.R.T.

39 Emergency Evacuation Procedures
Activation of the fire alarm signals an evacuation Everyone is required to evacuate the building immediately Safety Coordinators have yellow vests and flags. Employees should know the location of: Telephones Building exits Fire safety equipment and devices Assembly points Employees should consider alternative evacuation routes and assembly points before an incident.

40 Emergency Evacuation Procedures
Assist disabled persons out of the building or into the nearest stairwell. Have contingency plans for persons with special needs. Consider and address security issues during a drill. Do not use the elevators. Assemble in a pre-specified area of the assembly point. Stay clear of buildings. Do not block fire lanes. Report to the Safety Coordinator. Do not re-enter the building until advised by the Safety Coordinator or University Police.


42 Shelter In Place / Lockdown
Shelter in place was intended for environmental or weather emergencies. Does not address access control. Lockdown: Intended for criminal incidents or imminent threats. Denies access to anyone not already in a building. SDSU will use “plain English” when providing emergency direction

43 Basics Before an Emergency
All emergency situations are unique and specific details and directives will be given based on the situation. Become familiar with the Emergency Procedures Poster. Know your building’s floor plan and become familiar with building exits and doors. Be aware of the building Evacuation Assembly Point. Faculty can share this information with students at the beginning of each semester. Who is the Safety Coordinator? Maintain department phone trees. Gather individual preparedness supplies. Participate and cooperate during drills.

44 Basics During an Emergency
Try to remain calm. Alert emergency responders. When evacuating go to assembly point using a safe route. Assist individuals with disabilities. Walk, do not run. Use stairs, do not use elevators. Wait for and follow instructions from University Police or designee. When Sheltering in Place stay inside or find a safe place.

45 Basics After an Emergency
Wait for instructions from University Police or a designee. Emergency information will be communicated through a variety of sources, as available. Plans exist for essential functions to continue on a limited basis. Essential personnel and facilities are designated to carry on operations on a limited basis if it is safe to do so. Alternate facilities will be established if necessary. Normal campus operations will resume as soon as possible.

46 Safety Coordinator Duties
Be familiar with evacuation assembly points for your building Available in map and list formats online Assist with evacuation of people from your area Close any propped open doors When outside, direct people to the assembly point Direct people away from the building

47 Safety Coordinator Duties
Report to police or designee at assembly point Relay important information: Clearance / occupancy of your building Location of disabled or injured persons Unaccounted for personnel Coordinate re-entry with emergency personnel Use evaluation form to collect feedback or questions Forward forms to Kristen or Lamine

48 CERT Program Campus Emergency Response Team
3-Day basic training academy Training in: Emergency Preparedness Fire Safety and Response Disaster Medical Operations Light Search and Rescue Disaster Psychology Terrorism Response

49 Emergency Operations Center
Overview Levels of activation Where you fit Location

50 Emergency Response Organization
Management EOC Director Tom McCarron (Jessica Rentto) Operations Josh Mays (University Police Captain/Lieutenant) Planning Chris Xanthos Logistics Bob Schulz (John Ferris) Finance Agnes Wong Nickerson (Chris Bronsdon) Law Enforcement / First Response Coordination University Police Lieutenant EHS / Safety Officer Terry Gee Kristen Ross Facilities Services (Buildings / Utilities) Tom Abram Lewis Hughes Eric Elson EOC Technical Support Brett Pelphrey Fernando Gracia Chip Servin EOC Scribe Nance Lakdawala Dominoe Franco Kelly Snodgrass Damage Assessment Laura Shinn Food Service R.D. Williams Debbie Burchianti Student Care / Shelter Eric Hansen Kara Bauer Personnel / Volunteers (including auxiliaries) Thom Harpole Catherine Love Timekeeping / Payroll Devon Caturay Marcy Murillo Agencies Liaison Brad Songhurst Bruce Petrozza Accounting Matt Frankos Kim Reilly Crystal Little Cost Recovery Deborah Sandy Procurement Bruce Petrozza Jeff Fratt Equipment / Supplies Distribution Johnny Eaddy David Del Rio Campus Medical / Mental Health Services Darrell Hess Jennifer Rikard Antionette Marbray Traffic / Parking Debbie Richeson Shawn Brown Communication (Radios) Chad Dragan IT / Telecomm / KPBS Assessment Rick Nornholm Kent McKelvey Riny Ledgerwood Policy / Advisory Elliot Hirshman Chukuka S. Enwemeka Eric Rivera Mary Ruth Carleton Stephen Welter Gina Jacobs (Carol Holden) San Diego State University Public Information Christine Hutchins Giselle Luevanos EOC Coordinator / Documentation Lamine Secka Nancy Demich Situation Status John Ferris Brad Songhurst Jeff Brown Academic Affairs Liaison Radmila Prislin William Eadie Ed Balsdon Student and Family Liaison Christy Samarkos Vitaliano Figueroa Travel Liaison (International / Domestic) Vitaliano Figueroa Chuck Lang Transportation Debbie Richeson Shawn Brown Facilities Availability Tony Kopacz Sandra Cook John Kolek Business Continuity Deborah Sandy Campus EOC Location: Administration Building, 3rd floor, Room 323 (or as instructed) Policy / Advisory Meeting Location: Manchester Hall 3318 (or Student Services West 2640) Fall 2017 Updated

51 Resources
EH&S web site Safety Survey Checklists Employee’s Claim For Workers’ Compensation Benefits Form %20Workers'%20Comp%20Benefits%20DWC-1.pdf Supervisor’s Report of Work Related Accident/Illness Form Related%20Injury%20(Fill-in).pdf Written Ergonomic Program on EHS website Computer Workstation Ergonomic Self Evaluation Survey

52 Resources Emergency preparedness information Emergency Operations Information Line Facebook Twitter A.L.I.C.E.Training

53 Earthquake Preparedness Resources
The Great California Shake Out information The Great California Shake Out Resources Also available in multiple languages Department Emergency Plan and Business Continuity Plans ( SDSU Alert at Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety

54 Any further questions or for more information contact:
Environmental Health & Safety Kristen Ross Emergency Services Lamine Secka, Director of Emergency Services

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